Chapter Eight - Dark Deeds

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As Aang and Sokka chased after the Lemur, Aang and Sokka follow the Lemur through some torn drapes. 

Aang: Hey! Come back!

Aang pushes the decaying curtain of drapes out of the way. He then looks around for the Lemur.

Aang: Come on out, little lemur! That hungry guy won't bother you anymore.

Aang walks up to another curtain of drapes. Cut to a frontal view from the other side of the curtain as Aang parts them. He looks in the room, but suddenly takes a sharp breath in shock as he sees several skeletons dressed in Fire Nation uniforms lying scattered over the floor. He then sees a skeleton lying in the snow, surrounded by many more skeletons of Fire Nation soldiers.

Aang: Firebenders? They were here?

Aang enters the room and looks around with a sad expression on his face. Aang then approaches the skeleton surrounded by the Fire Nation soldiers. Around his neck was a round necklace that supports the symbol of Airbending. The skeleton was dressed in yellow monk robes. In that moment, Aang recognized the skeleton.

Aang: Gyatso.

Meanwhile, Jolee and Katara pondered on the situation. It was clear to the two that something terrible happened here. 

Katara: You seem....sad. 

Jolee: I've seen this scene far too many times, Katara. 

Katara begins walking down the circular pattern of statues. She stops before and looks at the statue of Avatar Roku. Katara suddenly looks surprised as a bluish, white light illuminates her face; it seems to come from the statue. The bright light spreads to the other statues and one by one, their eyes start to gleam. The light travels from statue to statue and makes its way up to the top of the sanctuary. It didn't take long for Jolee and Katara to realize what was going on. 

Katara: Aang!

Jolee and Katara sprint out of the room. Meanwhile, a whirlwind begins to form around Aang. The wind kicks up and forms a sphere around Aang; his eyes and tattoos still glowing brightly. Aang's clothes flutter heavily in the wind.

Sokka: Aang! Come on! Snap out of it!

Sokka holds up his arm to protect himself against the raging winds. Suddenly, the air sphere around Aang expands and sends Sokka flying backward. The roof explodes by the force of the hurricane and debris is catapulted high into the air. It wasn't long before Jolee and Katara arrived. 

Katara: What happened?

Sokka: He found out Firebenders killed Gyatso!

Katara: Oh no! It's his Avatar Spirit! He must have triggered it! I'm going to try and calm him down!

Sokka: Well, do it! Before he blows us off the mountain!

Without hesitation, Jolee and Katara fight the storm to get to Aang. The sphere of wind that engulfs slowly starts to rise in the air. Katara is pushed back by the strong wind currents that fill the remains of the building as the sphere ascends higher and higher. Jolee takes a deep breath and uses the Force to carve a safe path through the whirlwind. Strong winds are rampaging through the rubble of the destroyed building. Katara and Sokka are holding on for dear life on some stones, trying not to get blown away. Jolee remains calm as Katara reaches out to Aang. 

Katara: Aang! I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom. Monk Gyatso and the other Airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. Sokka and I! We're your family now!

As Katara reaches out to Aang, the winds slowly began to die down. It was at that moment that Jolee approached Aang. He then places his hand on Aang's face and closes his eyes. 

Jolee: I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. 

As Jolee speaks those words, he channels the Force into Aang. Katara and Sokka watched as the winds start to die down and the air sphere that surrounded Aang disappears. Then there was silence as Katara and Sokka rushed to Aang. 

Sokka: Katara and I aren't going to let anything happen to you. Promise.

As Katara takes Aang's hand, the glowing from Aang's tattoos and eyes fade away. He slants his eyes with a saddened expression, before he collapses from exhaustion in Katara's arms.

Aang: I'm sorry. 

Katara: It's okay. It wasn't your fault.

Aang: But you were right. And if the Firebenders found this temple, that means they found the other ones, too. I really am the last Airbender.

Jolee: Don't be so sure, Aang. You may be the last Airbender now, but you have the opportunity to pass on the knowledge your people to those who would listen. It is not the person that survives, it's the wisdom they leave behind. 

Aang was taken aback by Jolee's wisdom. All he could do was offer a warm smile. Soon enough, Jolee falls to his knees. 

Katara: Are you okay?!

Jolee: I'll be fine, Katara. All this excitement has finally caught the better of me...

With that, Jolee took the time to rest while the rest of the group began packing their things. 

Katara: Everything's packed. You ready to go?

Aang: How is Roku supposed to help me if I can't talk to him?

Jolee: Patience, Aang. The journey ahead will be long. I'm sure you'll find a way when the time comes. 

They glance at each other when they hear something behind them. They turn around and see the flying lemur standing on its back legs in the middle of the doorway. The animal reaches his feet and drops the load he was carrying: a variety of fruits. The lemur quickly dashes away as Sokka sits down and starts to stuff his face with the fruit, taking large bites of two different pieces of fruit.

Aang: Looks like you made a new friend Sokka!

Sokka: Can't talk! Must eat!

It wasn't long before Aang took the Lemur in, naming him Momo. After that, they all got on Appa and departed from the Southern Air Temple. In that moment, the journey continued.

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