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┌─── ・ 。゚☆:

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

It was spring 1971, the flowers that were planted by the Potters bloomed beautifully outside.

The Potters lived in a large house in the middle of nowhere. They had to find a place where no muggles were around since they occasionally use magic.

[Y/N] loved spring. The heat of the sun that isn't too hot, how the plants would sway under its light. It was all so peaceful and beautiful.

Well, it was all peaceful until James woke up, it was March 27th —they're birthday. He was older than [Y/N] by 8 minutes but the boy made such a massive fuss out of it.

Euphemia and Fleamont were blessed by two beautiful twins that they dearly love. [Y/N] and James were the names.

The two cause mischief in the house and nobody could really stop them. Their parents admit that they found the two very wild, yet lovely.

"It's my birthday!" James cheered. The eleven year old boy hopped happily down the swirly wooden stairs. On the last two steps, he jumped down; landing on his two feet.

He has messy dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The boy also happened to wear glasses due to his terrible eyesight.

"Hey! It's mine's too!" [Y/N] Potter exclaimed excitedly as she sprinted down to the first floor.

[Y/N]'s a smart and sharp witted girl. She has tucks of [hair color] hair and bonny [eye color] eyes.

"We wouldn't forget!" said their mother, Euphemia at the two. She brought out a cake from the freezer and placed it on the counter with a proud smile.

"Happy birthday to my two favourite mischief-makers ever!" said Fleamont, grinning merrily at the two eleven year olds.

"Your presents are there," the older woman pointed to the couch that was stacked with three colorful wrapped boxes. One for [Y/N] and one for James.

"Thank you mum and dad, love you!" [Y/N] beamed as she hugged her parents tightly one by one.

James also did the same.

Then a few minutes later, Dexter, the Potter's family owl hotted and flew down to the nearest table; dropping two beige coloured letters that were neatly folded with green ink calligraphed letters at the front, addressed to Ms. and Mr. Potter.

"Are those our Hogwarts letter?" asked James with wide eyes. He was beyond excited to go to Hogwarts as for Euphemia and Fleamont told them fun stories they've had back in their Hogwarts years.

"I believe, yes," said Fleamont while striding to pick the letters and handed them to the twins.

[Y/N] opened it carefully and her eyes lit up as she read each of the words.

Once the two finished, Euphemia started, "We'll go to Diagon Alley next week to get all your supplies. For now, let's celebrate your birthday!"

[Y/N] and James smiled in content and went their way to the couch to open their gifts.

James got a brand new, shiny broomstick —he loves playing quidditch. He was smiling so much that his cheeks started to burn, but he couldn't seem stop.

"I've got the newest and best broomstick in the wizarding world! I love you mum and dad so much!" he said as he jumped to the two's arm gleefully.

"No problem, sweetheart, you can tryout for the Hogwarts quidditch team next year!" said Fleamont.

[Y/N] opened her gift and her jaw dropped when she saw what it was. "Aw oh my Merlin! You both are the best. I will love you forever!" she said happily, looking inside the box —a presumably, four months old Norwegian Forest Cat was inside.

The adorable animal has grayish-white fur. It was soft and fluffy especially on the neck and tail. She hugged it close to her chest, grinning like a madman.

"We just have to get you this when me and Fleamont were in a muggle pet shop!" Euphemia said as she patted its fur.

"I'll name it Lizard, Lizzie for nickname, what do you think?" [Y/N] questioned looking at the three.

"Lizard?" James said, trying to held his laughter. Who would call a freaking cat, lizard! he thought.

"Oh shut up, Jamie," said she. "Lizard it is!" [Y/N] confirmed.

Euphemia and Fleamont looked at each other knowingly. [Y/N] definitely inherited Fleamont's genes of naming things weirdly.

"Now the last is for the both of you to use," said Fleamont, gesturing to the emerald-green wrapped box.

[Y/N] and James tore the wrapping papers and opened the box to see a... cloak? It was dark blue with red outlines and fine white patterns.

"It's an invisibility cloak, dears," Euphemia informed.

[Y/N] grabbed it and threw the fabric over herself and James. "Are we invisible?" she asked.

"Yes, yes you are!" Fleamont chuckled.

"It's so cool, can't wait to use it to prank people with this!," James grinned, nudging his sister.

"We heard that!" his mum exclaimed. "No trouble once you left please!"

The following week, the four Potters came to Diagon Alley to buy their school supplies.

They went to Ollivander's Wand Shop; James wouldn't close his mouth about his new wand.

It was an 11 inch long wand made of mahogany with a phoenix feather core. His has spiderwebs detailing carved in the wood in which he brags about.

[Y/N]'s is a 10 and a half inch long, made with aspen wood and phoenix feather core, just like James'. The moment she touched it, she felt a strong connection within.

After they got all the supplies, they went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to get ice cream. She learned that the owners got a daughter that will also be attending Hogwarts as a first year, but unfortunately, she wasn't there so [Y/N] didn't manage to see her.

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