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Meenakshi's POV

The next day, in the morning he tried to talk to me but I ignored him and left our room and only saw him again in the night. As soon as I entered the room, he locked the room and pinned me to the wall and said, "Are you ignoring me now?" To which I said, "I want children." To which he said, "Ok. But after atleast a couple years. You are only 18 now. You are not ready yet." To which I said, "No. I'm ready." To which he looked irritated and said, "Fine. Then I'm not ready. Give me some time. Then we will think about all these" and laid on the bed.

Not hearing him say anything more I said, "Are you angry?" To which he said, "Don't disturb me. I'm sleepy." Hurt with his rude tone I angrily laid on the bed and cried silently. Few seconds later he pulled me to his side and said, "Don't cry. Why do you always cry for everything? Didn't I say that I hate seeing you cry?" To which I immediately wiped my tears and said, "I'm sorry." To which he said, "Just don't cry" and comforted me till I fell asleep.

The following month we continued having sex but once he didn't use the condom and said, "The condoms are over. But I have contraceptive pills. Use it tommorow in the morning."

My relationship with my mother in-law turned less abusive. She stopped hitting but would sometimes taunt me but I didn't mind because I was in my own dreamland which only has me and my husband. Our relationship improved a lot and he would always say that he became obsessed with me and proving it he would never keep his hands to himself, not even when he was supposed to study. But fortunately in B.Ed he again topped his college. Later he intended to study M.Sc. Mathematics in Hyderabad and after giving his entrance exam when was waiting for the exam results we became even more close, he would spend his day in the farm and night with me.

But as days were passing, I could feel my health getting deteriorating. I couldn't eat anything and would just vomit even at the smell of food. My grandmother in-law who observed my condition hugged me and excitedly said, "You are going to become a mother." To which I said, "How do you know." To which she said, "How would I not know?! I was pregnant twice. I took care of your Shanthi aunt and your mother in-law when they were pregnant. How could I not know?! Come let's go to hospital now."

I too wanted to become a mother and excitedly we both went to the neighbouring town in an auto to the hospital. After listening to the doctor I was happy and very excited but a part of me was also scared about my husband's reaction.

My grandmother in-law was very happy and as soon as we were home, she informed my mother in-law about the news and my mother in-law too felt happy and emotionally cried.

After my father in-law and husband came home, she informed them. My father in-law looked excited but my husband looked very shocked and didn't say a word.

Everyone in the house were excited and happy about the baby including me but my husband looked nowhere near happy. He looked very disturbed and when we were alone in our room he angrily said, "How can you get pregnant now?"

But before I could answer him, my mother in-law and grandmother in-law came to our room and gave me a glass of milk and made me drink. They also talked to me about how I should take care of myself and also said that they would hire a woman for washing clothes and for the chores outside the house.

I felt happy seeing their concern and didn't regret not taking the pills. I knew that pregnancy would definitely change my situation in the house. They also asked my husband to take care of me and don't trouble and while leaving my grandmother in-law secretly whispered to me, "Maintain distance from your husband. It's not safe for the baby." I was embarrassed at how open she was at saying such things to me and just nodded my head.

After they went out my husband didn't talk to me and ignored me. I wanted to give him time so even I didn't disturb him. But his ignorance continued for days.

Shiva's POV

I was shocked knowing about her pregnancy. I know that one day she would become the mother of my children but not when I was not settled. But I couldn't do anything about it after knowing about the pregnancy. I tried to accept the situation. But deep down I wasn't able to accept it even after trying. I avoided her but after she slept I would just stare at her. I couldn't believe that she was carrying my child.

One day, I came home from the farm and went to our bedroom to see her arranging her clothes. I casually sat on the bed ignoring her presence and even she didn't bother me. But then I saw the contraceptive pills in between her clothes but she soon hid it behind her back as if trying to hide something from me and I immediately stood up and snatched the pills from her hand to see that she didn't even use one pill. I was shocked. I never expected her to betray me so brutally.

She knew that my father was forcing me to stop studying while I wanted to continue my studies. She knew that pregnancy would destroy the little chance I had to continue my studies. She knew how my father was. She knew everything but she chose to ignore everything and stubbornly decided to get pregnant making me hate her to the core.

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