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Meenakshi's POV

Before Shanthi aunt and her family were going back to Hyderabad, my grandmother in-law revealed to them about my pregnancy which shocked everyone. Shanthi aunt scolded my grandmother in-law saying, "Were you the one who emotionally blackmailed them? You don't change at all. She is younger than Ramya. How will she even manage all these? Ramya is studying and here she is carrying a child."

She also scolded my husband, "I thought you were only interested in studies but never knew that you could get involved in such activities at this age." Listening to her, my husband bend down his head feeling ashamed and Rahul Anna suddenly bursted out laughing and Ramya akka gave me a teasing smile. Shanthi aunt glared at both her kids and took me aside and said, "Didn't I say that you should not let anyone touch you?" To which I stayed silent and she continued, "Did Shiva force you?" I was shocked with her accusation against him and immediately tears formed in eyes out of guilt and said, "No. He is very nice. He doesn't force me or hurt me." I wanted to confess how I betrayed him but I didn't have the courage to face Shanthi aunt's anger. So, I skipped the part and she said, "I don't know what to say now. Just take care of yourself and the baby."

She left the house along with her family without saying a word to anyone and when my grandmother in-law tried to talk, she said, "Don't talk to me anymore. I'm done with you now. How many times did I tell you to not force children but you and your son never listen to me?"

The night, when I went to our room, I saw my husband reading a book without any worry which angered me. How could he be so relaxed after scaring everyone with his stunt? No one ate or slept properly in our house when he was in the hospital.

I went near him but he ignored me and I snatched the book from him which angered him and he angrily pulled me and made me sit on his lap and said, "What?" To which I cried and said, "Why did you drink the pesticide? What if something happened?" To which he pinched my cheek and said, "After messing with my life you still have the guts to question me!" I felt ashamed and cried and hugged him saying, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know that you would do something like this. If I knew I would have never done all these. Please forgive me." To which he said, "Wow! How convenient! First you do whatever you want and now you want me to forgive you. What if I lost my life?" To which I cried harder and said, "Please! Don't talk like this." To which he said, "Just tell me what would you have done if I lost my life?" To which I said, "I would have also drank the same pesticide from the same bottle."

He bitterly smiled at me and said, "It doesn't matter now. You betrayed me very badly. I trusted you but you broke my trust." I moved away from him and cried and laid on my side of the bed and said, "Punish me however you want." To which he hovered over me started kissing me but I pushed him away and said, "Grandmother said that you shouldn't touch me."

He abruptly got away from me and said, "It's always about them. You slept with me to please them and betrayed me to give them a heir. Grandmother said this. Grandmother said that. Didn't your grandmother say that you should respect your husband? Didn't she say that you shouldn't betray your husband to please others?"

To which I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Give me one more chance, I would never betray you again. Please!" To which he said, "It's over now. I don't have time for all these. When the college starts, I should leave early in the morning and travel for hours and then come back late at night. If you were not pregnant, I would have atleast convinced him to let me stay at hostel but now he would never agree." His voice broke at the end. I touched his face but pushed my hand and seriously said, "Leave it. It doesn't matter now. You got what you wanted now it's my turn to get what I want."

The two years he would leave early in the morning and come home in the night and on Sundays and other holidays, he would either help his father in the farm or would study or  would spend time with our son. I thought he would hate him but he loved him immensely but we grew apart. We did have our intimate moments but they were all only physical, the affection and care he showered me in the beginning was all lost.

He changed a lot in these two years. He grew as a person. He became more responsible and would take care of everyone except me.

(Continuation of  the chapter 49)

I heard my husband calling me but I cut the call and switched off the mobile as I didn't want to talk to him. I hated myself for being so selfish. Just  to please his family, I betrayed him and destroyed our relationship when it just started. His mother and grandmother were only kind to me when I was pregnant and after I gave birth to my kids, their affection disappeared. I was very upset with their behaviour but on the other hand I was also happy with my life. My children filled my life with happiness.

I switched off the lights and closed my eyes then I suddenly felt a little body crawling on the bed and I immediately recognised him and said, "Why are you here? Didn't I say that you shouldn't let your uncle feel lonely?" To which Adarsh said, "Vijay Anna is sleeping with uncle and Ajay Anna is sleeping with great-grandmother. You are alone here. So, I came to sleep with you." My heart filled with joy listening to my son.

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