Chapter Nine - Kyoshi Island

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After exploring the Southern Air Temple, Jolee along with Aang, Katara and Sokka continued their journey. As Appa soared through the sky, Sokka began questioning Aang's navigational skills.

Sokka: You have no idea where you're going, do you?

Aang: Well...I know it's near water.

Sokka: I guess we're getting close then.

Meanwhile, Katara was sewing a hole in Sokka's pants while Jolee was meditating on the Force. Aang glances over at her from atop Appa's head, Momo perched on his shoulder. He concocts an idea to impress her.

Aang: Momo, marbles please.

Momo dives into his shirt and emerges, handing Aang two small, gray marbles.

Aang: Hey Katara, check out this Airbending trick!

Using Airbending, Aang manages to spin the two marbles quickly along an equatorial plane as he grins happily. Katara however was still focused on the task at hand. 

Katara: That's great, Aang.

Aang: You didn't even look. 

Katara: That's great!

Aang: But I'm not doing it now.

Sokka waves his arm breezily at Aang as if he is trying to shoo him away. It was at this point that Jolee stops meditating. 

Sokka: Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing.

Katara: What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?

Sokka: Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things.

Jolee: I'd tread carefully if I were you, Sokka. 

Without warning, Katara angrily tosses the pants in his direction. The pair of pants hit him in the face, covering it. He quickly scrambles to free himself. Jolee simply sighs. 

 Aang: Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants.

Aang yanks Appa's reins to the left, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Appa picks up speed as he flies right to an island. When they land on the beach, Jolee and Team Avatar dismount. 

Sokka: We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?

Katara: He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring.

Jolee: Patience. The North Pole isn't going anywhere. 

Sokka: Well how about you use the Force to get us there? 

Jolee: That's not how the Force works, Sokka. It's not just some powerful magic that can do anything. 

Aang: But Appa's tired, aren't you boy?

Suddenly, an Elephant Koi jumps out the water and back in, creating a giant splash. 

Aang: That's why we're here. Elephant Koi, and I'm gonna ride it. Katara, you've got to watch me!

Aang then runs up and dives in. As soon as he submerges, he jumps out again. Jolee along with Katara and Sokka stay ashore. They watch as Aang swims up to the Elephant Koi. Katara smiles broadly and impressed at the sight of Aang riding the Koi Fish while Sokka stares at the scene with an uninterested look upon his face and his arms crossed. Jolee chuckles at this sight. 

Katara: He looks pretty good out there.

Sokka: Are you kidding? The Fish is doing all the work.

Jolee: Just trying to stay on a Fish takes a lot of focus and concentration. 

Suddenly, Jolee senses something. He looks to see something stirring in the water. Suddenly, Aang is attacked by gray eel. Aang uses Airbending to run across the surface of the lake at lightning speed with the creature closing in. Sokka suddenly grows alarmed as Aang collides straight into him, having reached the shore safely. The eel's dorsal fin soon disappears into the water. 

Katara: What was that thing?

Aang: I don't know.

Sokka: Well, let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road.

Suddenly, several female warriors clad in green kimonos descend from the treetops ambushing the trio. The women quickly encircle the group and attacks them. When one of the women attacks Jolee, he uses the Force to push them back. He then ignites his Green Lightsaber and assumes a defensive stance. As he surveys his surroundings, the women brandish metal fans. Sokka was quickly pulled back and knocked over. Katara is pulled by her arm. As she leans in to maintain her balance, someone pulls her parka over her head and pulls her down. Aang is distracted by Katara's struggles, giving the opportunity to another female warrior to grab him by his collar. Momo flies up screeching from his shoulder, only to be quickly caught in a bag, only his head still protruding. As Jolee was the last one standing, the female warriors surround him. Jolee maintains his calm composure. One of the female warriors charges at Jolee, but the former Jedi slashes at the fan and lands a swift kick, knocking her back. The other female warriors took a step back as they surveyed Jolee's movements. 

Jolee: This doesn't have to end in violence. 

The female warriors then launched a coordinated attack on Jolee. Despite being outnumbered, Jolee was able to keep up with his younger opponents. When one went for an overhead strike, Jolee parries the attack and lands a nonlethal slash which took her down. But as the fight progressed, Jolee could sense no malevolent thoughts within these warriors. Soon enough, Jolee deactivates his Lightsaber and holsters it. 

Jolee: I surrender. 

Jolee then kneels down and allows the female warriors to take him into custody. He then puts a blindfold on Jolee's head and blinds him. In that moment, Jolee and Team Avatars were prisoners to an unknown group. 

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