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Billie's POV
"We arrived" I say excited after I park my car. Raven looks on the window at the big gates of the house.

"Billie. You won't make me stay too much right? I promises Maya I will spend time with her."
She looked stressed out and I don't blame her. Now I start to feel bad for making her come with me.

"Of course not. Did you and Maya established a certain hour to meet?" " Not really. I told her I'll text her when I leave Finneas' house so she'll have time to get ready."

"Okay. Now let's go. We will have fun, I promise."

I get out of the car and open her door then take her by the hand ,going together to the front door.

I hear a dog barking, then the door opens, revealing Claudia with a big smile. " Hi girls. I missed you so much." She says as she hugs us.

We get inside and sit on the living room's couch. They have a really nice house full of musical instruments. Claudia is really good at interior design.

"Hello guys. How you doin?" Finneas says as he comes in the living room hugging us and sitting on the couch.

"We were so happy when Maggie told us about you two dating. How did it happen?"Claudia asks with a big smile

I panicked a bit but I found a believeble lie." Uhh...Raven and I talked a lot after that dinner. And we just...started dating."

" Raven, I feel bad for you. Isn't she making you listen to Justin Bieber?" Fuck you Finneas

" No Justin, but I've seen ten episodes of The Office so far." Raven says as she laughs. I punch Finneas in his arm and he tries to give it back but Claudia stops him.

"Your mom told us about the baby too. Did you made a decision?" Finneas asks but Raven seems uncomfortable with the question so I try to change the subject." We don't know yet. Do you guys wanna go outside? Finneas and Claudia have a cool backyard." I say looking at Raven


Raven's POV

Claudia and Finneas are more cooler than I thought. We talked, played some random games and made fun of their dog, Peaches.

We are now leaving even though I would love to stay more, but I also want to see Maya. Outside was raining and the sky looked kinda dark.

"I hope you guys will come to us more often." Claudia says as we rush through the big gates they have. "We will, and we are also waiting for you to come to the mansion." Billie yells as she opens for me the car's door.

We say our last goodbyes and she drives us away, the house being more and more far from us.

"I think you should give me your phone number." Billie says avoiding eye contact, her eyes being on the road. "Why would I do that?" I say just to annoy her to be honest.

I don't see her like I used to. She's not as scary for me since long ago, but we got even closer, especially since Maya left and my only friends were Jaden and Miles, which were too busy sometimes with other shit.

"I need a way to contact you. I'm going to see a friend while you see Maya, but you need to let me know when you're done with having fun."

"Okay Bil, give me your phone" she smiled at the nickname and gave me her phone so I could put in my number.

"By the way, have you texted Maya yet?" " No. Why?"
"Don't do it. If you don't mind, I need to pick up something from my childhood home. It's in our way so it won't take long but you can text her after."

The only thing we could hear now was the rain hitting the car's roof and a little from the engine. The weather it's getting worse and worse and it's kinda sad because Maya and I planned on walking in the park or something.

"Is your friend living around ?" I ask just to kill the silence. "Yes. In the same neighbourhood as I used to. I'll go to her after I drop you off."

Silence is dominant until Billie starts talking again "Her name is Zoe and she's my best friend since I was just a child. Drew is a friend of mine too, but I met her only after my grandpa died. Zoe is not in the gang but she knows all about it."

I am still processing the fact that Billie grew up differently. She wasn't in the gang, but she wasn't like a normal child either.

After about other 15 minutes, Billie stops next to a small house next to a tree that must have been there for ages. Outside is pouring rain and the lightnings and thunders aren't missing.

The wind almost slams the car's door as I try to open it but Billie helps me with it, holding it so I can get out.

We rush inside and immediately close the door.

"This weather looks really bad" Billie says looking on the window at the moving trees. "Really Sherlock?"

She looks at me with a straight face then looks around. The house looks a little old but it's cute. The first things I noticed are the music instruments. Those  are just never missing in their houses.

"Billie, I think you should take your stuff then-"
But I couldn't finish my sentence because of the loud noise of our phones. It was an emergency alert informing us about the storm and suggesting everyone to stay inside.

"I can't fucking believe this." I say in frustration. I was supposed to see Maya, not to be stuck with Billie." I guess we'll have to wait until it's over."
She says as she puts her phone away.

Where are you?
You safe?
I just got an alert

I am good
We're at Billie's house
I think our out day has to wait a little😭😭

I think a little more
The last time I got an alert for a storm,we had to stay inside till the next day :((

Hopefully not this time
Cuz I'm stuck in here with tealhead🥲

Good luck

F you 🖕


"Zoe and I cancelled our plans." Billie said as she was making herself comfortable on the couch and I just decided to sit on a chair I found.

"Maya and I did kinda the same" she looked around then back at me " So...what are we gonna do now?"

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