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Meenakashi's POV

I hugged Adarsh and tried to console him but he didn't stop crying and asked me to punish my husband but that's not possible for me so, I tried to distract him but he was admant on punishing his father. Suddenly Adarsh caught my hand and hit his father on his bicep with my hand and thanked me for being the best mother and punishing my husband.

We all didn't know anything to say and just laughed at his antics. As we were laughing he ran out of the room and started shouting that I hit my husband which alerted me and I quickly ran out of the room following him but everyone already gathered in the living room and asked Adarsh if he wants to say anything and before he could again open his mouth, I quickly closed his mouth with my palm and picked him up and went towards the kitchen saying that he was hungry and wants to eat something.

My son removed my palm and ran out of my arms and said to everyone that I hit my husband which made the environment very silent, I didn't know how to react and even my husband, Vijay and Ajay came to the living room when my son was shouting about me hitting my husband.

My mother in law asked my husband if I really hit him but before he could say anything Vijay narrated them how everything started. My sons were talking about being powerful and Vijay and Ajay said that my husband was the most powerful person on the planet but Adarsh disagreed and declared that I was most powerful person and then he challenged his brothers saying that he would make me hit my husband and to win the challenge, he did everything.

This made me laugh that how could I even be called as a powerful person that to on the whole planet. How innocent my Adarsh was! Everyone laughed and my husband playfully scolded our kids for the mischief.

I asked Adarsh that why does he think that I was powerful to which he said that I was his mother so, I was the most powerful person and I asked him if he knows the meaning of the word powerful to which he said that he doesn't exactly know the meaning of the word but he knew that it's a good word so, he felt that I deserved to be called as the most powerful person.

I didn't know how to react as my son always makes me feel surprised with his love for me. I don't think anyone could love me like he loves me.

As I we were talking, my mother in-law asked me to pack my husband's luggage as he would leave for Hyderabad the next day. After knowing that my husband was posted in Hyderabad, I was very excited as I thought that even we would be shifting to Hyderabad but my husband decided that it's not good for my children's education to change the school in the middle of the academic year, so he decided that we would shift there only after the academic year.

The next day when my husband was leaving our home and going to Hyderabad, my mother in-law and grandmother in-law cried. Ajay and Vijay also cried but we didn't inform Adarsh that my husband was leaving as we were afraid that he would not be able to stop crying.

Whenever my husband went to election duty, he would leave for two days and on such days, Adarsh would always cry and ask for his father and this time if he gets to know that my husband would visit us only on weakends, he would not be able to control.

Seeing my husband holding his suitcase, Adarsh got scared and asked why he was leaving and started crying and hugged my husband and refused to let him go and asked him that even he would accompany my husband. My husband picked him up and said that he would come home on weakends and would bring him anything he wants and asked him to take care of everyone at home as he was big man.
Adarsh understood and didn't cry anymore and let his father go. My husband took his parent's, his Janaki aunt's and grandmother's blessings, he hugged his brother and my kids and bid goodbye to Sudha, Bhavana and all his friends and our neighbours  but didn't even see in my direction which made me really disappointed but while he was near the gate, he turned back and looked at me which made me happy and at the same time made me really sad as I didn't know how I would even survive without him.

Shanthi aunt and my Sarala aunt asked my husband to stay with them but he politely refused them as one of his friends from the college, Rajesh also shifted to Hyderabad to start his new business and they both decided to share a flat. He was also very close to Shanthi aunt's family and was also slowly started getting close to my family which made me feel less miserable as I knew that he wouldn't feel lonely as he would have people around him if he ever needed anything.

After he left, we all came inside and felt that our home became empty. We all were silent for a long time and then Adarsh who couldn't control anymore started crying loudly saying that he want his father and started running out of the house but my brother in-law caught him and tried to distract him but he was not listening and then, my grandmother in-law distracted him by narrating him stories which gave me an instant relief as listening to my son's cries were always very tough for me.

I went to my room as I felt very miserable with my husband's absense in the house, even though my husband was not a very expressive, he was a very good man and he never stayed outside for a long period and whenever he did, that was only two to three days. I didn't know how he would stay faraway from all of us.

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