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Meenakshi POV

Being in his arms felt so natural and when he broke the hug I immediately hugged him as I hated being away from him and cried in his arms and he said, "Don't cry. See. I'm here right infront of you. Now you shouldn't cry. Even if you want to get away from me, I won't leave you now." To which I said, "Why would I want to get away from you? I always want to be with you." To which he said, "That's good. Now I want to take a bath and I would like you to join me." To which I was shocked and pushed him and ran out of the room saying, "Go take a bath now."

The rest of the day passed by our neighbours, his friends and his students meeting him. Our house was filled with people and I along with Sudha were busy in the kitchen cooking for the guests.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and laid down on the bed beside my husband and said, "Why were you late? Do you know how everyone were waiting for you?" To which he said, "Leave about everyone. Tell me if you missed me?" To which I blushed and whispered "Yes" and he said, "I rented a new flat for us and bought all the necessities. If you want something more we could go for shopping." To which I was excited but tried to conceal it and said, "When are we going?" To which I didn't know what to say and stayed silent and he continued, "After our children's results are out. We will take their certificates and leave. I even chose few classes for our children to attend in the holidays." To which I was shocked and said, "What classes? Do you want our children to attend classes even during holidays?" To which he said, "Yes. It's good for their future." To which I said, "Why can't they play in holidays like every other children? Why should our children always study?" To which he said, "I'm talking about classes like karate, singing, painting. I'm sure they will enjoy attending all the these classes and if they want they will continue even after holidays." To which I said, "But why so many classes. Won't they be stressed? I think one class of their choice is enough." To which he said, "But how will they choose all of a sudden? If they attend these classes for a month they will understand which they like. Then they can choose one or all. It's their choice"

Our conversation was interrupted when our kids came to our room and laid between us. They were excited after my husband told them about the classes and asked about the details whereas I was simply listening to their conversation which sounded very boring and eventually fell asleep.

The next few days, my mother in-law spent most of her time with my children and cooked their favourite dishes which gave me and Sudha a break from cooking but we still did help her sometimes. Whereas my husband was always in the farm helping his father in the farm in the daytime and spent the nights teaching me. I tried to distract him to avoid studying but he was very serious about my studies and gave me more problems to solve as a punishment for not concentrating on studying.

On the day of our children's results he along with our children went to their school while my mother in-law was preparing sweet dishes to celebrate as we already knew that they would get the first rank. As expected my children came home telling everyone that they got the first rank. Our children were busy devouring the sweets while my mother in-law was feeding them.

The next day, our house was filled with our neighbours and his students. My husband was busy talking to them while my grandmother in-law was telling me how to take care of my husband. After taking the elder's blessings, we left to Hyderabad.

We reached Hyderabad in the evening and was impressed by the locality he chose. I liked our new home. He already arranged everything before we could come and then introduced me to our maid, Ambika. She said that she would come twice a day for mopping and cleaning the utensils.

Later, he introduced us to his colleague, Vikram and his wife, Radhika who stay in the same apartment. They seemed like friendly people and after a bit of chatting, they left.

After freshening up we unpacked our clothes and started arranging the clothes in which our children helped us.

Later, my husband ordered food for all of us while I unpacked it and served in the plates. After the dinner he called our family and after talking to them we went to the bedroom to sleep. Our children and my husband soon fell asleep but I couldn't sleep as I felt weird. I couldn't believe that we were supposed to live seperately. I didn't know how I would manage everything. My mother in-law and grandmother in-law were the one who always guided me and I didn't know how I could survive without them.

Feeling lost, I went to the living room and sat on the sofa observing everything. I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do? The house has all the facilities and we also have a maid to help me but still I felt sad. Unknowingly tears filled my eyes and eventually, I started crying.

I didn't know how long I cried but stilled when I saw him infront of me. He came towards me and wiped my tears and hugged me without saying anything which made me cry even more. After I stopped crying he gave me a glass of water and stared at me as if waiting for me to say something. So, I said, "I miss our family." To which he said, "Shh! It's okay. Don't cry."

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