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"3, 2, 1...Happy New Year!" We all scream at the same time as we sit in a big circle outside the cabin, looking at the fireworks. The advantage of having a rich leader of a big gang around is that you can have some expensive things like fireworks only for you and your friends in the middle of nowhere.

Billie was holding me tight from behind, both of us looking up at the sky. When the show ended, she turned me around and looked into my eyes.

"Happy New Year's baby." She said, then pulled me for a kiss. Our friends were making out, talking or laughing and it all seemed like a dream.

The past three days felt like they didn't even happen with all the fun we had. Me and Billie got back to normal and every little thing she did for me made me wanna be around her more and more.

~time skip~

Billie's POV

Everything came back to normal once the holiday break was over. Raven started to go to classes again and I had to be bossy anytime something had to be done.

Sometimes I feel like I'm there just so they can have someone as a leader. I take decisions too, but the big ones are still in the elder people's hands.

I can decide who goes on a simple mission, but if they have to fight some big group of enemies, it's like I'm not even there while they are doing the plans of defeating them.

The fact that Raven is absent from my life most of the time it's not helping with my boredom either. While we were at the cabin I've been with her constantly. We only left each other when we went to the bathroom.

I was able to constantly touch her in a way or another, to look at her anytime I felt like I needed to see something that will only bring me happiness and the fact that now I have to wait hours until we can spend some time together, it's making me feel like I'm a child missing his mom while being in kindergarten.

Luckily, she's been asking me to sleep with her lately and I can go to sleep and wake up next to her. I hold her every night, keeping her warm. She's always cold and the fact that she's getting closer to my body to feel better makes me even more warm, just for her.

As I usually did for the couple past weeks, I am standing in front of her door, waiting for her to let me in so we can talk or maybe see a movie then go to sleep together. I'm always already in my pyjamas and ready to go to bed so I won't have to go back to my room.

"Hi Eyelash" she says as she lets me inside. "I missed you too" I say as I look at her trying to look angry, but it's just not working.

"This is for you" I say as I give her the now usual red rose. She thanks me and puts it in the vase, placing the old one next to it on the table.

I don't know what she's doing with the old ones, but I don't even care as long as she's always keeping the fresh one in such a place, where you can see it anytime you enter the room.

It's now an usual thing to give her the simple red flower, but I feel like if I'll stop doing it, something would be missing from my schedule.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asks me as she sits on her bed, leaning against the headboard.

"I don't really feel like it. Do you want to just talk instead?" I ask her knowing my actual plans. I have nothing against a good movie, but I've been planning on asking her out for days now.

I want to go on a date with her but asking her out seems more scary than I thought. The last time I tried to go out with her, she already had other plans, but now I feel like she's free. The only problem would be if she refuses to go out. Hopefully not.

"How was your day?" I ask first, trying to start the conversation. " Nice. But I'm still waiting for the last day of classes. I swear I'm waiting more on doing that damn final test than I'm waiting on my actual birthday.Just one month." She says while I try to find my place in the bed.

I end up leaning against the headboard with one of my hands around Raven's body. She's now with her head on my shoulder and she's playing with the rings on my hands.

"What are your plans after the test? Do you want to go to some kind of college or will you just do basic missions in the gang?"

Even though you can't really leave the gang, you can go away for college then come back. It is really helpful to have qualified people in here. That's the way Maya's and Drew's parents became doctors. We also have people good in IT because they got prepared in college.

You can also just stay in the gang with what you learn in here. You get "a higher position" depending on the trust you gain from the leader and the others.

"I don't feel like going to any kind of college. I'm ready to  get into action and more dangerous stuff."

"Well, I'm not" I say looking down at her and laughing, but I knew I was actually concerned about her being in danger.

"Don't worry Bil. I'll be safe, I've been training for eighteen years."

We sat in silence for a moment, and because I couldn't think of any other things to talk about right now, I simply got at the big moment.

"Raven" she simply hummed as a response, letting me know that she's listening.

"Are you free this Sunday?"

"Yeah. Why?"

I could feel myself sweating, and trust me, I don't really sweat, but now was one of those times when it was happening.

"Would you like... I mean only if you want...to go on a date with me?" Those words came out of my mouth harder than I thought, but after they finally did, Raven kinda stood up and looked at me.

"Like a real date? Like just the two of us?"

Her question took me by surprise but I gave her a quick answer cuz I wanted her response.

"Yes. Just like that."

She took my hand in hers and squeezed it a little as she said " I would love to". I felt my smile getting so big, almost hurting my cheeks, but that didn't stop me from leaning in for a soft quick kiss.

"Thank you baby" I said, then I pulled her closer to me so I could feel her body closer to mine.

"You don't have to thank me Billie. Plus, I can't wait to see what you prepared for us"

"I promise you will like it. We'll go out in LA for it and this time I checked the weather."

We both talk some random stuff after, then go to sleep in each other's arms, waiting for the weekend to come.

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