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Jung Heewon was covering her mouth to stop herself from squealing when she saw (Y/n) knelt beside Kim Dokja again.

Yoo Jonghyuk arrived at the area along with Lee Gilyoung and Mr.Smile.

Yoo Sangah stopped Gilyoung from running to Kim Dokja saying that (Y/n) is trying to wake him up. She covered his eyes.


[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' is asking what is taking so long ]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' says that the constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' should chill, it's just cpr ]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' says she's chill ]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is watching you intently]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' is watching you intently ]

(Y/n) tilt Kim Dokja's head gently and lift his chin up with two fingers, pinching his nose.

Irritated by the constellation's message and worried about the rabies thing. . . she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before sealing her mouth over his, blowing air steadily and firmly.

"Meoww." That's Mr.Smile, disgusted.

Jung Heewon lost it and shrieked while shaking Lee Hyunsung and Yoo Sangah.

Lee Gilyoung, not able to see anything, stayed silent. Same goes for Yoo Jonghyuk- except he's seeing everything.

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' spit out his water ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says that he wasn't expecting that you'd actually do it ]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is covering her mouth so they will not scream aloud like constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' ]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' thought that there will be an interruption, 'but do go on' she says ]

[ 300 coins has been sponsored]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' is screaming through her gag ]

[ 500 coins has been sponsored ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' is rolling their eyes ]

[ The constellation 'Chrysalis' is biting the inside of her cheek ]

[ 200 coins has been sponsored]

Kim Dokja opened his eyes and found (Y/n) dangerously close to his face.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, red hues were evident in his face. Why is she too close?

"No, it's not me. I'm a hologram."

(Y/n) stood up as Yoo Sangah and Lee Hyunsung approached Dokja.

(Y/n) stood infront of Jung Heewon saying, "I can feel it in my veins. . ."


"The rabies."

She grabbed both Jung Heewon's shoulders for support as she dramatically faked being weak.

"Tell my kids I love them."

"You don't even have kids." Kim Dokja uttered.

"Your mom doesn't have any kids!" (Y/n) shouted back.

"That. . . I want you to think about the logic behind that sentence, why are you like this anyway?"

Yoo Sangah coughed on her fist and Lee Hyunsung avoided Kim Dokja's eyes.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

The two of them refuses to answer and Jung Heewon was too occupied with (Y/n)'s shannagigans to reply.

It was Princess of Self-Ruin who answered his question.

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' says that you guys kissed ]

Kim Dokja's brain could not process the information for a second. When he did, his brain started to malfunction.

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' says that it's not a kiss ]

"I require medical attention. . ." (Y/n) dramatically falls.

"Someone. . . give me an anti-rabies shot. . ."

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is shaking his head at your antics ]

(Y/n) accidentally caught Yoo Jonghyuk doing the same.

'What a coincidence,' she thought.

"(Y/n)-ssi, stop being so dramatic," says Jung Jeewon as she looked at (Y/n) on the floor, eyes closed and pretending to be dead.

She then glanced at Kim Dokja who's redder than blood. She snorted.

"Ohoho~" she teases, Kim Dokja was too stunned to speak.

[ You have been invited to join a supplementary scenario]

[ Press O is you accept]

[ Press X is you decline ]

[ O | X ]

The message appeared in front of Yoo Jonghyuk, Kim Dokja, and (Y/n).

Kim Dokja who is too tired, and unaware that (Y/n) also received the same message along with Yoo Jonghyuk declined the invitation to sleep more.

Yoo Jonghyuk glanced at (Y/n) who is now sitting straight, contemplating if she should accept or not.

Feeling a pair of eyes looking at her direction, she turned to see who that person was. She raises an eyebrow at Yoo Jonghyuk.

"Accept it," he muttered in a low voice.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Wait a second. . ." Kim Dokja then realized what is happening. But it was too late, he already declined.

And he can't just tell (Y/n) not to accept the invitation when he knows how important it is to her.

The mental barrier. And the awakening one of her first skills. It is crucial for her character.

He just wished he realized what was happening sooner. He clenched his fist, knowing how dangerous the scenario would be.

"Just do it," says Yoo Jonghyuk before pressing the 'O' button and disappearing from everyone's sight.

(Y/n) huffed, she glanced at Kim Dokja who was already looking at her.

Kim Dokja gives her a nod.

Yoo Sangah and the others aren't aware of what was happening so they just stood there, extremely dumbfounded.

"You guys look after Mr.Smile while I do some errands."

(Y/n) sighed, she hesitantly pressed the 'O' button, and just like Yoo Jonghyuk, she disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Where did they go?!" Jung Heewon asked, looking around for them.

"Is (Y/n)-ssi going to be alright?" Asked Yoo Sangah.

"Meoww Meow Meoow." That's Mr.Smile asking the same question.

Kim Dokja sighed, "They will be fine."

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