05] ─◌✰್ Frozen Swims

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

The following weeks of October slipped away, now entering the last few days of the month.

The sun's light warmed her face and the autumn chills ruffled her hair. It was nothing new for the group to have picnics near the Black Lake, so there they were.

Alice and Mary had made various kinds of dishes —no doubt, they're great cooks. [Y/N] and Dorcas had previously prepared for the picnic while Lily was studying with Snape.

When the redhead finally arrived at their place, she was greeted happily with the other four. "Took you long enough!" Dorcas said as Lily sat down on the checker-patterned cloth that was layed on the grass.

"If you came any longer, we'll miss the sunset!" Alice retorted.

"Those four goons stopped me in the corridors —no actually, only the male and ugly version of our [Y/N] did," the redhead replied, wiping a sweat off of her forehead with a tissue.

"If I were you, I'd hex them," [Y/N] said simply with a shrug.

"Trust me, I would," Lily said, stopping mid sentence to cut a slice of pie and placed it on the marble white plate, "but I can't because I'm a prefect."

The conversation continued between the five, without noticing the sun had sunk down, creating a beautiful amber sky in the horizon.

"Have you heard about the Halloween party that will be held at Gryffindor common room?" Dorcas asked the four excitedly. That girl is a reveler.

"I heard every house is invited," Lily answered. "I'm going with Sev."

"You guys are going?" [Y/N] asked in confusion. There were a few parties being thrown here and there that she was invited; but her social anxiety took her back.

"Yes," the other said in sync. "C'mon, [Y/N]! It will be fun!" Dorcas whined with her hands on Y/N's arms.

"We'll get to choose our own choice of costumes!" Mary exclaimed with a grin.

"I don't want to make a fool of myself by wearing ludicrous costumes," [Y/N] said, picturing the students with preposterous costumes in her head.

She saw muggles in the television painting their faces along with wearing absurd clothings, and she made a promise to herself to not do those things; because it was simply mortifying.

"You won't! All of us will wear costumes," said Alice with a smile on her face.

"What will you be then?"

"I'll be a duck", "I'm ice cream lady", "A mosquito", "I'm going as a Truck,"

[Y/N] pursed her lips, sending them looks of disapproval. "You're joking... right?"

"Why? yes I am," Dorcas laughed as she pick up the picnic basket to search for a treat. "I'm going as a clown. Y'know to scare some younger pupils." she added with a mischievous smirk.

"That's thoughtful. What about you three?" she turned to the others.

"I'm a water fairy," Lily replied.

"A fluffy dementor," Mary said.

The others chuckled at Mary's choice of costume but the girl was proud of her invention.

"Alice, who'd you be?" [Y/N] asked, pushing a strand of hair back from her face.

"I'm going to be an evil witch," she grinned.

"Have any of you got the costumes yet?"

"We've got magic [Y/N]!" Lily said. "I've got books about transfiguring one object to another. We could use any random things in our dorm and turn it into our attires."

"That's clever of you!" the girl clapped her hands together, but a frown was formed when she spoke, "I don't know what I'll be."

"The whomping willow?," Dorcas suggested in a joking manner.

"No!" bellowed she with a laugh.

"I was only joking!" the girl defended. "You should be [choice of costume]. What about that?"

"Alright, I guess," said she with a shrug.

The five decided to pack their things and belongings since the sun has fully set. They went up to their dorms as they chat excitedly about the upcoming party with the calming sound of dried leaves, creaking under their steps as they walked through the ground.


"Hey sis!" James shouted from the end of the corridor she was walking in. "We have something to announce you!"

"What?" she mouthed. [Y/N] knew that it was no use to raise her voice because they were too far away.

"You're coming to our Halloween Party this weekend!" Sirius cheered.

"Fine," she answered, already knowing about the occasion.

"No chickening out because we'll have rounds of fun games," Remus added.


"You have to wear costumes too," Peter piped in.

"I'm not dumb, Peter,"

"Why do you call Peter by his first name while you call us with our last?" Sirius huffed, folding his arms in his chest as he pout childishly. Remus nodded in agreement, keeping his eyes narrowed with a lip-tight smile.

"Because unlike some, Black, Peter is tolerable," [Y/N] said as if it was the most blandest thing ever.

"I'm not tolerable then?" Remus asked in an offended tone, placing his palms on his chest.

"You're as tolerable as a doorknob, Lupin," she added before side-hugging James. "See you later, James."

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