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After choosing an outfit, I'm heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Everyone around here has to share the same kitchen, but mom made some pancakes only for me, dad and herself. Here, you can eat something from the canteen or make yourself some food.

Everyone around here has their own houses, but If you want, you can also live in this huge house made on an island. Every person has their own room with a bathroom and everything you need. We also can go to some kind of homeschool because we have teachers in here. I have to go to classes of math, english and other stuff every Monday and Tuesday and fighting technique classes daily (not in the weekend).

Because my parents have an important role in this gang, they decided to permanently live there so I had to stay with them. It's not that bad. I have friends in here and they are in the same situation as well.

After being done eating, I got a text message from my friend, Maya.

Hey girl, wyd?

Trying to stay alive.

Miles just left my room
We had the best night 😏😩

Girl shut tf up and bring
your ass to my room

5 minutes later, we are both in my room talking. She is my best friend since we were babies. She's only 2 months older than me and she will be 18 soon. She has a boyfriend and she can't shut her mouth about it. I think they're kind of cute tho. Their parents, and mine knew about Patrick and Maggie before. From what my parents told me, there was one more couple but from the other gang.

"Soo..are you excited? Cuz I've heard that there are some cute boys in the other gang" she asked with a smirk on her face. " Don't you have a boyfriend?" I ask surprised " Bitch I'm talking about you! You could finally find someone to fuck with." " I don't need someone just to have someone M, I'm not into being in a relationship" " But love is beautiful Raven" she said to me with puppy eyes " I know, but I won't hunt it. I'd rather wait" " You know better R"

~Time skip~

We are heading where the ceremony will take place. It's a big hall used for parties and important stuff. This is going to be like some kind of fancy party. I am not wearing a dress tho because I didn't feel like it.

Entering inside, everything looks just as I expected: elegant and expensive. There were some tables for people to have a place where to eat and sit down and in front of them, you could see a big stage.

After Maya and I hang a little, she left to spend some time with her family and also because the ceremony will begin in like half an hour.

I have to pee really bad so I decide to find a bathroom." Hey mom, I'll go to the bathroom real quick" I announce " Ok, just don't be late"

I go inside, I do my business and after I get out of the bathroom, I see a couple of people that look my age but I never seen before. It's nothing new especially with all the people from The sharks.

Passing beside them, a girl with teal hair and blue eyes tripps me with her leg making me almost fall. I hear all of them laughing so I say full of anger "Yo, what the fuck is wrong with you bitch?" She stops from laughing and looks at me with a now serious face "Bitch watch your mouth or else-" "Or else wath? Are you going to call your hairdresser to complain about the unicorn puke from your head?" A bunch of "Oooooo's" were heard coming from the little group and the girl had now an angry face. Her hair colour was cool tho, but I couldn't find anything else to make fun of.

" You are really going to pay for that shit."She was ready for a fight but was interrupted by a phone call. Before she could even answer, I was already on my way back to my parents. I'm not the one that's running from a fight, but now it wasn't the right moment.

When I got back to my parents, they were talking with Maggie and two men I have never seen before.
"Raven, I'm glad you're back. You already know who Maggie is" my dad says while I wave to Maggie " But you never got to meet Patrick and their son, Finneas. Guys, she is our daughter, Raven " " It's nice to meet you. Your parents talk a lot about you. I guess they are really proud of their child" Patrick says while we shake hands. " It's nice to meet you too sir. And I assume that you will be the new leader right?" I ask pointing to Finneas, and then sharking hands with him too.

"Well, I should have been, but I got really caught into the music industry in all of those years and I couldn't give up everything. I am lucky to have such an understanding family that allowed me to give this job to my younger sister. I will have a normal life living with my girlfriend" he explained me with a smile on his face.

" Well, happiness first, right?" I ask before everyone gives me a "right". They discussed some other stuff and then the O'Connells had to go to get ready for the ceremony.

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