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(Y/n) (L/n) woke up panting and sweating bullets. Another bad dream. She sighed and combed her hair upwards with her fingers. She saw her bloodied hand and examine it, then the place and events sinked in her mind.

"She's awake!" a familiar voice shouted, she somehow knew that the voice was pertaining to her. She glanced at the approaching Yoo Sagnah with empty eyes.

"Ah, it was just you." (Y/n) spoke, getting up from the bench where she previously laid down. "How long was I out?" she asked.

"It's has just been a few hours. Are you alright now? Dokja-ssi said that must've passed out from exhaustion." Yoo Sangah asked worriedly.

"I passed out suddenly, how embarrassing."

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' is asking if you're joking ]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' is asking the same question]

"Wait a second. . . right, he's alive." (Y/n) muttered, recalling the events of earlier.

"You sound like you're disappointed." a voice from behind her said and chuckled. "I'm still wary about you, Kim Dokja." she spoke.

(Y/n) opened her item window. "Hey, how much is a healing potion?" (Y/n) asked.

Kim Dokja opened the store to check the prize. "7,000 coins." he replied.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have given it away. That shit's expensive."

"I'll replace yours."

"No. Save your coins, might be needed soon."

"You aren't planning to use a healing potion, yes? I know you still have some."

"How do y— you seem to know a lot don't you?"

"Remember what I've told you at the bridge?"

"Right. . . how did you survive anyway?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter. If you don't let me replace the healing potion then let me clean your wounds." (Y/n) now noticed the gauze dressing, bandages, and alcohol in his hands.

"I can do it by myself." she tried to take the materials from him but he moved them away from her.

"No you can't. Let me."

"I studied medicine. I know basic first aid. So just give me those."

"If you know so much about medicine then you must know that you can't properly bandage your own wounds." Kim Dokja smiled widely, knowing he already won.

"Fine fine, so persistent." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. The (e/c)-eyed girl sat down on the bench properly, taking off her torn off vest, then her button up shirt. She wore a black sando so it's fine.

"You have nice physique (Y/n) unnie, do you work out?" Yoo Sangah asked. The two has forgotten that she was still there.

"Ah, yes. Both med and law schools are hell, I always eat to relieve stress but I don't want to gain weight so I go to the gym at least twice a week. Being a lawyer was even more stressful so the visits to the gym stayed."

"Medical and Law schools? You must be really smart, then unnie."

A chuckle left Kim Dokja's mouth who was pouring alcohol on a cotton. (Y/n) glared at him.

"You can say that. ."

"Ahh shit— couldn't you be more gentle?" She complained, alcohol on wounds are a bitch.

"I am gentle." (Y/n) flinched when the wound absorbed the alcohol. "Fuck that hurts!"

"Stay still."

"Be more gentle for fuck's sake."

"It only hurts at the beginning."

"The fuck? Who told you that?" She grunted, it doesn't work like that— that's for sure.

Yoo Sagnah coughed on her fist, looking away. Lee Hyunsung was covering Lee Gilyoung's ears.

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' is aking about what's happening]

[ The constellation 'Princess of Self-Ruin' is shaking 'Celestia' rapidly ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' is confused about the commotion]

[ The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is speechless]

[ The constellation 'Serpent of Eden' is speechless]

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' can not form any words ]

[ The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is confused ]

[ The constellation 'Jack of all Trades' is asking what is happening]

[ The constellation 'Chrysalis' whispered on 'Jack of all Trades' ear ]

. . .

"Why are such notifications appearing on my window?" (Y/n) asked.

"Just ignore it."

"You look like a tomato."

Kim Dokja glanced up at her, she thought he was angry.

"You look like a tomato with. . .hair?" (Y/n) spoke, unsure.


"Stop laughing and just finish what you're doing already."

"Oh right! (Y/n) unnie. . . Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to relay a message." (Y/n) and Kim Dokja stilled and focused their attention on Yoo Sagnah, who was weirded out by the stares she was receiving.

"How did he know that she would be here?" asked Kim Dokja.

"Well. . . when he got here, he was asking if anyone saw a girl that perfectly describes (Y/n) unnie's appearance. So we said that we know her and was with you."

"Do you know him. . . unnie?"

"No? Who the hell is Yoo Jonghyuk?" (Y/n) asked, confused.

"You don't know him? I thought you do because of the way he talks. . . I don't know— you two seemed. . . close?"

"I never met that man in my life. Maybe the previous me did." she joked.

Kim Dokja cringed at the statement, technically it was her other previous self. . . in his previous regression.

"Anyway, what did he say?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"W-Well. . . he was with your cat and we tried to take it from him, telling him that we'd just hand it to you when you got here. We're confident that you and Dokja-ssi will survive. But. . ."

"He refused to give us the cat. He says that if you want Mr.Smile back, come get him. Nice name by the way."

(Y/n) (L/n) was oddly quiet, with her head down. Then her shoulders started shaking. A looming aura surrounded her figure. 

"Where would I find him then?" She asked with gritted teeth.

"That. . I don't have any idea." Yoo Sagnah backed away.

Kim Dokja continued wrapping bandages on (Y/n)'s arm. Seems like his mission is set for failure. He wasn't looking for her anymore. . .

But (Y/n) would look for him.

No, they can't meet yet. Not yet. He had to get her on his side first.

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