Chapter Six - The Southern Air Temple

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As Jolee joined Aang, Katara and Sokka on their adventure, a beautiful sunrise that just peeks above some cliffs. The beams of the morning sun reflect on the water, bathing the whole scene in yellow light. In the early hours of the morning, Jolee was the first to wake up. As he mediates, everyone else starts to wake up. Aang plays a prank on Sokka much to Katara's amusement.

Aang: Great! You're awake! Let's go!

As everyone wakes up, they get on Appa and they fly over the clouds in the Patola Mountain range.

Sokka: Hey, stomach? Be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food.

Sokka starts to go through the luggage and gets out a bag. He looks at it for a moment while it sways in the wind. With his tongue out of his mouth full anticipation, he sticks his hand in the bag and starts to go through it. He looks surprised for a moment, but quickly and with anticipation turns the bag upside down to pour the contents into his hand. Close-up of his gloved hand as only a few crumbs of blubbered seal jerky fall into it.

Sokka: Hey Jolee, can't you "Force" us some food?

Jolee: That's not how the Force works.

Katara: If you don't mind asking, but what is the Force?

As Katara asked this, the old Jedi paused. He was well aware that the Force was an unfamiliar concept in this word. Despite this, he didn't find much difficulty explaining it.

Jolee: The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the Galaxy together.

Katara: You mean beyond the stars?

Jolee: Yes. It's much more nuanced than I'm explaining it, but that's the basic explanation I can give.

Aang: So it's like how the Air Nomads view life and the universe.

Jolee: Something like that.

Soon enough, Appa races past and ascends up to some mountains. Aang looks on excitedly.

Aang: The Patola Mountain range! We're almost there!

Katara: Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the Airbenders.

Aang: What about 'em?

Katara: Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people.

Aang: Just because no one has seen an Airbender, doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped!

Jolee: Perhaps, but in my experience, such things like that are a fantasy. 

Aang: You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an Airbender temple is on a Flying Bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any Flying Bison! Right, Appa?

Appa grunts as flies past to begin a last ascent up the side of a mountain. Aang holds onto the reins tightly as Appa rapidly ascends while Katara, whose eyes are closed, and Sokka hold on tight to Appa's fur and saddle respectively. Jolee calmly takes a seat on the saddle. Aang looks back for a moment to his passengers. Appa flies over a last ridge that is covered with trees. It wasn't long before a temple was seen. 

Aang: There it is. The Southern Air Temple.

Katara: Aang, it's amazing!

Aang smiles as he flies Appa towards the Southern Air Temple. As Appa lands, Aang leads the group up the steps to the Southern Air Temple. 

Sokka: So where do I get something to eat?

Katara: You're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an Airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?

Sokka: I'm just a simple guy, with simple needs.

Jolee: I've known many of rascals who think with their stomachs, but none were as loud as you are, Sokka. 

As Aang gives them a tour of the temple, Aang looks sad at the deserted remains of his home.

Katara: What's wrong?

Aang: This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things have changed.

Jolee: This places reminds me of the Jedi Enclave back on Dantooine. It's amazing how two completely different worlds and cultures can have similar taste in architecture. 

At this point, Katara and Sokka help cheer Aang up by challenging him to a game of Airball. Jolee watches with amusement as Aang easily bests Sokka. During the game, Jolee spots an old Fire Nation helmet lying in the snow. It has been battered by the elements, and shows signs of cracks and burns. As Jolee picks up the helmet, Katara and Sokka join Jolee. 

Katara: Fire Nation.

As Katara says this, Jolee closes his eyes and reaches out to the Force. He soon sees the vision of the Southern Air Temple being besieged by the Fire Nation. He could see Airbenders being killed at the hands of the Fire Nation. As he sees this vision, Sokka speaks up. 

Sokka: We should tell him.

Katara: Aang! There's something you need to see.

Aang runs to them from the Airball court, still playing with the hollow ball. In the last minute, Katara hesitates to tell Aang as she shifts her weight and brings her arms up. With one swift movement she swings her arms back, manipulating the overhanging snow to fall down, obscuring the helmet and Sokka from sight.

Aang: What is it? 

Katara: Uh ... Just a new waterbending move I learned.

Aang: Nice one! But enough practicing, we have a whole temple to see!

As Aang begins walking away, Sokka brushes the last of the snow from his head and shoulders.

Sokka: You know, you can't protect him forever.

Jolee: Sokka's right. He needs to know the truth. 

Katara sadly slants her eyes and walks after Aang.

Sokka: You looked kinda spooked for a second. What exactly did you see?

Jolee: Pain. Suffering. Death. Something tragic happened to this place. 

As Jolee said this, he knew that the tragedy that befell this place would soon be revealed. For now, Jolee would maintain his silence. 

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