SET 2: Nayeon x M Reader- [When Fantasy Just Got Real]

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A/N: This chapter has now the most word count in this book, previously held by "Less Than Zero"which is a one-shot ft. you with Dahyun

Well, I'm not surprised because my mind literally functioned so well while planning for the plot of this, lol.

And also, I didn't hold back now on making a one shot with its word count reaching near 10k.


"Thank you for coming, maam! Hope you'll visit us again!"

You assisted the woman to open the door of the coffee shop you're working in. When the last customer finally left, you flipped the flashcard around pasted on the glass door, from "Come in, we're OPEN!" to "Sorry, we're CLOSED."

"Once again, we got many customers for today... and we served em' all properly.", your co-worker Haewon proudly said, wiping her hands with a clean towel.

"Nice one guys!", Yuna said who just finished wiping the tables. You did a group high-five with them after. Your friendship with them is just wholesome, that's why. "This is why I like rainy season so much.", she said while looking outside. She's referring to the shop earning more money from the customers which makes it more successful to the public.

"You're not alone~", your fellow male co-worker Jooyeon said in a sing-song tone, crossing his arms.

"Hey, can we prepare now? I really want to go home now to rest and chill with this weather.", he stretched his back and caressed the skin of his arms.

"Yeah, same. You too guys right?", you said, agreeing with what Jooyeon said.
You pointed your finger at Yuna then moved it next to Haewon.

"No need to ask, Y/N. Ofcourse we want it too.", Haewon chuckled.

The manager just left his office and then walked towards you, Haewon, Yuna and Jooyeon. "Alright, shop's now closed. We need to prepare so that we can go home now. Lucky day is up tomorrow so save some energy to have fun with your salary."

"Kamsahamnida, manager-nim!", all of you exclaimed which the manager just smiled back at you four.

"Bye guys! Be safe on the way home!", you waved your hands as you shouted at your friends.

"You too!", you heard Haewon and the two also did the same as her. You started to walk now, separating yourself from the three since you are the only one who is not going in the same direction as them.

While walking on the wet ground, raindrops crashing down at the cover of your umbrella, you noticed something as you passed an alley.

There was this white bunny who seems like it is trying to sleep but only end up failing. Its body is also shaking, probably due to the cold weather. The bunny is trying hard too to make itself warm by curling its body.

"Oh man, why is this bunny here?", you slowly walked near at the bunny. You expected that it will hop away from you because of how intimidating you look from its eyes but it didn't happen, much to your relief.

You nearly kneeled on the ground just to have a closer look at the poor bunny. Then, you noticed that it is shivering. "God, I feel pity for this creature.", you sighed.

You became silent for a second, thinking on what you should do until you finally cane up with a decision that you want bring this poor bunny along on your way home so that it could have a shelter to shed into during this weather. This creature doesn't deserve to stay outside knowing how dangerous it is.

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