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Raven's POV
This weekend went pretty well. We had dinner together, watched movies, visited some cool places in LA and played board games. It might sound boring, but we don't get to do this very often.

I haven't told my parents about that night and I'm not planning on doing it to soon. Maya is not answering my phone ore my text messages. It started to worry me. I've asked Miles about her but he said he's in the same situation as me.

If I don't see her today in class, I will definitely give her a visit.

As I'm heading to the bathroom, an instant sickness hits me and I feel like throwing up. I rush to the bathroom and instantly throw the last night dinner into the toilet. Maybe I've eaten something rotten.

~time skip~

I'm now going to the kitchen to eat something. Alone. My parents are busy for idk what reason they don't wanna tell me about and Maya is still absent.

I hope I won't throw up this meal too. After this morning's breakfast I threw up twice. Fuck my stomach.

As I enter the kitchen guess who I see. Billie. She's sitting lonely and eating a burrito. I hope you'll choke on that. I honestly feel relieved to see her alive. She has a bruise on her forehead and some bandage on her left hand, nothing else visible.

I take myself some food but before I could sit down I get a text message from Miles.

I fucked up really bad
It's about Maya
Meet me in my room
We really need to talk

Coming now


What the fuck?

~time skip~

"Come in" I hear after knocking on the door. As I get inside, I see Miles sitting on a chair with a worried look on his face and a bottle of wine in front of him.

"What's wrong?" " Raven, sit down" I sit on a chair next to him and he begins to talk.

"Okay. First, promise me that you won't be mad at me. Please"

" I...I promise"

" Good. I went to this weekend's party with my bro and Drew...and Billie" I can tell he was stressed by the way he was messing with his hands.

"Go on"

" We were just hanging. While we were sitting there, I tried to reach out to Maya and she was distant as usual. Billie kinda noticed so she made me an offer. She said that she knows a gang member that could go through Maya's phone and see who she's texting. In case she's...cheating ."

"And you fucking accepted?" I ask kida angry. Why would he think that she's cheating on him? She's literally avoiding me to.

" I told you not to be mad. Listen, in my defense I was drunk and she told me she was going to sleep. And two hours later, she was still online."

I roll my eyes as he starts talking again.

" Today I bought her flowers cuz I really wanted to check on her but when I got there, she was getting arrested by the gang's security"

"What? Why?"

"I called Billie for information and she told me that the dude she talked with is the head of the cyber security of the gang. He found information about Maya trying to leave the gang so he was obligated to report her. Billie had no idea. That's why she was being arrested and maybe that's the reason she was so distant. She wanted to fucking leave!"

I am shocked. I fucking hate Billie and I hate this gang's stupid rules.

" And what...what is gonna happen to her now?"

" Raven, you know the rules. She's either going in the basement's prison or...they are going to kill her"

~time skip~

I am currently eating the dinner with my parents. Well, trying to eat. I can't shake my head off the fact that I might lose Maya. I feel like it's my fault too.

Why did she wanted to leave? Didn't she like it here?

My parents and I sit in silence, then go to sleep. What a horrible day.

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