SET 3: Nayeon x M Reader- [Out Of Time]

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Yall readers might find this one different because this will be the first one-shot that will feature 'first person point of view' of characters in the story.

This is also a sequel to the previous and first Nayeon x Reader one-shot called "Save Your Tears", as requested by my buddy and fellow TWICE AU author YooJeonghoon. He also helped me on some parts of this story. If you are one of his followers and knew one of his favorites then you'll easily gonna recognize what he contributed in this story.

So yeah if you haven't read the first one yet... better do so.

Hope yall enjoy this one!



"Don't you forget what our professor gave to us for tomorrow okay?", my new classmate Yeri said to me, pointing her finger at me while I'm fixing my bag after our class in Physics just ended.
"Just so you know, Ms. Lee is famous in the campus for not giving any mercy to students who doesn't follow or respect her.", she gave me some warning, well I took it with all attention. I felt chills once again when I heard it from her, while also remembering my first encounter with our new Physics teacher.

"I will. She seems not the type of person to mess with, from her aura already earlier.", I said, gulped when I recalled her introduction to our class earlier which showed how intimidating and scary she sounded and looked.

"See? Even you can't deny.", Yeri chuckled, finding it hilarious that I agree the same as her. " You're a new student here so I can't have you become one of her victims already.", she faced me and said it to me with a caring voice.

I smiled gratefully to her, feeling lucky that I met my first friend here in my first time being here in this university after I transferred. "Thanks, Yeri. You've been really good to be so far."

"Oh, Nayeon unnie, it's no problem.", she shaked her hands off at me. "I once experience how it feels like to be alone with no one dares to approach you and become friends so.. I won't let the same thing happen to you.", she said then showed me a thumbs up, indicating that I will be just alright when I'm with her. I just let my lips formed a curve again on both sides, appreciating at how a nice person Yeri is.

It made me puzzled why no one dares to get to know about her when in fact they're completely missing a person that can turn out to be one of the besy friends they'll ever have in their life.

"Anyways... it's lunchtime. Come, there's so many delicious foods in cafeteria.", then she held my arm and pulled me along with her. Now we're outside the classroom and walking ahead in the hallway, setting our destination onto the cafeteria.

While we are wandering with many students, teachers and school staffs we passed along the way, we saw the school field in the near distance where there are some male students along with the elders standing in a straight line. They only wear such simple plain tshirts, sando, jogging pants or shorts.

But my eyes got caught more at this one specific man who is standing straight and listening attentively to who it seems like their trainer or coach. I noticed he had a new haircut but it never changed how handsome he is, his body figure got even a bit more muscular, his clear white skin being reflected by the sunlight above them.

Just by the sight of him made my heart beats rapidly. He is the only person capable of doing this to me.

Ofcourse, who in the Earth would not experience this when they have someone they love straight right in their sight.

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