07] ─◌✰್ Detention With The Marauders

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

When November came, the weather of Scotland has turned to be extremely freezing. Almost everyday, the snow would glisten, covering the ground with icicles.

And mostly, a certain Marauder wouldn't stop bugging everyone about his upcoming birthday that month.

Almost every girls swooned when they were told that they're invited to his birthday party that will be held at the common room in the second of November.

"Morning everyone!" [Y/N] cheered and plopped down to the Gryffindor benches.

A chorus of 'good mornings' were greeted back. She grabbed a toast and buttered it smoothly before taking a bite of her simple breakfast.

"What do we have first?" Alice asked as she poured pumpkin juice to her goblet.

"DADA with the Slytherins,"

"Right. I hope nothing ridiculous happens like the rest of our class with them," said Dorcas, sighing.

The Gryffindors and Slytherins walked down to the DADA classroom clamorously, [Y/N] heard spells and hexes being jinxed at each other from behind her. She assumed that it was the Marauder's doing.

And yet she's right... again.

James and Sirius were shooting spells at Snape and his friends. Remus and Peter stood behind them not doing anything to [Y/N]'s disappointment. But then again, what did she expect from the lot?

"Potter stop it!" Lily yelled, rushing over to Snape who stood dumbstruck from the impact of Sirius and James' spell.

James stopped and placed his wand in his pocket briefly. "I would if you'd just go out with me."

[Y/N] smacked the back of his and Sirius' head with her book, in which she earned 'owie!' from the two. "You expect her to go out with you while also bullying her friend? What kind of brain do you have?"

"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall, who were walking through the halls, caught the chaos.

"They bullied Snape!" Lily sneered, pointing her fingers at James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Well technically, only James and Sirius did, but the four is a package.

"Detention to the five of you! Six o'clock in my office."

"Five?" James asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mr Potter," she said, her gaze fixed on [Y/N].

Her eyes went wide. "What did I do, Professor?"

The old witch pursed her lips before she spoke again, "Didn't you think I saw you hitting Mr Potter an Mr Black?"

"Oh-" she breathed out in realization. "Right, I'll see you then," she added with a fake smile and made her way inside the classroom.

"But Professor! I'm having a party for my birthday!" Sirius tried to get off detention.

"Well, all is said and done. I'll be seeing you this evening, no excuses," said she sternly, continuing her steps down the hall.

Sirius groaned, dropping his head on Remus' shoulder. "Peter and I should be the one to complain because we did nothing." Remus huffed.

"[Y/N] too!" Peter added quietly.

"Yeah, her too, I guess," Remus nodded in agreement. Pushing Sirius off of his shoulder, he strode to the classroom. The class has already started, so he quickly walked to an empty seat with Peter beside him, rambling under his breath.


"I have detention, sorry guys," [Y/N] quickly apologized as she scrambled all her things to her bag.

"What for?" Ariana asked, furrowing her brows in confusion, she brought her head up from her paper to look at the Gryffindor.

"I smacked James and Black in their heads. As stupid as it sounds, it's true," [Y/N] sighed, pulling her lips together in a straight smile.

"Well, have fun," Alana said, patting her arms.

"Have fun? I sure won't!" said [Y/N]. "I have detention with the Marauders. They were jinxing the Slytherins —well, only James and Black did, but that's besides the point. I smacked them for it."

The two Hufflepuffs smiled sympathetically at their friend. "We'll get you some brownies from the kitchen afterwards!"

"You both are the best! I love you," [Y/N] beamed happily at Ariana and Alana.

"We love you too!" the two laughed. "Now go before Professor McGonagal scold you again!"

[Y/N] smiled and waved goodbye at the two and made her way to McGonagal's office. The Marauders weren't there yet, to her dismay; she had to wait.

"We're here!" Sirius cheered as he opened the door to its fullest.

"Alright, I want all of you to clean the abandoned classroom that I'll lead you to," then she added with her usual stern voice, "No magic allowed."

The witch conjured cleaning supplies out of thin air and gestured the five to follow her. Once they arrived at the old abandoned classroom, Professor McGonagall left, leaving the five inside the dark and dusty room.

"Let's just get this over with," [Y/N] said impatiently, began to dust off the table. Remus did the same and grab a broom to sweep the floor. Peter started to wipe the window with a napkin.

James also started to move the chairs so Remus would get an easier area to sweep. Sirius on the other hand were standing with crossed arms.

"Siri, you better start working so we'll get out of this hell hole faster," Remus demanded.

"It's already a quarter past six, your birthday party will be starting soon," James said.

"You have birthday party tonight?" [Y/N] questioned as she wiped the tables and chair.

"Yes and you're not invited!" the boy with gray eyes joked playfully, a handsome smirk plastered on his face.

"I wasn't planning to come anyway, I have other plans," said [Y/N].

"No! You are! I want presents and you better give me!" he pleaded, giving her his usual puppy eyes.


"What do you mean plans?" Remus asked, raising his brows in curiosity.

"Why are you all of a sudden interested in what I'm doing?" she squinted her eyes to his direction.

Remus panicked for a moment not knowing what to say. "Never mind then."

"Are you going to meet that boy you met at Halloween party the other night?" James asked in a tone he never used. This seemed to catch Remus' attention.

"No! I'm going to meet Ariana and Alana."

Remus let out a quiet sigh (that he didn't know he was holding) to her answer. He didn't know why he has this feeling in his stomach whenever he saw her. It's all just so unfamiliar and complicated for him to comprehend.

"You're not going to attend my party!" Sirius whined, banging his two arms and his head to the wall.

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