Bahrain - Chapter 1

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First race of 2022 , March 20th- Bahrain

3 hours before the race

Horner: Y/n , welcome to our team! As you have been told, you are going to be our team's correspondent and you are going to answer some questions about our team after the race. Bob McMurray will ask you some questions about Max, Checo and generally the whole team. You should be really careful how you will answer them.

Y/n: Don't worry Christian, I will do my best. I know that some people out there want to make bad publicity of RedBull.

H: You know alot haha. I trust you!

Y/n: Thank you!

Y/n was really happy. Her dream started to become a reality. He was in the F1 paddock. She could see all the drivers and maybe talk with them.

The race started, Max was second and the battle with Charles was intense. The car is fast and the team is happy. We did some good pitstops and we hoped for a good result. Checo was 4th behind the ferrari of Carlos Sainz. Until lap 54 out of 57... Max's car had a problem and he couldn't have control of the car properly... he had to give up the race and went to the pits...
Last lap, Checo had the same problem, he lost control and he gave up the race too... what a shitty day for RedBull... Both drivers were furious, so was Horner...
And Y/n... she had a difficult job to do... Bob McMurray would definitely do some tricky questions about the cars' problem...

H: Y/n, do you think you can do this?

Y/n: Yes Christian. I am fearless

Interview time

Bob: So now we are going to talk with Y/n from team RedBull. Welcome Y/n, how are you?
Y/n: Thank you Bob. I am good.
Bob: What a complete disaster for your team today. How it feels?
Y/n: We are disappointed that the result was that. But we are not disappointed in our drivers. They did the absolute maximum, they are the best. The car at first seemed fine but there is a problem, so the engineers will look into it. It was the first race. Better results will come in the next races. We believe in the cars and in the drivers.
Bob: Are you so sure that the problem can be fixed? Aren't you afraid?
Y/n: We are 100% sure that the problem will be fixed within the next few days. Indeed we are not afraid! You will see our performance next week.
Bob: Maybe the drivers are not so good though. Some say that Max didn't deserve the championship.
Y/n: It is what it is Bob. Max deserved it, he worked really hard last year. Checo is very experienced and he showed some of his power when he kept Lewis with old soft tires. Why so hate on them though Bob?
Bob: So, what's your opinion on what Horner said about young girls who are only interested in Formula1 because of the handsome drivers?
Y/n: First of all, I thought that we were going to talk about today's race. But to answer your question, Christian believes what he believes. I don't really agree with his words because as a 18 year old girl, I don't watch Formula1 because of the handsome drivers but because I love the tension, the cars, speed. I think Christian didn't really think before he spoke, but we should respect other's opinions if we want other people to respect ours. Like, I respect your silly questions that have nothing to do with today's race and are offensive to our drivers because I hope that you can respect my opinions too. Can I ask you something Bob?
Bob: Hm, yes Y/n.
Y/n: How much did it hurt when you saw that Max won the championship last year? Because you are really pressed.
Y/n: No need to answer. Any other questions?
Bob: No Y/n.
Y/n: Thank you. Have a nice night.

At the garage

Max: Wow...
Checo: She really shut him up...
M: I know. To be honest, I would to the same, his final questions were off topic and really offensive to the team.
Checo: This Mfucker, I was right to say that I don't like him.
H: Y/n, the interview was brilliant. Your answers were very good. He tried to say shit about the team but you stopped him. Well done!
Y/n: Thank you Christian. I did my best. But for real, the audacity...
M: I know, he makes me so angry every time he speaks. Hahaha
Y/n: I see, everybody has something good to say about him hahaha
Checo: But for real, your answers were fire. You are so badass.
Y/n: It's the anger issues you know. I can't control them when I hear stupid shit.
M: Exactly! Hahahaha

Y/n went back to her hotel.

At Max's room

Kelly: Baby I know today's race was bad buy you did your best! And that new girl killed that interview! She was so powerful.
M: I know, she said some clever things. I think she is suitable for the team.
K: I wanna take her out for a coffee. It seems that she is alone here.
M: Do it then baby. Ask Christian for her number, he has it.
K: Okay baby.

Chat with Horner

Kelly: Hey Christian. Do you have the new girl's number? I wanna talk to her.

H: of course. It's ***************

K: Thanks. Goodnight.

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