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Detective Kim Dokja has received a call from the agency so early in the morning. He made his way to the building, suppressing curses for his sleep had been ruined— it is rare nowadays to see him peacefully asleep.

As he entered the facility, his co-workers greeted him. He is amongst the most successful detectives of the century, having solved hundreds if not thousands of cases around Korea— and some places in the world.

When he arrived outside the board office, he knocked three times. Upon being granted permission, he twists the doorknob and enters the room.

"Good. Now that you're here, let us start the discussion," their superior stated. Apparently, he is the last one to arrive.

Folders were being distributed by Yoo Sangah, an intern at the corporation.

Kim Dokja hastily opened the file, still pissed at having to show up to work early. On the very first page of the compiled documents was the name '[ your name in rot 1/Augustus code/cipher ] Abagnale'.

"[ fake name ], is currently the most notorious criminal in the country. You all know this already, so let's just get to the point."

"Are you going to ask us to capture her, again?" Kim Dokja asked.

"She's already caught," Yoo Jonghyuk, a senior detective spoke.

"When? Why didn't I know of this?" Kim Dokja asked, a little furious.

"A minor slip-up, really. She was captured through sheer luck. As I was saying, she wouldn't give us the information that we need regarding the organization we are after. And although the leader has been captured, that doesn't stop her people to continue what she has started."

"Professor Abagnale is a vicious woman, she doesn't know when to stop. She does not care about the well-being of other people."

As their superior started talking non-stop, Kim Dokja looked at the printed name in front of him. The name is strange...

"Dokja." He looked up when he heard that his name was called. He raises an eyebrow.

"Have you ever interrogated someone?" The old man asked to which Kim Dokja shook his head.

"You should give it a go."


And so Kim Dokja found himself in front of the current mastermind behind various terrible crimes in the country.

She looks rather relaxed, and he was the one whose posture is stiff— as though their roles are reversed.

"If you're going to just stare at me you might as well just take a picture, detective." (Y/n) (L/n) smiled at him, not a genuine smile... a smile that tells you that a new game is about to commence.

Certainly, all of this is just fun and games to the wild and free-spirited woman.

"I have come to get the information out of you. It'd be advisable if you tell me everything now because the commission will force it out of you in one way or another."

A chuckle escaped the woman's lips, "I've dealt with far too many people— dangerous people to even have an ounce of dread to your threat, detective."

"It isn't a threat," Kim Dokja muttered.

(Y/n) brought her cuffed hands under the table, having stolen the clip from Kim Dokja's folder without him noticing— and detectives were supposed to be observant.

"Still, I don't believe anyone or anything in this dreadful building will ever scare me. I've come face-to-face with death far too many times, Kim Dokja."

He stiffened, "You know my name?"

"I am shocked that this is a shock to you. No, detective, I am not your stalker. You look disappointed."


"No, you're simply too famous that even an underground crime lady knows about your existence, and your achievements. Quite remarkable considering your age." (Y/n) has successfully unlocked her cuffs.

"That's not the only thing I know about you. You have quite the history..."

Kim Dokja froze for a moment, sending a glare in her direction.

"I've done my research. Quite an interesting past, really."

He slammed his hand on the table, (Y/n) didn't flinch and just looked up at him since he is now standing.

"What do you know?"

'Got him,' (Y/n) thought. Kim Dokja was so furious that she didn't notice a thing.

"I really do want to chat more but I'm afraid I have a few errands to do. Was really nice meeting you, detective."

(Y/n) pressed the remote in her pocket, smoke fills the room as started walking towards the window. Kim Dokja heard the sound of a helicopter.

"Since I've taken a liking to you. Let me give you a hint about my true identity. The code that I used is the fifth code in 'Mi Vida by Alerick Van'." She turned her back, removing her wig and glasses.

"You will not get away with this!" Kim Dokja shouted, already on the floor, struggling to keep himself awake. (Y/n) was immune to the sleeping gas already, so it was no problem for her to inhale it. She was the one producing them after all.

"Come and catch me if you can, detective." The window of the room broke and a ladder was seen thrown down. (Y/n) internally thanked her friend, Aera, for coming to her rescue.

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