Chapter Twelve - Defenders Of Kyoshi

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As Jolee and the group remained on Kyoshi Island, Katara was still frustrated by Aang's recent attitude. Jolee decides to help Katara by training her on Jedi Meditation. Katara decides to mix this with her Bending. As they trained, Aang approached them. 

Aang: Katara, remember how Unagi almost got me yesterday?

Katara: Yeah. 

Aang: Well, I'm gonna go ride it now. It's gonna be real dangerous.

Katara: Good for you. 

Aang:  You're not going to stop me?

Katara: Nope. Have fun. 

Aang: I will. 

Jolee: Shoo. We're training. 

As Aang left, Katara took a deep breath. However, she quickly lost her concentration. Jolee could see that something was on her mind. 

Jolee: You're still worried about Aang, aren't you? 

Katara: Y...yeah. 

Jolee: He'll come around. They always do. 

Katara: You seem so sure? 

Jolee: That's because I am. I've seen enough of those kind of stories play out. Maybe Aang just needs someone to guide him. 

As Jolee said that, Katara took a deep breath. She then decides to talk to Aang to try and mend their differences. When she left, Jolee decided to meditate. As Jolee meditated on the Force, he began to sense a disturbance in the Force. He quickly makes his way to the village where Zuko and three Fire Nation soldiers mounted on komodo rhinos are standing at the base of the Kyoshi statue.

Zuko: Come out, Avatar! You can't hide from me forever!

Without hesitation, Jolee approaches Zuko. The Fire Nation soldiers assume combative stances. 

Zuko: You again. Where is the Avatar, old man?!

Jolee: They've already left. They're long gone by now. 

Zuko: You're bluffing.

Jolee: Am I, sonny? 

As Jolee says this, he pulls out his Lightsaber and activates it. It wasn't long before Sokka along with Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors arrived. 

Jolee: Interesting outfit, Sokka. 

Sokka: Not now!

With that, a battle ensues between the Kyoshi Warriors and the Fire Nation. During the fighting, many homes were set on fire. Zuko pushes himself up and rapidly spins around on his hand while shooting fire out of his feet, knocking the Kyoshi Warrior back into the house and slamming Suki against a wooden pole, where she collapses in pain. Zuko proceeds with a low fire kick in Sokka's direction. The Water Tribe Warrior jumps over the fire, but as soon as he lands again, Zuko sweeps his feet from underneath him. Sokka falls in his back, and Zuko jumps over him to the middle of the street. He angrily looks around. 

Zuko: Your powers are weak, old man! You cannot protect the Avatar forever!

???: Hey Zuko!

As the voice speaks up, Zuko turns around to see a determined Aang standing at the beginning of the main street, holding his staff in front of him like he is challenging the prince.

Zuko: Finally!

Zuko commences by sending two fire balls in Aang's direction. He ducks underneath the first and uses his staff to decimate the next fire ball. He rapidly spins the staff over his head, propelling himself in the air. He lands in front of Zuko, who immediately kicks the staff out of his hands. Aang jumps up and lands between two fans of a Kyoshi Warrior that are lying on the ground. He stands up and picks us the fan with his Airbending. As Zuko madly charges at Aang, he is intercepted by Jolee who blasts Zuko back with a telekinetic push. Zuko responds by sending two fireballs at Jolee, but the Jedi uses the Force to grab the fireballs and throws them to the sky. Jolee then presses the attack on Zuko. Zuko presses the attack on the Jedi, but Jolee maintains a strong defense. 

Zuko: I will capture the Avatar! 

Jolee: Oh I don't think so! 

As Zuko attempts to blindside Jolee, Jolee manages to land a slash on Zuko's arm. Zuko groans in pain as he kicks Jolee in the face. More Fire Nation soldiers attempt to swarm Jolee, but he cuts them down with his Lightsaber. As Jolee refocused on Zuko, the two dueled once more. Suddenly, a voice is heard. 

???: Appa, yip yip!

Jolee and Zuko turn around to see Aang along with Katara and Sokka taking off on Appa. 

Jolee: It would seem our time is up. 

Zuko: You will not escape me, Avatar!

As Zuko was about to attack, Jolee kicks him away. Jolee then runs in the direction of Appa and uses the Force to jump on him.

Katara: Are you okay?!

Jolee: I'll be fine. 

Aang then looks upon Kyoshi Island with sadness in his eyes. 

Katara: I know it's hard, but you did the right thing. Zuko would have destroyed the whole place if we had stayed. They're going to be okay, Aang. 

Aang looks up with a determined look on his face. Without hesitation, he suddenly jumps off Appa. 

Katara: What are you doing?!

Jolee: It would appear Aang has a plan. 

After a moment, the water bubbles and suddenly Unagi shoots out of the water with Aang on top of his head, holding his whiskers. After swaying about a few times, he sturdies himself atop Unagi's head and pulls the creature's barbels. Unagi opens its mouth wide and begins gushing water which rains over the town. This puts out the fires on both the houses and the Kyoshi statue. Zuko looking humiliated and his men looking surprised. Unagi ceases to gush water and launches Aang into the air, who is subsequently caught by an overflying Appa.

Aang: I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous.

Katara: Yes. It was. 

Katara then hugs Aang. Aang smiles and inhales deeply before sighing and closing his eyes, happily. Jolee smiles as he begins laying on Appa's back. In that moment, their adventure on Kyoshi Island has come to an end. 

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