Chapter One - The Will Of The Force

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After helping the redeemed Revan save the Galaxy from the threat of Darth Malak, the Galaxy had entered a state of peace. With the threat of the Sith seemingly ended, Jolee Bindo decides that it was time for him to return to his solitary lifestyle. But as he prepares to return to Kashyyyk, Jolee feels the Force calling out to him. Heeding the Force's call, Jolee sets a course to seemingly random coordinates which was located in the farthest reaches of known space. Despite not knowing himself what his destination was, Jolee trusts in the will of the Force. After a long journey, the old former Jedi comes across a lone planet. As his ship approaches the planet, he could feel the Force strongly in this planet.

Jolee: Hhm.....

Without hesitation, Jolee flies his ship into the planet. He soon lands the ship in what appeared to be a frozen wasteland. Upon exiting his ship, Jolee could feel the intense cold. 

Jolee: Eh. What's a little cold hurt?

Braving the weathers, Jolee walks the frozen landscape. As he walked, he came across a village which was being harassed by a gang of bandits. 

Bandit Leader: Alright, everyone! You know the drill! We want our tribute!

Katara: But....but we have so little! The Fire Nation took nearly everything we had!

Bandit Leader: That's life, kid! If you know what's good for you, then you better pay up!

Kanna: There is no need for violence. Please....

Bandit Leader: You put us in a difficult position, old woman. Since you're not handing us our tribute, perhaps you should give us something of....equal value. 

The bandit leader glances over to Katara with a wicked smile. Sokka then grabs a boomerang and throws it at the bandit leader.

Sokka: Get out of here!

As the boomerang hits the bandit leader in the head, the bandit leader staggers back. 

Bandit Leader: You little shit! Boys! Scorch the earth! Kill them all! 

As the bandits prepared to burn down the village, a loud whistling was heard. Everyone turned around to see Jolee walking in the distance. The bandits turn their attention to the former Jedi Master.

Jolee: Hello there.

Bandit Leader: Who the fuck are you?!

Jolee: Just a simple man trying to make his way in the Galaxy. By the looks of you and your compatriots, you don't look like friendly fellows. 

Bandit Leader: You best watch yourself, old man! We're the Black Hand! We own this dump! And unless you want trouble, I suggest you mind your fucking business! 

Realizing that the tension could escalate into violence and not wanting to endanger the villagers, Jolee attempts to use his skills in the Force to deescalate the situation.

Jolee: I am of no concern to you.

As Jolee waved his hand, he deployed the Jedi Mind Trick on the bandit in an attempt to defuse the situation. 

Bandit Leader: You are of no concern to me.

Jolee: You and your gang will leave and a never bother these fine folks again. 

Bandit Leader: My gang and I will leave and never....

Bandit: Oi! What the hell are you doing?! Let's waste this old man and burn the fucking village!

The bandit pulls out a knife and attempts to stab Jolee, but Jolee was able to react quickly by Force pushing him away. The bandits including their leader attack Jolee. Jolee unleashes a powerful Force Repulse which knocks the bandits back. 

Jolee: Hhm.

Bandit Leader: Kill that bastard! 

One of the bandits pulls out a crossbow and shoots at Jolee, but the old Jedi uses the Force to push the arrow away. Jolee then pulls out chunks of ice from the ground and throws them at the bandits. Katara and Sokka along with the rest of the villagers were in awe of what they were seeing. Left with no other choice, Jolee activates his green Lightsaber and begins cutting through the bandits. Soon, it was down to just Jolee and the bandit leader.

Bandit Leader: Why won't you die?!

As the bandit leader charged at Jolee, the Jedi landed a fatal thrust into the bandit's chest. When it was over, Jolee calmly walked over to the villagers to check on them. 

Jolee: Are you folks okay?

Kanna: We are. Thank you, stranger. 

Jolee: Just doing my duty, ma'am. 

Sokka: That was amazing! You showed those bandits who was boss!

Jolee: Those hooligans should've backed down. It's a shame it came to violence, but some folks are just so eager for a fight.

Katara: Who...who are you?

Jolee: My name is Jolee Bindo, young one. 

Katara: Are you...a Waterbender? 

Sokka: There's no way he's a Waterbender! He's got to be an Earthbender or maybe even an Airbender!

As they said this, Jolee shot the two young teens a puzzled look. It was clear to them that they were unaware of the Force.

Kanna: What brings you to our village?

As Kanna asked this, Jolee fell silent. He sits down and begins meditating on the Force. As he meditates, Jolee could sense that the Force brought him here for a reason. 

Kanna: I can tell that you've traveled a great distance. Perhaps you could stay in our village.

Jolee: Perhaps destiny has brought us to this point for a reason. I think I'll take you up on your offer. 

In that moment, Jolee Bindo joined the Southern Water Tribe. As he was welcomed to the tribe, Katara became curious about Jolee and what he could possibly teach her. But for now, Jolee was welcomed into the Southern Water Tribe with open arms. As for Jolee, he knew that the Force had something planned for him. As always, Jolee would abide by the will of the Force.

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