03] ─◌✰್ Sirius is Pain to the Arse

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

The ultraviolet morning light twinkled from behind the curtained-window, faint lights bursting in the darkness of the room. [Y/N] had set an alarm to wake up at six-thirty on weekdays. So there it was; her alarm beeping a tune she absolutely despises.

She turned it off quickly, not wanting to disturb her friends in the dormitory and walked away to the loo.

[Y/N] yelled in horror when she saw herself in the mirror, looking back at her but with a muddy green coloured-skin.

"What is going on here?" asked Dorcas groggily, walking inside the loo.

"Tell me my mind is playing tricks on me and that I am not green," she panicked, looking at Dorcas full of terror.

Dorcas grabbed her arms to look at it with furrowed brows. "It's- it's green."

"[Y/N], what happened?" Lily asked, squinting her eyes due to the light in the bathroom that took over her vision.

Mary and Alice poked their head inside the door to see what's going on. Mary tried to hide her laugh by covering her mouth with her hands.

"Don't laugh, Marijuana," she gave the girl a bitter smile. "Does any of you know how to turn me back?" she questioned impatiently at the four.

"Let me try," Lily took her wand from her desk and started to perform charms at her. "It's not working!"

"I think I know why," [Y/N] mumbled grumpily.

She stomped over to the boys dormitory —lucky for her, nobody was up yet; therefore, nobody saw her green skin.

Once she arrived at James' dorm, she knocked on the door harshly, the sound echoing and vibrating through the walls. "Open the door!" [Y/N] shouted.

A few seconds later, the door was opened by a terrified looking Peter Pettigrew. "What did you do to me?" she asked, displeased.

Sirius look up from his bedsheets and laughed loudly causing the other two to get up as well. James joined in Sirius on laughing while [Y/N] was crossing her arms in annoyance.

Remus on the other end was choking madly at her state, holding his stomach for support. "I hope you choke until your tongue got detached," [Y/N] grumpily said to the boy who immediately attempted to stop his coughs.

"I can't believe it worked!" James shouted triumphantly, pointing his fingers to his sister. "She looks like that muggle character!"

"Hulk," Remus said quietly, but he immediately stop giggling when [Y/N]'s eyes were set on him.

"Haha now that the joke's over and the fun's done, turn me back," the girl said firmly, glaring at all the boys except Peter.

"Guys, I think we should turn her back," Peter suggested warily. Groans were heard from the beds 'killjoy, wormtail!'

"He is right," [Y/N] sighed, now getting tired of their bullocks, class will be starting in a few and she's not in the mood to be late in green.

Remus casted the charm to turn her skin to its original colour and stood before her. "Thanks, Lupin," said she indignantly, walking out the door.

"That doesn't sound genuine at all!" he held the door before it was fully closed.

"Thank you, Remus!" she exclaimed before running to her dorm again.

The Hogwarts' student were told to be seated inside the study hall by Professor McGonagall after their last class. Though it was just only two days back, the fifth years and above has got so many lessons to learn already; they were demanded to review their past lessons.

[Y/N] was sitting at a table, along with Lily, Dorcas, Mary, and Alice when she felt a presence beside her.

And to her great dismay, it was the four hideous troublemakers.

"Heya [Y/N]!" the boy with great black hair greeted while sitting down the bench.

"What do you want?" asked she with a dramatic sigh.

"You," he said flirtatiously. James smacked him hard with his hardcover book square in the head. "Ouch Jamesie! I'm just here to steal your sister's transfiguration notes!"

"Don't ever try to do anything with her," James said with pure terror in his eyes. [Y/N] nodded —agreeing with his statement for once in her life.

"Don't worry Jamesies! I won't," Sirius replied. "Can I have your transfiguration notes please?" he begged with puppy eyes.

"No," she said firmly and continue to read her book about Astronomy.

Sirius snatched the book out of her hands and passed it over to James who passed it to Peter who passed it to Remus, he was sitting the furthest from her.

"Leave her alone!" Lily gasped at their awful behavior. James, hearing this, quickly opened a book and started to fake reading it.

"Your lack of mannerism makes me want to kill myself," [Y/N] said to Sirius, who was twirling his wand between his fingers.

"By all means, go ahead," he replied, smirking as he nudged his head towards her.

James stomped on his foot; causing him to screech like an eagle. "Siri, if you wouldn't stop doing that, I'm afraid I'll be the one to kill you."

[Y/N] took her note out and slammed it in front of Sirius' face before packing her things to get out of the scene as fast as possible in hope to avoid whatever James'll do to Sirius.

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