Chapter Four - The Fire Nation's Arrival

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After Aang's departure, Jolee took the time to mediate on all that had happened. As he meditates, he could feel a shift in the Force. Suddenly, the ground begins to quake and a rumbling sound is heard in the distance. Acting on instinct, Jolee exits from his hut to see a Fire Nation ship approaching the tribe. As fear gripped the entire Water Tribe, Jolee remained calm and collected. Soon enough, the ship docks at the Water Tribe as Fire Nation Prince Zuko exits the ship with two Fire Nation Guards. As the entire Water Tribe huddled together, Sokka lets out a battle cry and charges at the prince with his club to the ready.  When he reaches Zuko, the prince merely kicks the club to his left and, without ever resting his leg on the ground, kicks Sokka over to his right, sending him into the snow, where his head becomes trapped. The warrior desperately tries to free himself as Zuko continues on his way to the village, followed by six more men. Katara covers her mouth in shock upon witnessing her brother's quick defeat.

Zuko: Where are you hiding him?

Zuko surveys the crowd of villagers, who fall completely silent. Without warning, he extends his arm out into the crowd and grabs Kanna, holding her by the hood of her parka.

Zuko: He'd be about this age, master of all elements?

Zuko shoves Kanna forcefully back into the crowd. The elderly woman shudders in fear and embraces Katara, while Katara shoots an angry glare at Zuko. Receiving no response, Zuko swings his arm out and releases an arc of fire that passes just over the heads of the people, causing them to cover their heads and cry out in fear. Zuko then turns to Jolee. 

Zuko: Are you the Avatar, old man? You don't look like you're from around here?

Jolee: Avatar? Never heard of an Avatar. I'm just a simple man making his way in the world. 

Zuko: I know you're hiding him!

Jolee: We mean you no harm, young man. We know nothing about this...Avatar you speak of. 

At this point, Zuko became impatient over Jolee's words. Sokka runs over and picks it up, most of his war paint having come off at this point. He lets out another battle cry as he charges toward the prince. When Sokka gets close, Zuko ducks under Sokka's wide swing and hurls the warrior forward. Sokka lands on his rear in the snow and is quickly forced to dart from his spot when Zuko fires a blast at him. He spins to the side and tosses his boomerang at the enemy who barely manages to miss getting hit by the weapon. Zuko growls and glares at Sokka in anger at the near hit; he follows the course of the weapon until it vanishes before looking back at Sokka in anger. One of the village boys tosses Sokka a spear. 

Village Boy: Show no fear!

As Sokka was about to attack, Jolee steps in. 

Jolee: Now's not the time to play warrior, boy. 

Sokka: Are you serious?! They....

Jolee: Quiet! There are alternatives to fighting. 

Suddenly, Aang is seen rapidly riding on a penguin toward the battle scene. Before Zuko could react, Aang knocks Zuko off his feet. Aang soars into the air as the prince lands on his face, his legs in the air. He spins around a few times before coming to a halt in front of his men, his helmet landing on his rear as they watch. As the village cheers, Jolee smiles. 

Aang: Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka.

Sokka:  Hi, Aang. Thanks for coming.

Aang looks back at the Fire Nation soldiers, where Zuko just got back on his feet again. Upon his signal, his men spread out, surrounding Aang while Zuko assumes a fighting stance. Shift to an overhead shot of Aang assuming a fighting stance as well, his staff held firmly in front of him as he is being surrounded by the soldiers. He sweeps the ground side-to-side with his staff, showering the men with snow. He subsequently slams the ground, sending a rush of snow at Zuko who braces for the impact. After being sprayed with snow, and heating it up so it would melt off, Zuko looks up angrily. As a Fire Nation soldier was about to ambush Aang, Jolee steps in and lands a nonlethal slash with his Lightsaber. 

Jolee: Hhm....

Aang: Looking for me?

Zuko: You're the Airbender? You're the Avatar? I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. You're just a child!

Aang: Well, you're just a teenager.

Zuko launches a series of fire blasts at Aang in anger at the remark, who defends himself by twirling his staff, dissipating the flames. Cut to overhead shot of the area, Zuko attacking Aang, the villagers watching directly behind him. Zuko fires another blast at Aang, who twirls his staff once again to ward the attack off. Cut to a shot of the villagers, who cower as the flames stream through the air over their heads. Aang widens his eyes in horror at the sight of the frightened villagers and immediately ceases to defend himself.

Aang: If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?

Zuko nods his head in agreement. Aang is apprehended by Zuko's men, who take his staff. Katara runs forward as they lead Aang away.

Katara: No! Aang, don't do this!

Aang: Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay. Take care of Appa for me until I get back.

Zuko: Head a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home.

With that, Aang was taken captive by the Fire Nation. As the ship leaves, Katara turns to Sokka.

Katara: We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Aang saved our tribe, now we have to save him.

Sokka: Katara, I --

Katara: Why can't you realize that he's on our side? If we don't help him, no one will. I know you don't like Aang, but we owe him and --

Sokka: Are you gonna talk all day, or are you comin' with me?

As the two prepare to leave, they were approached by Jolee and Kanna.

 Kanna: What do you two think you're doing?

After an uneasy moment of silence, Kanna smiles while holding two sleeping bags. 

Kanna: You'll need these.  You have a long journey ahead of you. It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little Waterbender.  And you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sister.

Kanna then turns to Jolee. 

Kanna: I suppose you'll be leaving as well, Jolee?

Jolee: Someone's got to watch these two as they trek through dangerous lands. 

Kanna: Then I leave them in your hands. 

Jolee: Don't worry, Kanna. This old coot will keep both eyes on them. 

In that moment, a new journey had begun. Jolee Bindo would join Katara and Sokka in rescuing Aang. But for Jolee, he knew that the journey that had begun would change this world forever. 

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