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Purple Hyacinth | Chapter 92

(Y/n) (L/n) is someone that a lot of constellations have taken an interest in, whether it's her cruel way of killing, fighting style, dramatic life, or something else— she was popular amongst the constellations and the dokkaebis.

The station has been on lockdown, the intermediate dokkaebi came earlier to announce that it might take a little while longer before the special scenarios are ready.

Of course, the current main scenario has been suspended 'til the special scenarios have come to an end.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the dokkaebi floating above her.

[ You need to be careful in the special scenario ]

"I need to be careful in all of the scenarios." She deadpan.

[ What I mean to say is that you should be extra careful, although the special scenarios are now stable unlike the first one, well... ]

"Just get to the point, Bihyung."

[ Many constellations are claiming that your power level is questionable and many wanted to put it to the test ] 

"So they're trying to fucking kill me...?"

[ Technically... ]

"Hm, thank you for the warning."

[ Don't die, kid. I'm rich because of you ]

"Ouch bruh, I thought we were somewhat friends," she joked, feigning hurt as she clutched her chest.

Bihyung grumbled and disappeared as (Y/n) laughed slightly.

When she returned to her group, Kenji gave her a banana.

"Thank you," she kissed his forehead, plopping down beside him, and eating the fruit.

"I didn't know (Y/n)-ssi has a son..." Yoo Sangah muttered, stroking

"I just recently found out. Apparently, he had been existing for eight years without my knowledge."

"That's awful."

"But are you sure you birthed him? You don't look like you have gotten to pregnancy..."

"I get that a lot. But he is my son, confirmed by my best friend. And just look at him, he looks like the male version of me but younger and..." (Y/n) stared at the young boy, cutting off her statement abruptly.

"He looks like your father." Dion muttered.

"Nothing. It was nothing."

"I'm actually surprised that you guys are chill with this."

"Ahaha, I was so shocked when I first found out and short-circuited for nearly about five minutes. Fate is really messing with you, (Y/n)-ssi." Jung Heewon proceeded to finish eating.

Kim Dokja stiffened at the statement and (Y/n) turned towards him, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He smiled to reassure her and she nodded hesitantly.

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, you missed a lot of tea so imma tell you... Dokja-ssi and (Y/n)-ssi—"

"Jung Heewon. There are children here." Kim Dokja said, pointing at Kenji and Gilyoung seated between him and (Y/n).

"I was going to say that you guys are together but now that you remind me..." Jung Heewon smirked.

"Oh my god no..." Lee Hyunsung mumbled when Jung Heewon whispered to Yoo Sangah's ear.

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