23] ] ─◌✰್ Devious Plan

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆:

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

Riding the train back to Hogwarts was always fun. The nostalgia and adrenaline you'd get from leaving the station was unmatched.

Coming back to sixth year, it would be slightly different from now on. The five girls decided to make peace with the Marauders and James' ego has deflated.

The boy with round spectacles hasn't been meddling Lily as much anymore.

[Y/N] thought for a moment that he had moved on but that's frankly impossible. James has been chasing for this particular ginger since he set eyes on her.

Flash forward to the current occurrence. The nine managed to squeeze inside a compartment together. Some were sitting on the floor, while the others were on the cushioned chair.

James and Sirius were in a deep talk about dung bombs and magic fireworks; planning to buy more of them during their first Hogsmeade trip.

[Y/N] was on the verge of sleeping since the night before, James, Sirius, and Peter were having a personal concert in the living room. But to her great dismay, the chattering in the compartment was too loud for her to rest her eyes.

"Hey, come here," Remus smiled kindly at her direction, gesturing her to sit next to him. He seemed to noticed how her droopy eyes would spread ajar whenever their friends said something too loud.

She accepted his offer gracefully, muttering a quick 'thank you' to him as her muscles relaxed. "I'm sorry, didn't get enough sleep the other night."

"Yeah, that's why I'm going to read you to sleep," said he.

"I doubt I can hear your voice," she mumbled as she placed her head on his shoulder. He seemed to tense at the sudden act but he got alleviated after a few seconds immediately. He even enjoyed it.

"Of course you can," he said, his breath were still shaking due to how close the two were and his face is —well, so scarlet it was maroon. He could smell her shampoo from the closeness, but this was just a friendly thing right?

Remus started to read the words of his books out loud, but not that loud for the others to get disturbed.

His voice flew in the air smoothly and brought her to a more dreamy world. Her eyes closed and her breath steadied, which means that she's probably asleep. He reluctantly wrapped one of his arm around her in an attempt to give warmth and comfort.

"Oh my, you two are getting cozy!" Sirius acknowledged with a smirk as he glanced at the sleeping figure beside Remus.

The sound of laughters that followed Sirius (except for James) made [Y/N] stirred and mumbled something in her sleep.

"Shut your mouth. If it wasn't for you three," Remus pointed at James, Sirius, and Peter, "she'd get enough sleep yesterday."

"No need to get so defensive on your girlfriend, Remi," Peter chuckled, sending a knowing look to him.

"What are you talking about?" James yelled, jumping up from the floor he just sat to glare knives at Remus.

"Respectfully, be quiet," [Y/N] said, her voice low and soft. She then drifted to a dreamless sleep the second after.

James furrowed his brows, pointing between his twin and Remus. The sandy haired boy seemed to capture what he's trying to say and shook his head in response.

James sighed in relief but the others groaned.

"I bet you one galleon these two will get together before Christmas," Dorcas said, being determined by her bet.

"I disagree, Remus is too shy to even hold a girl's hand when she's awake so I'd say next year," Sirius grinned as Remus rolled his eyes in pure discomfort. They were betting on the two and he knew for sure that she doesn't have any feeling gravitating towards him.

But he do wished otherwise.

"Next year is too long for they have been in love for years," Mary groaned, throwing her head back.

"No, no, and no. You don't try to do anything with my sister," James pointed his finger to Remus accusingly. "It's too weird because you're basically dating a female version of me. It's unsettling!"

"Jamesie, you don't think she'll stay single forever, do you?" Peter said to him.

"Oh, yes she will," James was mostly worried for anyone to even get close, too close, to her since he doesn't want to get her feelings hurt. He's an overprotective brother one would say.


"I was thinking," [Y/N] said one evening on a full moon.

Remus was out in the shrieking shack with no one to look out for. The four couldn't seem to sleep, knowing his painful transformation was occurring right now so here they were, sitting on the common room waiting for his return.

"What were you thinking?" Sirius asked.

"You know, I've been reading this book," she held up a Defense Against the Dark Arts book she had found in the library. "And no, I'm not making any of you study," she quickly added after looking at their expressions.

"Right then, what were you thinking?" James asked with raised eyebrows.

"In here, there's nothing about werewolves hurting animals- only human. So, I was thinking," she took a deep breath before continuing, "this is crazy, and I don't know how successful this will be. Not to mention, this is considered as law breaking but I can see clearly from your faces that we all are worried for Remus so why don't we become animagi?"

"Animagi? As in witches and wizards that has the ability to turn into animals?" James questioned.

[Y/N] nodded in response, looking at the three's faces for a comment.

"I think that's a great idea actually!" Sirius nodded, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Do you think Remi will be fine by it?" Peter asked.

"Why wouldn't he?" Sirius merely shrugged. Then he turn to James. "What do you think, Jamesie? By this we can help Remu! We have been dreading about a solution to his furry little problem and this might help!"

"Of course I'm in!" James nodded vigorously. "What are the steps though? It must be intricate considering how small the numbers of animagi are out there."

"Well, I think there must be something in the restricted section, we could just sneak in there with our invisibility cloak," [Y/N] suggested. In reply, she got agreements from the others.

"I'll look for it tomorrow," [Y/N] said. "And no Siri, you're not coming with me. I know better than going on a restricted section of a library with you."

"Oh come on! I wanted to go!"

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 (remus lupin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now