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[You have entered Chungmuro.]

[The third scenario is currently in progress.]

[#GIR-8761 channel is active.]

[#BIR-3642 channel is active.]

Some middle-aged people saw them and waved their hands.

“Oh, little samurai. You brought new people?”


"Are you drunk again?”

(Y/n) coughed loudly in her fist. Damn, she felt personally attacked.

“Hahahat! What is there to do other than drink when the world has become like this?”

“But did your friends come through the tunnel? How great. . . won’t they have a lot of coins?"

One of the middle-aged men turned to Yoo Sangah. “Young lady over there, what is your name? Would you like to rent a room for cheap?”


Room? (Y/n) also asks herself. Is there some sort of system here?

“Haha, you don’t know the system here yet? This place―” Lee Jihye cut off the middle-aged man’s words.

So there is a system.

“Ajusshis. Don’t try to trick the newcomers.”

“Uhuh, they must know anyway. This is what everyone is doing to live. . . "

“If you don’t want to be injured then get lost.” The middle-aged man paled at Lee Jihye’s words.

“This. . . young children have already learned something bad to eat.”

“Hey, Kang-ssi. Stop it.”

The middle-aged people turned away. They disappeared into transit line 4 and Lee Jihye put away her sword.

“I brought you here so take care from now on. I’m not a babysitter."

Lee Jihye turned to (Y/n), "Unnie, are you really (Y/n) (L/n)?"

(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows but nods.

Lee Jihye's sword was near her face when (Y/n) blocked it using her own blade. (Y/n) took the position to play the offensive, she was fighting her with force and Lee Jihye could not help but stay at the defensive and back away.

(Y/n)  heard the group shouting for her name, probably in shock.

She managed to disarm Lee Jihye who fell to the ground with a sword pointed at her neck.

"What the hell. . . did you just try to kill me?" Lee Jihye looked up so her neck wouldn't be wounded by (Y/n)'s blade. She met the eyes of an angry (Y/n).

"Sorry about that, Master told me to do it in order to confirm your identity. He says you're good with swords because you took fencing lessons. You two must be really close huh?"

(Y/n) put down her weapon, "I don't know who he is."

"He told me you would say that. Did you perhaps had an amnesia?" Lee Jihye asked in pure curiosity.

"No. I just don't know him."

The group were just standing there, listening to them conversing. They didn't know what to do. . .

"Eh? How could that be? You don't know him but he knows you?"

"Yea. Kind of creepy if you ask me. Then again. . ." (Y/n) glanced at Kim Dokja who was giving her a questioning look as though he doesn't know what she's saying.

(Y/n) helped Lee Jihye get up. "You should come with me, then you can meet Master."

"I can't just leave my comrades here. All I want from him is my cat."

“Is Yoo Jonghyuk here?” Asked Kim Dokja from behind (Y/n).

“…Who are you?”

“I am a companion of Yoo Jonghyuk who came back alive.”

(Y/n) turned around to face Kim Dokja. He held himself from laughing, seeing her expression.

'Bitch? What??' He's sure that is what she's saying inside her head.

“…Companion? How is that possible? I would've believe it if it was unnie." She pointed at (Y/n).

"Again, I don't know who he is." (Y/n) deadpan.

Lee Jihye stared at Kim Dokja with suspicious eyes while he just shrugged shamelessly.

“That guy will understand if you tell him. Where is Yoo Jonghyuk now?”

“…Master isn’t here right now.”

“Really? This is difficult. I have something I need to say.”

Lee Jihye called out to a boy squatting in the corner.“Hey, over there!”

“Eh? Yes, yes!”

“Watch over these people right here! I’m going to find Master.”

The boy looked at them with puzzled eyes.

“…Who are they?”

“I don’t know. Master’s friends? At least I know she is." Lee Jihye pointed at (Y/n) who just sighed.

At Lee Jihye’s words, the eyes of the people on the platform became bigger. They looked at them with amazement and awe.

"Uhm. . . what?" (Y/n) asked confusedly.

“…Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi’s friends?”

The boy ran up to them and exclaimed. It was a boy who looked roughly around Lee Jihye’s age.

“Are you really Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi’s friends?” He was looking at (Y/n) with expecting eyes since Lee Jihye pointed at her.

"Uhm. . . yea. He's a good friend." The words just fall out of her mouth.


"May I talk to Kim Dokja for a minute?" (Y/n) asked, smiling down at the kid who were talking to Kim Dokja about who knows what.

"Y-Yes!" The boy stood up and ran.

"Did I scare him or something?"

"I don't think he's scared. More like flustered."

"Hm, whatever. You didn't tell me you're Yoo Jonghyuk's companion. . . does that mean??"


"My death. . . did you have to play a part in bringing me to my death?"

(Y/n) stared at his eyes directly with suspicion, uncertainty, fear. . .

"I'm not his companion."

(Y/n) internally sighed in relief and then deadpan at Kim Dokja, "You're fucking confusing, why are you pretending to be his companion?"

Kim Dokja just gives her a sheepish smile, unaware of what he should say.

"You know what? I don't care. Just make sure you aren't one of the reason of my death or. . ."

"Or?" Kim Dokja asked, but he knows the answer to that already.

". . . Or I'll kill you."

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