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[ A/n : Ayo, thanks for 30k reads my dudes ]

"Um. . . what?" (Y/n) asked. Honestly, how is she supposed to respond?

「 Your future isn't clear  」

"A. . . friend of mine told me that I would die." (Y/n) muttered. Remembering what Kim Dokja told her, and even Yoo Jonghyuk confirmed it.

「 It is a possibility. A huge possibility 」

"And the reason for that?" She asked, maybe she'd finally figure out who's telling the truth between the two.

「 It depends. As I said, you have no concise future 」

"How do you know? Who are you really? What are you?"

(Y/n) internally cringed at the last question. 'What are you?' Really?

'Does she look like a duck? She's a human!" Her inner self scolded.

'You know that's not what I meant.' She internally rolled her eyes.

「 I am a prophet 」

"You're. . .  a follower of Jesus?"

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says that you're an idiot ]

「 That's not what it means 」

"It kind of is. But I'm just joking to lighten up the mood."

「 (Y/n) (L/n), Make the right choices or fall in profound misery  」

(Y/n) felt like someone had just pushed her, but she's standing at a decent distance from the woman. As she was falling, the woman started walking away.

She tried to call for her but nothing came out her mouth. She falls to something soft, a bed of flowers— that is swallowing her whole.

"What the fu—" She did not finish the sentence when she felt her body sinking into the cold water below the bed of flowers.

(Y/n) tried to get out, but the flowers floating above was no more and was replaced with ice, solid ice.

'Is this still an illusion?! I'm gonna die if I don't breathe!' (Y/n) started swimming, tapping on the ice above her.

She summoned her sword Ikel and started hitting the ice with its sharp end.

The sword made a huge crack. (Y/n) punched it with increased strength and made a hole. . . she won't fit in that.

So she turned into a penguin, shapeshifting really is handy.

She lay on the ground, transforming back to normal and catching her breath.

"Fuck this scenario." (Y/n) muttered. "Fuck that Asahi." She added. "And fuck my life."

[ The constellation 'Asahi' says fuck you too ]

"No thanks, I have high standards." (Y/n) chuckled and got up from the cold ice floor that she was laying down on earlier.

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' says you're hopeless ]

"Hey that's what Kim Dokja said too," she said cheerfully before her expression morphed into an angered one, "That lying bastard. . ."

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' says that it might just be a misunderstanding]

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' agrees with the constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' ]

[ The constellation 'Celestia' is asking the constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' about what she thinks ]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is silent ]

(Y/n) huffed, looking around the area. There was just darkness and ice.

Far from where she's standing. . . she can see a prison cell, with a woman inside, sitting on the cold floor.

"What. . . ?" She asked herself, walking closer towards it. The woman has pale skin and sunken cheeks. She's wearing a black outfit that kind of reminded her of Yoo Jonghyuk.

But most especially, she deeply resembles her. She's her exact replica except the different hairstyle and physical state.

The woman in the cell turned towards her and their eyes met. She gave (Y/n) a sad smile.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) asked her from the other side of the bars.

"You don't recognize your own face?" The woman asked, looking up at her.

"You're me. . ." (Y/n) muttered, the woman nods at her.

"Holy shit, what happened to you? I mean— what happened to me? I mean—" (Y/n) sighed, "You get the idea."

"Let's just say I lived a life of constant anguish." (Y/n) looked down sadly.

"If it makes you feel better, you still look fabulous. I mean. . . you are me so. . . it's to be expected."

"Are you perhaps. . . me in the future?" (Y/n) asked her.

"No. You are the future me." The woman said.

(Y/n) pointed at herself, "I am the future you? That means you're me in the past. . . is that possible?"

"Nevermind. Anything is possible at this point. . ." (Y/n) uttered, remembering that the unthinkable has just occurred.

"Are you an illusion?" Asked (Y/n).

"I suppose, I don't really exist now. I'm only inside your head. The tower of illusion shows a person what she needs to see."

"I saw a different version of myself when I first entered this tower. A happier version of myself to be exact, a less problematic and the complete opposite of the no-nonsense persona I present myself."

"That different variation of yourself is me, isn't it? What's so happy about this version of myself?"

"You were loved. I wasn't." A tear runs down the woman's face.

(Y/n) wanted to hug her, to comfort herself, but she can't really do that when the bars are separating them.

"You and I share the same story, but the two of us are different."

"Please. . . don't do things you would regret. Don't end up like me." (Y/n)'s heart feels like it would shatter any minute, looking at herself crying.

(Y/n) touched the bars softly, it vanishes upon having contact with her skin.

She approached the woman, crouching down to her level and wiping the tears off her face.

"Don't cry now, (Y/n)." It felt weird talking to herself, and comforting herself. "I will strive to have a life without anymore regrets. So you should stop crying now. . ."

She hugged her, and she hugs her back— before turning into a pile of purple hyacinths scattered on the floor.

A shining green stone appeared in her hand. "Is this. . . the memory stone?"

[ You have successfully acquired the memory stone ]

[ You have acquired the unawakened skill 'Mental Barrier' ]

A loud roar could be heard outside the tower.

[ The mythical monster 'Psion' is now aware of your presence ]

[ The mythical monster 'Psion' is preparing to charge a mental attack, the participants of the supplementary scenario is advised to remain hidden from the Psion's line of sight]

The Psion was outside of the tower all along. Yoo Jonghyuk is there too. . .

"Shit, how do I get out of this tower?"

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