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Shiva's POV

I didn't have any destination in my mind but just wanted to make her happy and as we were passing by Tank Bund, she excitedly said, "See there! They are boating!" To which I stopped the bike and said, "Do you wanna go there?" To which she excitedly nodded her head like
a child.

I sat beside her and just stared at her beautiful face while she was enjoying boating. After boating, she said, "I wish our children are also here. They would have also enjoyed." To which I said, "Next time we will come here with our children."

Later I took her to Gokul Chat as it's very famous in Hyderabad. She was confused seeing so many items so I  ordered all the items present while she happily relished everything. I didn't know human beings could become so happy just by eating but seeing her happiness gave me a different kind of satisfaction.

But soon time passed and we realised that it's time for our children's classes to end. My wife panicked and said, "What will they eat now? I didn't cook anything. We don't have any groceries at home. We came for shopping and see where we are now."To which I said, "You don't worry. I'll cook today and I already ordered the groceries online."

After leaving Gokul Chat we went to our children and after reaching home, we all freshened up. Later, Vijay and Ajay were engrossed in solving their Rubix cubes and Adarsh was excitedly showing off his newly learnt arts to his mother while I got busy with the cooking. My wife felt so emotional seeing him barking and said, "See! How talented our Adarsh is?! He is  singing so well and see his dance. He dances better than movie actors. We are blessed with such a genius child."

I wanted to put an end to her delusions but before I could say anything Adarsh sat on my wife's lap and said, "Yes Amma. I'm very talented. I'm the best. I don't know why Nanna wants me to attend all these classes. I already know everything. Infact I should have my own academy and teach everyone." To which my wife kissed him saying, "Yes. I know. You are the best."

To which I said, "Yes. He is best at barking in the name of singing and jumping like a mad boy in the name of dancing." To which Adarsh looked at me angrily while my wife consoled him saying, "Don't listen to him. You sing and dance really well. You are the best." To which he looked convinced and said, "Amma! What did you do from the morning? Did you miss me?" To which my wife showed him the pictures we clicked in her mobile and narrated everything.

Listening about boating and eating at Gokul Chat, Vijay and Ajay who were busy with their Rubix cubes kept their cubes aside and sat beside their mother to see the pictures. All the three brothers shared a look and said, "Nanna! Why only Amma? You should also take us out." To which I said, "I will now after you guys eat. I even have a surprise for you."

After having lunch, I booked a cab for us and went to a car showroom. My children were excited seeing the cars and said, "Nanna! Are we here to buy a car?" To which I said, "Yes." They were excited about the car and were busy discussing among themselves about the cars but my wife silently stood beside me without saying anything so I said, "Do you have any colour preferences?" To which she nodded her head no.

As I already discussed about the cars brands with Rahul and Surya, I quickly chose the brand and after a lot of discussions, our children decided black colour. But my wife nudged me as if wanting to say something and took me aside and said, "Did you hear the cost? It's in lakhs. You don't worry. I'll convince the kids. But first let's go away from here." But I stopped her saying, "We will buy the car now. We already selected." To which she looked angry and said, "Yes. But did you hear the cost. Where will we get so much money? First let's go away from here." To which I said, "Who said we don't have money! You just relax and don't worry. We are here to buy because we can afford." To which she looked surprised but didn't say anything more.

Later as per our children's demand we went to Mount Opera. They wanted to try all kinds of thrill rides and even asked us to join them but my wife refused saying she was afraid. But our children weren't ready to leave her alone. So, after a bit of our children throwing tantrums she finally agreed to accompany us.

But what we didn't expect was her to scream like she was going to die and eventually end up sobbing due to fear whereas our children were not even afraid a bit.

After the first ride, I decided to not force my wife anymore and settled beside her while our children tried the rest of the rides. Later, our children wanted to try the water activities, so we went to change into the swimming costumes and after changing we came back to see my wife simply holding the swimming dress and waiting for us.

Understanding that she wouldn't dare to wear such clothes I didn't say anything to her but my poor children didn't know their mother like me so they asked her to change but she ignored all their requests which made our children upset and they said, "Amma! Please we want to play with you and Nanna! Please wear them. See all the children are playing with their parents. Please!"

I always knew my wife would do anything for our children but I never expected her to simply change into the swimming dress for our children.

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