Chapter Three - Destiny Calling

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After the arrival of Aang, Jolee began to meditate on the Force. He knew that there was something special about Aang. While Aang was no Jedi and had no connection to the Force, there was something about Aang that deeply interested Jolee. As he meditated, Kanna entered his tent. 

Kanna: How are you, Jolee?

Jolee: I am fine. 

Kanna: Katara and the boy went exploring. 

Jolee: Hhm....

Kanna: You see something in the boy, do you?

Jolee: There's something special about him. 

Kanna: Katara has that same interest. May I confide in you?

Jolee: Of course. What's on your mind?

Kanna: I know there will come a time that Katara will have to set out on her own. But with all that is happening, I cannot help but fear what will happen.

Jolee: You and I both know that you can't coddle her forever. She is far too curious about the world to stay here for good. 

Kanna: I understand. She's....she's just like her mother.

As Kanna said this, Jolee took a moment to reflect on this. He knew as well as Kanna that Katara wished to see the world beyond her tribe. In a way. Katara reminded Jolee of himself in his younger years. Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard. Jolee and Kanna went outside to see a flare igniting the sky. Some time later, Aang and Katara had returned from their excursion where Aang reveals that they had inadvertently activated the flare from an old Fire Nation ship. 

Sokka: I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?

Katara: Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident.

Aang: Yeah. We were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and, well.... we booby-ed right into it.

Kanna: Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship! Now we could all be in danger!

Aang: Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault.

Sokka: Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy. The foreigner is banished from our village.

Katara: Sokka, you're making a mistake.

Sokka: No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you, from threats like him!

As Sokka convinced many of the tribe that banishing Aang was the right decision, even Kanna agreed. At this point, Kanna steps in. 

Kanna: Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the Airbender leaves.

Katara: Fine! Then I'm banished, too! Come on Aang, let's go.

Sokka: Where do you think you're going?!

Katara: To find a Waterbender. Aang is taking me to the North Pole.

Aang: I am? Great!

As Katara was about to walk away, Sokka speaks up. 

Sokka: Katara! Would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?

As Sokka says this, Katara stops in her tracks. She finds herself conflicted. Seeing this, Aang speaks to Katara.

Aang: Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family.

Katara paused for a moment. She then turned to Jolee who had been silent throughout the entire thing. 

Katara: Jolee....please. Don't let them banish Aang! It wasn't his fault!

Sokka: Katara.....

Jolee: I agree with you, Katara. Your brother is being very boneheaded right now. 

Sokka: Hey! Did you already forget that he activated a signal flare!

Jolee: Yes he did. Do you want to kill him for it? Hhm? And if you do think so, who's going to carry it out? You? Big time warrior want to carry out this execution? 

Sokka: He put us all in danger!

Jolee: Even if he leaves, it won't stop the Fire Nation from coming. 

Sokka: You need to stop being an old coot and realize what's going on!

Jolee: Hhm....I might be. But a mouthy young thing like yourself shouldn't get to call me an old coot, damnit! 

As Jolee said this, he turned his attention to Katara. 

Jolee: Katara, the choice is and always will be yours. If you believe that your future is with this young Airbender, then embrace it. If you feel your place is here, embrace it. But above all else, do not let anyone ever decide your destiny. When destiny calls you, will you heed it?

As Jolee said this, Katara began to tear up as she turned to Aang. 

Katara: Where will you go?

Aang: Guess I'll go back home and look for the Airbenders. Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that. It was nice meeting everyone.

With that, Aang hops on Appa and flies away.

Kanna: Katara, you'll feel better after you....

Katara: You happy now? There goes my one chance at becoming a Waterbender!

As Katara stormed off, Kanna sighed as she turned to Jolee. 

Jolee: I know you want to protect her, but you can't coddle her forever. 

Kanna: I...I know. But can you really fault an old woman for being protective of her family?

Jolee: Why did you banish the boy? You know it wasn't his fault. 

Kanna: I did what I thought was best for my tribe. 

Jolee: I understand, but you know as well as I do that she needs to spread her wings and fly. 

Kanna: We best be ready for if the Fire Nation does come. Let us pray that the flare was too far for anyone to see. 

Jolee then walks towards Katara who was still angry about Aang's banishment.

Jolee: Katara.

Katara: I.....I need some time alone. 

Jolee: I understand. If it means anything, I agree that Aang's banishment was a terrible mistake. I'll...I'll leave you with your thoughts.

With that, Jolee left Katara alone to ponder her thoughts. Disappointed by what had transpired, Jolee returned to his hut to meditate. What Jolee didn't know was that destiny would soon call upon him once more. 

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