Saudi Arabia- Chapter 2

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March 25th - Free Practice 1 & 2

Y/n was excited. The car seems better than last week's. The drivers are confident. Fp1 went really good. The team was happy.

Kelly found Y/n in the garage and she went to her.
K: Hello Y/n. I am Kelly, nice to meet you. I am so impressed with how you spoke to that reporter.
Y/n: Nice to meet you too Kelly. Thank you so much. That man pissed me off. I couldn't hold it.
K: I know girl. So, I got your number from Christian and now that I found you, do you wanna go for a drink after the practices?
Y/n: Of course! The two of us?
K: I was thinking that maybe we can go with Max, Checo, his wife, your Boyfriend and some other drivers.
Y/n: We can definitely do that. I want to make friends. But I am single, so no boyfriend hahaha.
K: Hahaha okay. An Uber will take you from your hotel at 10 o'clock to take you to Blossom bar, where the rest will be.

Fp2 was good. Yuki had to get off the car unfortunately. Kinda sad because Alpha Tauri is like a sibling to RedBull.

Y/n went to her hotel to get ready. She took a shower and wore a black dress with silver heels.

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(Yes, I wanted Y/n to be plus size because I haven't seen many stories with plus size women

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(Yes, I wanted Y/n to be plus size because I haven't seen many stories with plus size women. But feel free to use your imagination for Y/n's appearance)

She curled her hair a little and put some perfume. She was ready.

When she arrived at the bar, she saw Kelly and Max.
K: Hey gorgeous girl!
Y/n: Hey beautiful!
M: How are you today Y/n? We didn't talk today in the garage.
Y/n: I am good Max. Just happy for the 2nd race of the season. Will Checo come?
K: Yes, buy his wife can't make it. Also Charles with Charlotte , Carlos, Daniel, Lando with Luisinha and Albon with Lily will come.
Y/n: So cool! I can't wait to meet them all!

Daniel came first
D: Hello guys! Who are you pretty lady? I am Daniel.
Y/n: Hello Daniel. I am Y/n.
D: Oh yeah, you are the one who completely shut Bob up! Hahahaha, you are a savage.
Y/n: Thanks I guess Danny haha.
M: What do you want to drink guys?
K: The regular baby.
D: Rum Cola for me.
Y/n: Cherry Vodka please.

Checo, Charles, Charlotte, Lando and Luisinha came. They all greeted each other. The atmosphere was really good and friendly. Y/n was talking with everyone.

Sai: Y/n, do you wanna dance? I love that song.
Y/n: Of course.
Lec: Guys, we should all dance!

Carlos held her hands, they were really soft. He knew how to dance, so he showed her some moves.

Ric: Can I dance with you too Y/n? You know, you are new here, so..
Y/n: Haha, of course.

Y/n danced with almost all the drivers and the girls too! The night was awesome!

K: Baby, maybe you should dance with her too. All of us did.
Ver: Will that be okay with you baby?
K: Yes, go.

Ver: Alex, can I have Y/n now?
Alb: Yes mate. I need to rest a little.

Max held Y/n's hands. Electricity pierced him that moment. The same feeling when he first touched Kelly. He thought that it was nothing as if it wasn't the first time experiencing that kind of feeling. Also, Y/n wasn't really his type (well, it was but for his image he had to be with a woman who is like a model, if not a model). He cleared all those thoughts and just danced with her.

Y/n: Is everything alright Max? Are you anxious about the qualifying tomorrow?
Ver: Hm, yes. But it's okay.
Y/n: The car is very good. Don't worry. I have- I mean we all have faith in our power and in you.
Ver: Thank you Y/n. So, where are you from? We haven't talked about you.
Y/n: I am from Greece
Ver: Wow, this is so far away.
Y/n: Yes, but when you love something, distance is nothing. My dream is to work in Formula1, so I am here to fulfill it. I will work hard to be here for a long time.
Ver: Well done, you are so determined. You remind me of me when I first joined Toro Rosso. I think you will stay for a long time.

Hours passed. They left the bar. Checo offered her a ride and she accepted.

Y/n: Thank you Checo.
Per: It's nothing Y/n. You are such a cool person. Definitely a RedBull woman haha. We will get along well. You made a lot of friends today. Also, if you need anything, tell me. I am here.

Y/n felt really safe with Checo. All of the people tonight were nice with her, but Checo was different. She started talking to him. Saying things that happened to the past. Her life when she was at school, the bullying she experienced because of her body, her past relationships (not only boyfriends but also friendships that didn't end well), how she was always misunderstood by many people, family issues, etc.
Checo was a very good listener, he understood her completely, he wanted to help her, help her make a new life in Formula1, new friends, new family. He saw that she was in love with that sport.  He knew that he would be best friends with her. So did Y/n.

Y/n: Checo, you are the best. Thanks for listening to me. You are the fist ever person to say all that stuff to. I know it's early to tell but maybe we can be best friends. I really want a bestie
Per: I thought the same, of course! And don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. Now, you should go and rest, tomorrow is qualifying day!

Hello again! Chapter 2! Hope you like it!

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