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Purple Hyacinth | Chapter 68

Auxiliary Delegate. Kim Dokja has given her the role as they were coming down from the theater.

"Why give me this role?" She asked, curiously. In her opinion, there is no need to share his authority with her since she's coming with him anyway... he should give one to Yoo Sangah though since she would be left behind.

Kim Dokja knew that (Y/n) doesn't need it, her presence is enough to deliver fear... the aura that surrounds her would surely earn the respect of people.

It was a position that Yoo Jonghyuk had given her in the novel.

"I thought it might be needed later," Kim Dokja muttered. He remembered that he hasn't returned the Memory Stone yet.

He grabbed it from his pocket, "I forgot to return this..."

He noticed (Y/n)'s uneasy expression as she stared at the Memory Stone. Kim Dokja felt a cold gust of wind went passed him. He feels guilty but kept on telling himself that it's for the best.

"That... I just find it weird..." (Y/n) hesitantly took the Memory Stone from his hand. Kim Dokja wished nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole or it would be guilt.

He had met (Y/n)'s solemn, confused, and frustrated eyes. It was showing too many emotions— negative emotions for his liking.

"My memories had returned. But there aren't anything unusual... everything is so... normal. So it is weird why it would be erased in the first place," (Y/n) spoke as she examine the Memory Stone.

Kim Dokja could only apologize inside his head.


After coming to Myeongdong Station to occupy the empty station. Kim Dokja, (Y/n), Lee Hyunsung, and Yoo Sangah returned to Chungmuro.

Kim Dokja has gathered the party members and told them about the hidden scenario. They would have to take over a minimum of ten stations within the time limit which is ten days.

If they can't take over a minimum of one station per day, they will... die.

Jung Heewon made an interested expression while Lee Hyunsung looked confused.

(Y/n) chose to sit beside an anxious Yoo Sangah, glancing at her from time to time to make sure she is doing alright— she feared that she might faint or something.

“It sounds like a difficult scenario… Dokja-ssi, will it be okay?”

“It’s okay.”

"Damn, wish I have your confidence... oh wait— I do," (Y/n) joked.

Lee Hyunsung said, “I’m glad that Dokja-ssi is the king candidate.”

(Y/n) gave him a deadpan expression, having carried the flag before handing it over to Kim Dokja.

Lee Hyunsung noticed this and immediately raised a dismissing hand, "A- No! I didn't mean it like that. (Y/n)-ssi would also make a good leader but..."

"But (Y/n)-ssi is a tyrant, and it scares us." Jung Heewon finished Lee Hyunsung's statement. Lee Hyunsung nodded.

"Tyrant?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, a hand on her chest. Everyone avoided her gaze and Kim Dokja chuckled. If they only knew how much of a terror (Y/n) was in the novel.

I mean— when she had mastered the Mental Manipulation skill, she led an army of brain dead people... controlling them all to fight for her.

"Tyrant is a bit much you guys," (Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms.

"It's really not," Dion muttered inside her head, followed by a scoff.

"Tyrant is an understatement." (Y/n) glared at Kim Dokja who raised his hands up in the air.

"What I am saying is... though (Y/n)-ssi would make a good leader, I think Dokja-ssi is more capable since he is more knowledgeable about our circumstance..." 

"Thank you.”

“Then should I call you Your Majesty?”

"Pfft—" (Y/n)'s laughter was muffled as she buried her face on Yoo Sangah's back who let out a light giggle.

“I don’t want that.”

"Your Majesty, based on this hidden scenario, shouldn’t we go occupy a new station right away? You should think about the lives of your subjects.” Jung Heewon said sarcastically.

(Y/n) laughed harder, "Y-Your Majesty... " She and Jung Heewon shared a high-five.

"It sounds weird. I won't call you that," (Y/n) shook her head.

Kim Dokja deadpan, "You don't have to call me that."

"I'll think of something else to call you."

"No, you don't ha—"

"Shh, shh!" (Y/n) placed her index finger near her mouth, motioning for them to shut up while she's thinking.

She smirked, "How about..." 

Kim Dokja sighed and prepared himself for whatever title (Y/n) would say.

"My King?"

Nothing could've prepared him for that. He was expecting 'M'lord' or something mocking.

He could feel his face heating up as he tried so hard not to show how flustered he is.

Of course his efforts are unsuccessful because he looks like he was slapped on both cheeks.

Jung Heewon squealed as she hit the person who is nearest to her... which happened to be Lee Hyunsung who winced and backed away from the woman.

"(Y/n)-ssi, I feared that if you keep this up, Dokja-ssi would die from jagged blood circulation. Nevertheless... keep it up." Jung Heewon gave her a thumbs up.

"It is amusing how much effect you have on Dokja-ssi..." Lee Hyunsung muttered.

Now that (Y/n) thinks about it, she does seem to have a certain impact on him. She really thought that he just gets easily flustered. She couldn't have been more wrong.

Kim Dokja was lost in his own world, the words 'My King' repeating inside his head over and over.

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