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"Raven wake up and get ready for the ceremony!" I hear my mom yelling in front of my door. I check the time on my phone when I see how early it is. "Mom it's fucking 7 am! That ceremony is only at 7 pm, we have time!" I say with anger . " I know sweetheart but you know how excited I am." " I know mom, I'll wake up." I say before I hear my mom saying that the breakfast is ready.

I have to get ready for something really important in everybody's lives. The two biggest gangs in the world will unite. You may wonder how I know that. Well...my family is in one of them. There is a story behind that and I am about to share it with you.

Many years ago, these two gangs named The wolves(the one I belong to) and The sharks were still lead by two old guys. They had kids, and two of their kids fell in love. The sharks leader's only child, Patrick, fell in love with Maggie, The wolves leader's daughter.

So, as I said, they fell in love when they were younger. But it wasn't easy for them at all. Because of the rivalry, they weren't allowed to be together, so they had to wait until they got the power over the gangs they were in. They couldn't make any rules until the actual leader dies.

They had to secretly date, get married and rise their children. Nobody knew except some close friends among them being my parents too. I have never met their children or Patrick because of the situation but today it will happen for sure.

Three months ago, the leader of the gang I am in died. Even if it was a sad event, they finally got the chance to be together.Maggie took his place, and with Patrick already having his father's place they can now be happy.

And because they were tired of fighting, they decided to unite the two gangs, making an invincible one.The big ceremony is today and everybody is excited.We are not celebrating only the union, but also the new leader.

Because there can't be two of them, they have to choose a new one. They decided that the new leader would be one of their children, so in that way the new big gang will be lead by a neutral person that will have to take decisions to keep safe everyone, no matter from what side they came from. Nobody knows who their children are.

And this is the story behind the big ceremony that is going to happen in a few hours. Everyone is excited even if there still exist some people that are against it but have no choice because they have to obey. If the leader wants to, they can kill anyone. I hope everything goes well . Even if the other leader was old and had some stupid strict rules, he was a good one, and I really hope that the one that comes next will be too. But I guess we'll see.

I know that this is short but I wanted this little story to be in a single chapter.
I also hope you like it so far.
I promise it's getting better

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