08] ─◌✰್ Sirius' Party

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After the five had done with their detention, Professor McGonagall came inside; she examined the classroom with an impressed look.

"You lot are free to go," she nodded her head.

"Good evening, Professor," the five smiled and started to walk out to the Gryffindor common room.

"[Y/N] are you sure you can't go?" Sirius whined for the thousandth time that evening.

"No, I told you that already. I'm going to the kitchens with my friends," she scoffed.

"Aren't we your friends?" Remus asked, in an offended manner.

"As if!"

James swung his arms over her. "You can just ditch them for us!"

"I'm not ditching my best friends for a stupid party!" [Y/N] exclaimed and Sirius let out a loud, dramatic gasp.

"Well can you at least bring us a cake?," the birthday-boy crossed his arms with a pout.

"Fine, a cake it is."

[Y/N] made her way to the kitchen and met Ariana and Alana there. The two were making brownies in the kitchen with an elf helping them once in a while.


"How was detention?" Ariana asked, bringing her head up to look at her.

"T'was alright. I have to bring back a cake because it's the ultimate womanizer: Sirius Black's birthday," she said and plopped down on an empty chair.

An Elf —Slinky, hopped to [Y/N]'s direction, her eyes larger than her ears. She wore a bright purple bow on the crown of her head. "Hello, Master Potter, Do you need any help?"

"Hi, Slinky. May I have a chocolate cake?" she asked politely to the small elf.

Slinky snapped her middle finger to her thumb, a few seconds later, a medium sized chocolate cake appeared. "There you go, Master Potter," she bowed down.

"Thank you, Slinky!" she beamed. "You need any help there?" she asked Ariana and Alana.

"Can you melt the chocolate?" Alana asked.

[Y/N] nodded and heat up the chocolate with her wand. After they're done, the three ate the dessert delightfully.

"This was great," Alana hummed in ecstasy. Ariana and [Y/N] nodded in agreement as they ate the rest; making small conversations in between each bite.

"It was fun hanging out with you guys, but I have to go now, Sirius' probably waiting for the cake," she pursed her lips, nudging her head towards the sweet.

"Alright then, see you later, [Y/N]!" Ariana and Alana waved before walking inside the Hufflepuff's room.

[Y/N] head her away towards the Gryffindor tower, holding Sirius' cake in her hands. She made a mental note to be as careful as possible and not drop it.

"Hello Gertrude," she greeted the painting of the fat lady.

"Hello, sweetie," the painting replied with a sweet smile."I assume that's for Sirius Black?" Gertrude looked at the box in her hand.

[Y/N] hummed in reply. "Flobberworms."

The door swung open and there stood: Sirius and James, standing on top of a table dancing to the blasting music that filled her ears.

At the door swinging open, James' eyes averted to the direction and he jumped off the table, sprinting to [Y/N] that was holding a box.

"Is it the cake?" he yelled over the loud music. [Y/N] nodded in response and James opened the box to set the cake down. He waved an arm to Remus to strode across the sea of students.

He conjured a knife and plates on the table. "It better be chocolate flavoured."

"It is," [Y/N] answered proudly. Then Sirius jumped to their spot, a large grin plastered on his charming face.

"Happy Birthday to me!" Sirius shouted. The girls around him swooned, repeating his words.

"Not yet, it's still the 2nd," Remus acknowledged as he sliced the cake. "Two more hours."

Peter also sliced one, his piece was much bigger than Remus'. He let out a sigh of delight as he chewed the delicious cake. "Did you make it?" asked the short boy.

"No, I asked Slinky," she replied, taking a bite from James' plate. James slapped her hands jokingly before he pulled his plate towards himself; scurrying away from her.

"Who's Slinky?" Remus asked, his brows knitted together.

"An elf, who the hell would name a person Slinky?" she rolled her eyes with a frolicsome smile. Stepping away from the huge amount of students, she went to the girl's dormitory.

[Y/N] sprinted up the stairs and decided to do some studying. She opened the door to only see Lily and Alice, they couldn't care less about Sirius' party. "Hey!"

"Hello," Lily and Alice said. They were playing wizard's chess, though Alice seemed to be winning. "I thought you were staying for Sirius' party?" Alice asked.

"No, I'm going to study for the OWLs," she made a quick smile, she then plopped down on her desk tiredly, digging her fingers in a stack of papers beneath the wooden table.

"The OWLs are next year! You should have fun with us!" Alice suggested. "We have exploding snaps!"

"Thanks for the offer, but I haven't been studying seriously in the past four years so I have to start from now," she stated, opening a cabinet full of her books from the first year until fourth. "Have fun!"

"We will! And you too!" Lily smiled before averting her eyes to move her pawn.


The next morning when [Y/N] came down to the great hall for breakfast, Sirius was surrounded with girls, giggling 'happy birthday's' to him.

"Happy birthday," [Y/N] said dryly to him with a fake happy face. The girls around him glared at her. "Relax, I'm not stealing that greaseball from you."

"Thank you, [Y/N], darling," he joked. The girls let out an annoyed sound, completely missing his joking manner.

Poor girlies, she thought, the boy they're drooling over isn't even straight!

[Y/N] made a disgusted face and sat down in between Dorcas and James. James was getting squished since he sat beside Sirius, [Y/N] just laughed and grabbed a breakfast. "Hang in there, dearest Jamsie," she smiled cheekily in which she earned a huff from him.

"He's enjoying himself, isn't he?" Remus asked, goggling weirdly at his friend.

"He sure does," Peter agreed.

"He's not even that good looking," Dorcas pointed, shrugging her shoulder with a funny look on her face.

"Don't let him hear that or he'll throw tantrums at you," James stated, shaking his head.

Not even a minute later, Sirius has dragged a blonde Ravenclaw out of the hall, snogging them greedily.

"Oh my Merlin, my innocent eyes!" [Y/N] covered her face with her palms in disgust.

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