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Meenakashi's POV

One of my husband's colleagues gave me a Mike, I didn't know what to say and I just wanted to runaway but I also didn't want to offend anyone, so I said, "He is a perfect man and he gives his best at everything and I know that he would never fail at anything" which made everyone clap and my husband's colleagues praised me for being a supportive spouse which made me very happy. Even my children who prepared a speech about their father spoke about him and called him their hero.

After his colleagues and friends spoke, they felicitated my husband and also asked me to stand beside him which made me feel very shy as we never stood so close in public. The tenth class students even brought a cake and made my husband and I cut the cake and all the students insisted me and my husband to feed the cake to each other which made me feel very embarrassed. My husband brought the cake slice near my mouth which made me feel very shy that I was not able to even lift my head and my husband whispered me to eat which made me eat and when it was my turn to feed my husband, I quickly placed the cake slice near my husband's mouth and unlike me, he ate it calmly as if it's not at all embarrassing.

My husband's colleagues and his students gave gifts to my husband and one of my husband's student, Raju gifted us a self made portrait of my husband and I in wedding attire which immediately brought tears to my eyes out of happiness but I immediately composed myself. Raju said that he had our family photo with him which he clicked in Surya and Sudha's wedding and he wanted to gift something memorable for us as my husband is his favourite teacher and thus decided to make a portrait of us in wedding attire. I thanked him and appreciated his talent and even my husband looked quite impressed and appreciated him.

After the felicitation, we all had food together and my husband's colleagues and students cracked a lot of jokes which made me laugh hard and a student of my husband, Ravi mimicked my husband which was the best mimicry ever. Few students sang songs and dedicated to my husband which made me go awe at their talent.

But, when it was the time to leave, many students cried and the colleagues also became emotional and they hugged my husband and at the we all went to our own destinations.

Everyone in the family too enjoyed the party and were talking about the party. They were excitedly opening the gifts which my husband recieved, I went to our room and was admiring the potrait which Raju gifted.

It was the first picture of us together as adults. We had two pictures of us on our wedding day but those were when we were children and later we never had pictures together. My husband has a smartphone but he doesn't have a habit of clicking pictures and even when he does, it's only when he goes to vacations or on special occasions but he never clicked a picture of us together.

On Surya and Sudha's wedding we clicked many pictures but never as a couple. But his student really gave us a gift which I would cherish forever. Seeing myself in the wedding attire also made me feel very different as I never dreamt of being a bride. I was married before I could even think about all these.

Raju was such a thoughtful boy to gift us something so beautiful and he has an amazing talent and I just wish him to have a happy and successful life. This was the best gift anyone could ever give.

As I was admiring the potrait my children and husband came to the room and saw me admiring the potrait and my children too were mesmerized seeing us in wedding attire and asked us to show our wedding pictures but I didn't have any as my mother in-law has all the albums in her room. My children quickly rushed to my mother in-law and asked for our wedding pictures but they were disappointed as they were only two of them.

In one photo, both of us were facing the camera but we were not smiling. In the other photo, my husband was tying the nuptial chain around my neck and our faces were not clearly visible.

Adarsh who was upset asked us to marry again so that we could have more pictures. My husband convinced him saying that we would marry only when he grows up to be a successful man.

Vijay and Ajay asked us that why we were so young when we were marrying to which I didn't know how to answer but my husband quickly distracted them and asked them if they wanted to play carroms with him.

They all went to the kids room to play whereas I went to the kitchen to see if I had any work but as all of us ate outside, I didn't have anything to
do. While, I was leaving the kitchen, Janaki aunt saw me and asked me to sit with her which I obeyed and she started asking about my uncle his family which made me feel surprised as she never once asked me about my family.

As we were talking she asked me, if my family was searching for any alliances for Chinnu to which I said yes and she said that even they started searching for alliances for her daughter Bhavana.

As she was trying to say something more, Adarsh came to me and cried saying that everyone cheats him as he was the youngest one. He asked me to punish the cheater and on his insistence, I followed him to the bedroom and asked my children that who was the one cheating their little brother but Adarsh said that they were not cheating and said that my husband was cheating and asked me to punish him.

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