17] ─◌✰್ Snape's Worst Memory

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆:

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

Entering April, it was now the week of OWLs. The first couple of days were going well —at least that's what [Y/N] thought.

Now in the third day, the fifth years were taking the Charm OWLs with Professor Flitwick.

The tables of the great hall were replaced by desks for each of the examination participants. [Y/N] sat beside James, the students were seated alphabetically.

Once they've finished, Professor Flitwick rushed them out of the hall as quickly as possible —he prioritized to get the Marauders out of sight as quick as flash.

The Marauders sat under a tree in the clocktower yard. James took out a snitch from his pocket —he, presumably, nicked it from the cupboard. Remus got a book opened in his lap, Sirius boasting about his grades, and Peter cheering for James when the boy catches the snitch.

He would let the snitch doze away, at the last second, he'd seized it with his swift hand movement.

There was nothing to do. That was, until James and Sirius saw Snape walking in the scene. Sirius stood up from the ground, tossing his shining black hair to the side. "Alright there, Snivellus!"

"What do you want?" the Slytherin snarked.

"This is some scene," James smirked, trotting his way to Snape.

Remus stayed on the tree, his eyes firmly on the book like he's burning the pages there. Peter, though, he was watching the scene with such eagerness.

James then casted a bubbling charm towards Snape.

Just then, pink soap bubbles torrented from the Slytherin's mouth. The froth was covering his lips, causing him to gag and choke.

"Leave him alone!" James and Sirius heard a girl's voice —known best as Lily Evans.

James whirled, and when his back was turned, Snape shot a spell at him, causing James to huddled back.

And for the first time in his life, James ignored Lily's complaints. "Impedimenta!" he and Sirius casted.

A second flash of light later, Snape hung upside-down in the air. His green robes falling due to gravity; revealing skinny, pallid, legs and a pair of graying underpants he wore. His wand also fell down due to the force.

Snape struggled; but it was as if invisible ropes were tying him.

By now, loads of students have crowded the scenery. They laugh at Snape's state, bullying him in the worst possible ways.

[Y/N], Mary, and Alice, who were just passing the yard were confused by the situation, they pushed their way through the crowds to see Lily there with furrowed brows and flaming red ears.

"Leave him alone!" Lily repeated heatedly. "You are an arrogant bullying toe-rag!" she drew her wand out, pointing it at the direction of James. The redhead threatened to curse James and Sirius if they didn't knock it off.

James and Sirius freed Snape instantly. As soon as he fell, he retaliated, "I don't need help from filthy mudbloods like her!" Snape glared at Lily.

The crowd of students gasped at how ungrateful the greasy haired boy was. [Y/N] couldn't seem to form a sentence properly to stop her twin.

"Snivelly, apologize to Evans now!" James insisted, to make him apologize.

Lily, whose eyes were now brimming with tears turned to James. "You're as bad as he is! Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can. You make me sick!" she then stalked off, but before she completely disappeared in the crowd, she added, looking at her ex-friend, "I'd wash my pants if I were you, Snape."

James was so frustrated so he went back to torture Snape. This time, he planned to take his underwear off.

But before he could, [Y/N] has walked up to him. "James, what is running on your rotten brain? Do you even realize how harmful that was?" the girl shouted, glaring daggers at her twin. "What Lily said was right. You think by acting that way makes you look cool but it just did the opposite!"

"And you," she turned her gaze towards Remus, "You aren't any better. Pretending to read a book when you know that those two bastards are hexing Snape! You're a prefect!" she closed her eyes in tiredness and in disappointment.

The four stood there, fumbling with their words with their mouths babbling like a fish. [Y/N] was so upset so she had left the yard in search for Lily.

She thought that after Christmas, they were changing since she barely saw them hexing students anymore, but then again, men are the definition of disappointment and have multiple layers of personalities.

Later that evening, [Y/N], Dorcas, Alice, and Mary tried to come inside their dorm. Lily was inside and the four could hear her faint cries.

"Lily, can we come in? We just want to make sure you are alright," [Y/N] said.

Lily thought, at that moment, that she had enough of crying and needed her friends the most so she mumbled a spell, unlocking the wooden door.

The four then carefully walked in, sat by Lily's side. "I'm incredibly sorry for what my brother did, he was too much of an arse to think ethically," [Y/N] said, wrapping her arms around Lily's sunken figure.

Lily laid her head in [Y/N] shoulder tiredly. "I'm glad that you guys are here. I've just lost my longtime best friend."

"We're always here for you, Lily," Alice assured while rubbing her shoulder to calm down her breathing.

"They had no right to do any of that!" Dorcas stated spitefully. "Just imagine if they switched positions, I'm sure people would help James and Black out because they're the Marauders, privileged," she emphasized the last word while rolling her eyes at the name. Maybe her statement wasn't fully correct, but let's not lie, it's quite the truth.

"But let's think about it, Snape wasn't great either but getting humiliated in front of the whole school's mortifying," Mary added.

"I agree," [Y/N] nodded her head. "I think we should cheer up a bit. Dumb, Moronic, Idiot, and Dull can leave for all I care," the girl was, undeniably, very aggravated.

Lily also agreed so the other four decided, for the best, to cheer up Lily as much as possible. The four might not know surely what Lily's feelings were, but they knew just how bad she is going through at the moment.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 (remus lupin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now