Australia - Chapter 4

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It was the night before qualifying. Y/n and Max didn't go out for a walk like they did the other days. They got pretty close. They started sharing things, but not so personal stuff. Tonight they couldn't go because Max didn't want to be tired the next day. Y/n got a message.

Ver: I am sorry for tonight Y/n.
Y/n: It's okay Max. You have to be ready for tomorrow's qualifying. You need to rest.
Ver: We can talk for a little more, don't worry
Y/n: Okay then.

They talked for 3 hours. They had fun together. Y/n also got close with Yuki, Pierre, Lando and Daniel. The Mercedes Boys hadn't talked to her yet.

FP3 and Qualifying

Y/n went to the paddock early to talk to Christian. He told her that she would have another job in RedBull too because she wouldn't need to speak after every race. She agreed. Then Checo came.

Per: Good morning Christian, good morning to you too Y/n.
Ver: I am here too guys. Good morning!
Y/n: Good morning boys. Ready for fp3 and qualifying?
Per: As always.

Fp3 was good. The car seemed fine. The drivers were confident. Kelly came to the paddock too. She looked kinda angry.

Y/n: Good morning Kelly. How are you?
Kelly: Hey Y/n. I am good and I guess that you are better.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Kelly: You were talking with Max yesterday, right?
Y/n: Yes, why?
Kelly: You do remember that he is not single?
Y/n: Why do you say those things?
Ver: Hey girls. Is everything alright?

Then Kelly kissed him on the lips, like a French kiss. Max seemed a little uncomfortable.

Ver: Kelly I told you to not do those things when I am at work. Just a peck would be nice.
Kelly: Yes baby but I want everyone to know that you are only mine.
Ver: Everyone knows that. Please don't act like a teenage girl. I am sorry about that Y/n.
Y/n: It's okay Max. I am sorry Kelly.

It was time for qualifying. Max would start the race from the second place.

Per: We got this Max.
Ver: Yes Checo! We should go out for a beer.
Per: I am in. Should we tell Y/n too?
Ver: I prefer going the two of us.

Y/n went back to the hotel. She decided to go out with Lewis. He talked to her after qualifying.

Ham: Hello there. You must be the new RedBull girl.
Y/n: Yes haha. I am Y/n. So happy to finally meet you Sir Lewis Hamilton.
Ham: You can call me Lewis. So, do you like it here?
Y/n: Indeed. I always loved Formula1. It was my dream to work here.
Ham: Good to hear that. Well, do you want to go out tonight? Just to get closer you know.
Y/n: Of  course.

Lewis picked Y/n up and they went to a pub to drink and eat. They talked about a lot of things. They got along well. Lewis really seemed interested in Y/n.
Ham: You are such a nice girl Y/n. And so fun. Have you made any friends here except Max and Checo?
Y/n: Well not friends but I am talking with Daniel, Yuki, Pierre and Lando. And now, you.
Ham: You should talk with George too. I will talk to him about you.
Y/n: Thank you.
Ham: With who are you most close to?
Y/n: I would say Checo and Yuki.
Ham: What about Max?
Y/n: We got pretty close after the previous grand Prix but he started to have problems with Kelly...
Ham: Oh, her... I am gonna be honest with you. I don't really like her. She seems two-faced.
Y/n: Well, I don't really know her but she seems childish. But only Max knows.
The conversion went on and the topic became more personal. They talked about things that happened in the past and were kinda traumatic. Y/n felt comfortable with Lewis and so did he. When Y/n told Lewis about her life back in Greece, she started crying a little and then Lewis held her hand like that:

Ver: What the fuck! Checo what is that?Per: Lewis holding Y/n's h- LEWIS HOLDING Y/N'S HAND?? Oh my God hahaVer: It's not a joke

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Ver: What the fuck! Checo what is that?
Per: Lewis holding Y/n's h- LEWIS HOLDING Y/N'S HAND?? Oh my God haha
Ver: It's not a joke. Why?
Per: Max why are you acting like this?
Ver: It's just that I didn't know Y/n was that close with him.
Per: They first talked today. After the qualifying. They seem to be friends now. Cool.
Ver: Friends.. yea..
Per: Max. Speak.
Ver: What?
Per: You like her, right?
Ver: What? Noo. I-i just-
Per: Shut up, you do.
Ver: I have Kelly. I love her. Stop saying billshit mate.
Per: Okay okay.

Y/n: Thank you Lewis. You are such a good person!
Ham: Anything for you Y/n. Do you want me to drive you to the hotel?
Y/n: That would be nice. Thanks.

Lewis drove Y/n to the hotel. She hugged him and then went to her room.

She went to sleep

~Buzz Buzz Buzz~
Phone chat:
Ham: Today was so great Y/n. Looking forward to it again😊

Per: I saw you and Sir Hamilton. Did you talk about the Queen?😏

Nor: *sends photo of the Lego mclaren car* It's soooo pretty 😍

Tsu: I still believe I am taller than you bitch🙄

Ver: I sdaw yoiu tonightt... (drunk text)

Hello there! Sorry for the late update. I am just so busy with school. I hope you like that chapter. Please vote and share it. 🤗❤

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