16] ─◌✰್ Girls' Night

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆:

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┐
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬' 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
└─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───┘

"Happy birthday, James and [Y/N]!" Sirius, Peter, and Remus cheered as they entered the great hall for breakfast.

It was two weeks and a few days after Remus' birthday. His were such a disaster, leaving everyone too tired from cleaning the mess they made on the kitchen to throw a party. Not to mention, it was about midnight when they were done. But they did give him presents, of course.

"Thank you! Thank you!" James stood and bowed, waving his hand to the side.

"Happy birthday to my girl friend!" Dorcas grinned as the other also wished her a happy birthday.

"Thank you," [Y/N] smiled at Dorcas, Mary, Lily, and Alice joyfully.

"No wishes for me?" James asked with a pout.

"No," Lily replied briefly before turning to [Y/N] again. "We're going to give you your presents in the dorms alright? And we're going to have a girl's night!"

"Hey! I have a birthday party this evening!"

"Nobody cares, James. And yes Lily! I'd love to," she said in happiness, hugging the redhead.

"Happy birthday, [nickname]!" Ariana and Alana said simultaneously.

[Y/N] hugged the two figures before saying, "Thank you!" she was in so much contentment, all she wanted to do is jump around like a crazy rabbit.

"Here's the presents!" Ariana gave her two neatly wrapped boxes, one from herself and one from Alana.

"Love you bloody much!"

"We love you too!" the two said before they walked back to the Hufflepuff's table.

"How come she got two presents already while I have gotten none?" James accused childishly.

"I'm clearly the better twin if that's not obvious enough," [Y/N] rolled her eyes, sending him a look.


The girls were now gathered in their shared dorms. Lily had brought many muggle games and Alice had played a record player she brought from home.

"Let's play one of my favourite boardgames: snakes and ladders!" Mary exclaimed, bringing a wooden board with 100 squares, five different coloured magnets, and also a dice.

"You might have to explain to me and [Y/N] on how to play it," Alice said in a matter of fact.

"Yeah, so first: you roll the dice, then you move your own magnet according to the number you got. If you landed on a ladder the you go up, if you stopped at the snakes' head, you're bound to go down, if you didn't stop on any them, you stay on the square until it's your turn," Lily explained.

"Okay, I think we get the rules. Who should start first?" [Y/N] asked.

"You go, it's your birthday after all!"

"Alright," [Y/N] picked up the dice to roll it and it landed on three dots. She moved the magnet she claimed accordingly.

"Mary, you go!" said Alice.

The girl rolled the dice and it landed on five.

The round kept going and going. "Oh my god, I was so high up but because if this damn snake I went down to 11!" Dorcas groaned in frustration, scrunching her hair in her hands..

"Ha! I'm first to win!" Mary punched the air in victory.

"I'm almost there!" [Y/N] said impatiently.

Then the game ended with Mary being first, Alice second, [Y/N] became third, Dorcas was fourth, and somehow Lily was last.

"That was fun, let's do a little photoshoot! I've brought my polaroid camera!" Dorcas suggested, bringing a camera out from her trunk.

The girls took many pictures, some with funny faces and some not.

"We should play cards now, UNO anyone?" Lily asked.

"I'm in!"

"Me too!"

"You know the rules right?" Lily asked, her gaze fixated on Alice and [Y/N].

"I do! I played this once with Ariana," [Y/N] recalled a memory from where she played UNO in Ariana and Alana's dorm back in third year.

"You?" Lily questioned Alice.

The girl nodded in reply and Mary started to divide the cards into an equal amount for the five of them.

"Can I put blue seven on top of blue three?" Alice asked.


The game continued with Dorcas yelling as for she didn't have a green nor three card so she had to pick twenty five cards from the stack. [Y/N] was also extremely unsatisfied by how Lily and Mary were so good at the game.

Lily was the first to win, Mary following behind and Alice after. [Y/N] was so close to losing but luckily at the last few rounds, Dorcas didn't have any matching cards so she had to pick again.

The five then sang to Alice's record player, jumping on the bed with a brush as the microphone.

They were having so much fun that they didn't even seem to be aware that it was two in the morning already. [Y/N] decided to open her gifts last.

She got a pair of ruby earrings from Ariana, a same one but a bracelet from Alana. Lily got her her favourite perfume since the one she had was almost out. Her parents gave her a pair of ankle boots that she absolutely loves. She decided to continue opening the presents the next morning since she was so sleepy at that time.

James' party bellow was sure a lot of fun, but [Y/N] adored this more than a bunch of people attending a party mostly for the cake and drinks.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 (remus lupin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now