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Meenakshi's POV

I didn't know why but he was staring at me weirdly without even blinking his eyes. I was intimidated by the look and before I could even understand, his lips were on my lips. I felt goosebumps all over my body and smiled after the kiss and he once again kissed me but this time, he bit my lips which scared me and I tried to move away but he didn't let me so, I bit his tongue hard.

He hissed in pain and immediately left me and seeing him in pain I said, "Are you hurt?" To which he looked annoyed and left the room taking a book with him.

I immediately understood my mistake and regretted my actions and followed him to apologise but stopped seeing his grandmother in the living room and heard her say, "Didn't you go to college?" To which he said, "I forgot an important book grandma" and left.

In the night, when we were again alone in the room I tried to talk to him but he didn't say anything and closed his eyes but after a while when I closed my eyes, I felt his hand on my waist and before I could react, he pinched me hard which made me shriek and he said, "Don't worry! I can make the pain go away" and kissed me on the same place where he pinched me and said, "I took away your pain but what about my pain?" To which I said, "What pain?" To which he said, "Didn't you bite me in the morning? It's still hurting. Can't you take away my pain?" To which I said, "No. You are the one who bit me first. I didn't start it."

Listening to me he said, "Fine. I was the one who started it. Let me take your pain away" and kissed me hard and stopped only when I was breathless and anxious.

We both were lying on the bed. I had a goofy smile on my face and turned towards him to see his expression only to see him staring at me without blinking. I blushed and truned towards the other side but he again pulled me towards him and said, "Next week my parents and grandmother would go a relative's wedding and would stay there overnight and I will send Surya somewhere for the night. We can have the whole house for ourselves." I blushed and was expecting him to say more but he said, "Ok. Now go to sleep" and closed his eyes.

I wasn't able to sleep the whole night as I could still feel his lips on my lips. But I didn't understand how he was able to sleep after everything. I poked his bicep to test if he was sleeping but he swat my hand thinking I were a mosquito.

The next day, I woke up late and hurriedly did my morning routine and first went to the kitchen to cook as it's already late only to find my mother in-law. As soon as she saw me, she slapped me and said, "If you come to the kitchen now when will you finish cooking and when will my son's eat and go to college?" I silently stood there listening to her and she said, "Why are standing like a statue? Start working" and again hit me.

As we were cooking, Surya and my husband went out saying that they were getting late for the college. My mother in-law asked them to wait but they didn't wait and hurriedly went out. My father in-law had his breakfast and went out.

My mother in-law looked very upset that her sons left the home with empty stomachs and I know that she would take out her anger on me which scared me.

As soon as my father in-law went out, she took a bamboo stick and hit me with that which made me cry out loud and she didn't stop till my grandmother inlaw  stopped her and said, "Why do you always take your anger on her for everything?" My mother in-law angrily went out saying, "You always support her that is why she is being so disobedient."

After she went out, my grandmother in-law helped me get up and said, "Why are you so careless? Can't you do things on time? See how she hit you?" To which I cried and said, "I didn't do it intentionally." Seeing me cry again she said, "I know. Now don't cry and eat something."

I had my breakfast and again got busy with the chores but the tears were flowing from my eyes as I hated being hit for every little thing. As I was in the kitchen, Susheela aunt came home to talk to my mother in-law and grandmother in-law. I greeted her and served her few homemade snacks.

The three ladies were talking about Susheela aunt's daughter's pregnancy and her pregnancy carvings and then my inlaws too talked about how important it is for a woman to get pregnant and also how carefully a family needs to take care of the pregnant lady.

Listening to my mother in-law talking about pregnancy made me want to become pregnant too. I too wanted to get ready for my baby shower like Madhavi did and also wanted to take rest and not do any chores during the pregnancy. I also wanted to have children so that they could love me unconditionally like how my parents did.

I was excited about having children and as my husband said I would get ready for the next week. But thinking about everything that would happen in the next week made me blush.

I hurriedly did all the chores and made a paste of turmeric and gram flour and took it to our room and applied it as I want to look presentable on the special day. But I was also scared of his reaction after seeing me naked. I was afraid that he wouldn't like me. The girl in the video looked so perfect. She looked her a doll without any body hair, without uneven tan and had the perfect skin.

Remembering the girl made me want to hide somewhere and never show my face to my husband. How could he like me when he has already seen such a beautiful naked girl?!

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