"Last Day of Camp"

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Yaz and I got up to join the group as we heard the monorail in the distance
We headed towards the monorail, with Yaz, Ben, and me being in the back we joined the last others at the wall, looking around it to see Toro

"You guys stay here I'll distract Toro"
Darius went ahead to distract the carnivore, soon signaling for us to come on.
I quickly hopped over, trying to keep the pressure off of my injured foot, as I helped Yaz do the same.

After making sure that everyone was there I turned around to see Toro directly behind us, I quietly turned back around and continued the painful climb upwards.
One, two, three, I counted the climbs in my head as I tried to force my self up there.

My shoulder is screwed at the moment so using it was a very last resort, but this in fortunately had me at the very back. I looked up and saw Brooklyn almost drop a cup

If she looked back she would have gotten the biggest death glare ever, but I just had to keep on pushing.

Brooklyn, Kenji, and Bumpy had made it to the top, and I could see the monorail approaching, I was about halfway up then, alongside Yaz with Ben just a few steps ahead

I looked back and luckily Toro was still looking down there for us. But of course the monorail arrived which was bad at the current moment for a variety of reasons

1. Yaz, Ben, and I aren't there yet
2. It's loud
And 3. Because there happens to be a fucking dinosaur looking for us
The monorail didn't care though, it's just doing it's job, which just happened to get the attention of the carnotuaras

I abandoned stealth and jogged up the stairs grabbing Ben who was sitting there looking back

After bringing Ben up I had looked down to see Yaz struggling to escape Toro
I pulled out my whistle and blew to grab its attention
Darius used the opportunity to assist Yaz with escaping before we all ran to the monorail
"Why couldn't you do that with the mosasauras?" Yaz asked
"I left my bag on the Kayak because I didn't want it to get either soaked or dropped" I responded

We all took a second to breath, Kenji began saying how we weren't really safe and that something bad was going to happen
"Kenji relax, even if something happens, we should take a second to breathe and calm down, so we can be prepared to get back to running" I told him

Ben brought out some bars and juices from his bag, handing one of each to all of us

I watched as everyone else took a bite of the bars and instantly started complaining about how bad they were
After a few seconds of hesitation I took a bite of it, I looked around to see everyone watching me

"It isn't that bad" I said earning questionable looks from everyone except Ben
"So none of you have had anything worse than this ever?" I asked them, earning nods

"Let's raise our carob and make a toast" Darius said the rest following
"To not getting eaten" we toasted
"To no more running away"
"To surviving!" I said
Sammy then said something about friends with some minor disagreement from the others

"I mean there was definitely some rough patches, but with what we went to rough and-" BOOM

There was an explosion in the distance that interrupted our toasting
"We're safe guys, that wasn't near us" Darius reassured

I then remembered something from earlier

"Guys where did the pterodactyls go?" I asked

"The lights! Take out the lights!" I shouted
I could already see them flying towards us
I grabbed a flashlight and began to smash the lights out

We cleared out the first car by the time they got to us.
They started attacking from all sides but they couldn't get through the glass, causing shaking through the entire train.

I almost lost balance as I took out one of the last lights.
There was less shaking, but there was still the front car which was locked
"We gotta take out the lights in the front car!" I said

"I'll go me and- " Darius paused, looking at Ben "I'm the only one who can fit" he finished
He began to tell everyone what to do as he goes there, but Ben snuck off and got into the roof
"Ben! What are you doing!?" I yelled
"Just distract them! I got this" he reassured
I told the others and they quickly turned on their flashlights and began waving them from different cars after around 30 seconds the front car door opened

We applauded Ben but then there was a crash

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. A pteranodon crashed through the window at full speed and grabbed Ben
Darius quickly grabbed onto him before he could fall
I quickly went into there and tried to grab onto Ben's hand but my shoulder began hurting again

I readjusted my grip onto him and tried to start pulling, but just as we were raising him back up, more pterodactyls came and tried to grab him again

My grip started to loosen and my shoulder was about to give out
"Ben if you die I'm going to kill you!" I shouted

But then, he slipped.
So that's it for chapter 9? Still don't know, still not counting
Season finale should be coming soon
This episode is interesting to write because it's more memorable than the finale because of Bens "death" and because it's really cause and effect
I couldn't make it too long because not much happened other than the monorail attack, but I wanted to try to cover the horror that was felt, but I'm not too confident about it.
Also Yaz and Jaycees relationship is being repaired. I never really thought it was like messed up, but they just had different beliefs and personalities, but now with all the action and the phone situation being resolved their back at it
Cya next time

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