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Purple Hyacinth | Chapter 91

“Writer… do you mean the creator of the Book of Revelations? You have found out. That’s right, I wrote the Book of Revelations.”

"Wait— really?" (Y/n) muttered in shock and disbelief... anger.

"Do you hate me or something why'd you make me suffer in that damn book?!" She tried to approach the severed head only to be pulled back by Kim Dokja.

"(Y/n), don't."

"That uhh..."

"No!" (Y/n) exclaimed, she turned to Kim Dokja with a serious expression,  "I want to know why this bitch had written me like that," she turned to the head on the ground, "Are you one of my exes, hook-ups, or some other shit? What the fuck did I do to you?"

"(Y/n), he's not the writer..." He whispered.

"And how would you know that?" She whispered back angrily, then she chuckled, "Right... you fucking know everything."

Kim Dokja gave her hand a tight squeeze and looks at her pleadingly, "Just trust me."

"Fuck!" She took a step back and pulled her hand from his grip, glaring frustratingly at nothing.

Yoo Jonghyuk glanced in her direction and an unexpected eye-contact was made.

They were just staring blankly at each other for a couple of seconds before (Y/n) divert her gaze to the head laying down on the ground, Yoo Jonghyuk doing the same.

Kim Dokja suppressed a frown and confirmed that Yoo Jonghyuk is using lie detection on the person 'talking nonsense'. He then asked, "You wrote the book of revelations?"

“Yes. At the same time, I am also the sole owner of the Book of Revelations.”

[The character ‘Yoo Jonghyuk’ has used ‘Lie Detection Lv. 6’.]

[The character 'Yoo Jonghyuk' has confirmed that the statement is true.]

' …What? This guy was telling the truth?' Kim Dokja suddenly panicked and his circuits got tangled up. It wasn’t possible no matter how he thought about it.

He hid my confusion and asked again, “What exactly is the ‘revelation’ you are talking about?”

“Why are you asking when you already know? A great epic about the future.”

[The character Yoo Jonghyuk has confirmed that the statement is true.]


"You can always check the person's memory."

'I can do that?' She asked, paying attention to the commotion happening in front of her.

"You are the current handler of the memory stone. If the person has a connection with you, you can see or manipulate their memories."

'I don't know who this bi—'

She hadn't finished what she was about to say due to Kim Dokja's statement...

“I know information about the future.”

“In addition, I know much more than you.”

[The character Yoo Jonghyuk has confirmed that Kim Dokja's words are true.]

"He's telling the truth..." Dion mumbled unconsciously.

'How do you know that?' (Y/n) asked, looking at Kim Dokja with an unreadable expression plastered on her face.

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