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Purple Hyacinth | Chapter 02

"There's no need to gamble like that. There is a way to survive even if you don't become a killer." (Y/n) lower down her dagger but remained alert. She turned her head towards Kim Dokja who uttered those words.

"But. . .what's the fun in that?" (Y/n) asked, the people moved further away from her. Kim Dokja met her eyes and smiled, he has enough knowledge about the girl to know that she was bluffing.

(Y/n) looked around to see the people's expressions morphed into curiosity, as if they found hope for the first time. She scoffed but said nothing.

Hope, she always has it. . . she finds it quite pitiful. "Alright, let's hear what you have to say." (Y/n) spoke.

"Have you forgotten? The scenario clear condition wasn't to kill a person." Kim Dokja said. The (h/c)-haired drunken mess has her mouth agape, she hasn't realized that. . . and to think she's graduated law school.

'(Y/n) (L/n) you are a moron.' she thought to herself, coughing twice to cover her inner embarrassment. "Go on." she gestured for the black-haired boy— whom she still doesn't know the name of— to continue.

And he did, "The word 'person' was never specified in the contents of the scenario. Kill one or more living things, in other words. . any life is possible."

While the others reached out for the grasshoppers that the man threw, a hand reached out for the cat in her head. Mr.Smile bring out his sharp claws and sliced through the fool's stretched hand, a loud grunt rang throughout the cabin.

(Y/n) turned around with displeasure written all over her face. She raised up her knife with a sweet smile. "Excuse me sir, but did you just. . . " that sweet expression slowly morphed into a sinister closed grin, ". . . tried to kill my cat?"

The man stumbled back as the (e/c)-eyed furious woman walked towards him slowly. He backs away and started stuttering, saying that the cat held no value compared to a person's life.

(Y/n) threw the dagger towards him with such force due to anger, how dare he say such things about her companion who stayed with her through the good times and the bad— Mr.Smile was all she had. The man does not have fast reflexes and the sharp knife pierced through his throat.

She gritted her teeth as the man tried to pull out the weapon.

Kim Dokja witnessed the scene unfold before his eyes, it was like he had a deja vu. . . that was exactly what (Y/n) did in the novel. He stayed put in his place, not able to intervene— it was too late already.

The lawyer stepped on the knife handle and planted it deeper on the man's neck. He was coughing and unable to gasp for air.

For a lawyer, she sure does know how to break the law. The man loses his life, the hand that had gripped on her feet tightly fell to the ground with a thud.

[ You have killed a living being ]

[ You have earned 100 coins as an additional compensation]

"100 coins huh? That's too little," she whispered to herself.

"Team up with me, how about it?" Kim Namwoon made an offer to Kim Dokja. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, grabbing the fat cat from her head and sitting down on the train with her legs crossed. She looked through the cat's fur, trying to find pests. (i forgot what it's called)

She found one, and another, and another. She huffed, before smirking. "Perks of having a bathe-hating grumpy and aggressive cat." she chuckled and began killing off the little shits living rent-free inside Mr.Smile's garden of fur.

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