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Meenakshi's POV

I wasn't able to answer and continued crying and he said, "It's ok. You don't cry." I felt bad for ditching him at the last moment and said, "I don't want to disappoint you. I don't look like the girl in the video."

He looked like I was a stupid person and said, "Why are you comparing yourself with her. I showed the video for you to get an idea not to compare yourself with a pornstar. Who said that I want you to look like her? I don't even know her name nor do I remember her face." To which I said, "But you saw her naked! She looks perfect. You would hate me after seeing me naked." To which he said, "Ok. Then do you also mean that the male pornstar has a better body than me?" To which I was offended and said, "You can't compare yourself with him. You look best." To which he laughed and said, "How do you know? You didn't even see me naked." I blushed at what he said and said, "I didn't see but I know." To which he said, "Yea and the same goes with me. I know that I would love your body" and continued, "Should I go ahead?"

I blushed at his question and slowly nodded my head giving him the approval to go ahead. The entire night none of us had any sleep.

The next morning I woke up in his arms which are tightly secured around me. I tried to get out of his arms but he didn't let me and when I said, "I need to go to washroom" he left me but I as soon as I tried to get up I fell back due to immense pain between my legs and hissed in pain. Seeing me in pain, he helped me to washroom and brought hot water for bathing.

I thought he would leave me after bringing water but he didn't leave and insisted on taking bath together. Stunned with his shameless demands I pushed him away and tried to close the door but he forcefully got inside and said, "Come here. This body is mine. You have no right to hide it from me." I felt embarrassed and didn't move from myself. But he came near me and removed my clothes and helped me bath. I felt embarrassed. I just wanted to hide somewhere after the things he did to me. After bathing I quickly tied a towel and ran out of the washroom.

He came out of the washroom when I was drying my hair and said, "Are you not being very insensitive now?" To which I looked at him with a question mark face and he continued, "I helped you with bathing but you didn't help me. Is this how you treat me?"

I tried to go away but he didn't let me go and tightly caught me in his arms. I felt embarrassed and bent my head. Seeing me embarrassed he laughed and raised my head with his hand but I closed my eyes wanting to avoid looking into his eyes.

As he was trying to make me open my eyes we heard his phone ringing. Just after talking to someone on phone, he immediately left me and went out and I followed him to see him open the main door.

Surya looked very furious and said, "I was knocking the door from almost an hour." He didn't look bothered by his brother's anger and said something to his brother and sent him out. I was worried that I didn't cook anything for them to eat and went to the kitchen but he stopped me and said, "Don't. Surya went out to bring food."

After Surya came home, we both ate together as Surya already ate at his friend's home. After eating I tried to do chores but he stopped me and said, "Why are you so eager to work?" To which I said, "Your parents and grandmother would come today. They wouldn't like if the house is dirty." To which he said, "We have a lot of time. They won't come back till evening." To which I said, "No. It takes time to clean. I should also wash the clothes, clean the utensils, I didn't even sweep the house today" and went to sweep. After sweeping I picked up the dirty clothes from all the rooms and went to wash the clothes. But working when a demanding man follows is not easy.

As I sat down down to wash the clothes, he too sat beside and tried to distract me. When I was washing my blouse, he snatched it from my hold and said, "Your blouse is so lucky. I wish I were your blouse." I was embarrassed with his comment and tried to snatch the blouse but he said, "Let me do it."

I just watched him as he was washing my blouse but we suddenly heard my mother in-law call his name. Seeing his mother, he looked shocked and before he could say anything, she said, "Why are you washing the clothes?" To which he didn't say anything and she sent him out.

After he left, she slapped me and said, "Why is my son washing the clothes?" She suddenly went out and came inside fuming and said, "I went out for a day and you stopped cooking." I understood that she saw the trash can filled with the food packets from yesterday and today. Unknowingly I stood up but she looked even more furious and said, "Why is the sink filled with the dirty dishes?" I cried out of fear but made sure to not make any sound as I know that she wouldn't like it.

She glared at me and went out which gave me a temporary relief and continued with washing the clothes. But she came back and threw bedsheets and blankets in front of me and said, "Didn't I tell you to wash these?" She didn't say anything nor did she hurt me again and just left. But I know that I would have to face her anger the next day which scared me. My old scars were healed and I knew again that the next day my body would be filled with red marks again.

In the night I saw my husband wide awake waiting for me and as soon as he saw me he said, "Did my mother scold you?" To which I said nothing and seeing my silence he said, "Don't feel bad. She scolded me and Surya also for eating outside food. She is just scared for our health. She may sound rude but she has a good heart."

I didn't say anything as I didn't want to offend him by talking negatively about his mother. We again got intimate and I forgot about my punishment and had a pleasurable union and later slept peacefully in his arms.

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