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Meenakashi's POV

I felt happy knowing that I could stay with my family for few days. Excitedly I went to inform my kids that all of us could stay with my uncle's family for few days but my husband said that my kids would miss their school and said that only I can stay with my family. I didn't want to go anywhere without my children. I knew that my children would not let me leave.

But I didn't expect my children to pack my bag for me to leave. They said that their father insulted them saying that they are still kids and always depend on me and can't live like grown up men without depending on their mother. So, to prove that they are grown up, they decided to send me to stay with my family. I was amused with their challenge and also felt little worried as they never stayed away from me. But my husband convinced me saying that my in-laws would take care of them.

In the evening, when my husband and I were leaving, my mother in-law didn't look happy as my husband didn't talk to her but she asked me to take care. Everyone asked me to take care and I felt happy seeing their concern. My children who always cry when their father goes somewhere didn't cry at all and were excited sending me off. I was upset with their behaviour but didn't say anything to them. Even I wanted to see for how long they could stay without me.

My husband and I went to Hyderabad and I thought that we would go to my uncle's house but we went to my husband's flat. My in-laws and children called me in between and asked me to take care. My husband's flatmate opened the door for us and greeted me and introduced himself and even talked to me like we knew each other from a long time. Even I felt pleasant with his behaviour.

After freshening up, I wanted to sleep as it was night but my husband forcefully woke me up from the sleep and fed me. As I was tired, I immediately fell asleep after eating.

The next day, my husband woke me up when he was leaving to his college. He informed that his friend already left and would not come till the night and said that he would come in the evening and take me to my uncle's home. I felt guilty of not waking up early and not doing anything for my husband. When he was leaving, I stopped him and said, "Please! Wait! I'll quickly get ready and cook something for you." To which my husband said, "Don't worry about cooking. We already cooked and had our breakfast. Everything is on the dining table for you to eat. There is a washing machine here, you don't have to wash anything and when I comeback, I'll show you how to use it and we hired a maid, she already came once in the morning for cleaning and would come in the evening then I'll introduce her to you. Lock the doors properly."

After my husband left, I did my morning routine and called my mother in-law and asked her about my kids. I felt relieved knowing that they were fine but also felt upset knowing that they were not bothered by my absence.

My husband called me and reminded me to lock the doors properly and asked me to have the breakfast when it's hot and I asked him if they hired someone for cooking but he said that he and his friend cook on alternate days. I was surprised knowing that he could cook. My mother in-law never allowed my husband and my brother in-law to work in our home.

Excitedly, I ate the breakfast made by my husband and was surprised with the taste. I never knew he could cook so well. I had a heavy meal and started exploring my husband's room. The room was very neat but was only filled with books. Even our room in the village is the same. I didn't know why he studies so much. If I had a chance, I would just fill our room with photos.

After exploring the room, I was bored so I called my aunt and informed her about my arrival to Hyderabad and also said that I would meet them in the evening with my husband.

I was never this free in my life. I felt very excited living without any pressures and also felt very anxious knowing that I should again go to our village. But, I decided to enjoy my stay here. Firstly, I decided to sleep peacefully as I didn't know again when I would get such golden opportunity.

As soon as I laid down on the bed, I fell asleep and I woke up when my husband woke me up. I asked him that how he came inside and he said that he has keys to the flat. I asked him if he forgot something but he said, "It's not morning. It's evening. Do you know how many times I called you. Do you know how worried I was and you are happily sleeping here. You didn't even have your lunch." Understanding that I was wrong, I apologised to him and after refreshing   I had a quick meal and got busy in getting ready.

After getting ready, we both went to my uncle's house and they felt happy seeing us there but felt disappointed after knowing that our kids didn't come and my husband promised them that they would come next time.

My aunt informed us that both my aunt and uncle would go to Gulbarga in the next month for my uncle's treatment as one of my uncle's friend has recommended a doctor from Gulbarga. All of us just wanted my uncle to recover. But my uncle didn't look confident about his health and wanted Chinnu to get married before his death.

While discussing about Chinnu's alliance, I recalled Janaki aunt asking  me to talk about Chinnu and Bhavana's alliance.

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