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The thunders and the water drops were still loud enough to be heard and I was sitting alone in the living room while Billie was searching for some new clothes because the ones we had got kinda wet while we ran from the car to the house.

"Here is a shirt and some sweatpants. I don't have woman's underwear but I can give you a pair of mine. They are new, I swear."

I am not planning on wearing her underwear so I'm good with what I have. I'll rather wear my wet underwear than wear her's. "I'm actually good. I'll take just the clothes."

"However you wish" she said as she handed me the shirt and sweatpants. "Can I take a shower?" She turned my way and nodded. "The bathroom is right there. You can find clean towels inside"

I go to the bathroom and close the door, leaving her alone. I start the water and take off my wet clothes. Now that I think about it, I kinda regret saying no to her clean, new underwear offer.

I get under the hot water and all of my thoughts hit me. I think about Billie waiting outside, about Finneas and Claudia and how nice they are, about the storm, about the baby inside of me and the way I will tell her. I think about Billie.

After I finish the shower I take a towel and put it around my body then crack the bathroom door and look through the small space for anyone. I can't see Billie so I just scream "Billie!"

I hear her screaming from the room across the bathroom, then the door of her room suddenly opens, making me instantly close the bathroom door.

"Is everything okay?" I hear her voice asking. Now I have to put my pride away and admit that I was wrong. "Well... I thought about it...and a new pair of underwear could be really helpful"

Even though I couldn't see her, I knew a big smirk was on her face and all she wanted to say was 'I told you' but she just stood quite for a second then said simply "Okay"

Seconds later, she knocks on the door and I open it just for my hand to go through so I can grab the underwear then close it back.

I glance at them and immediately laugh " Do you really have boxers with avocados printed on them?"
"Hey! Don't laugh. At least I gave em to you, didn't I? I don't say anything else and put the clothes on then get out of the bathroom after about 5 minutes.

Wearing boxers felt different but not necessary in a bad way. They were more loose.

"I'l go take a shower too. You can look around but don't be too nosy and do not enter my room." she said as she got into the bathroom.

I really got bored so I decided to look around the house. The living room had a bed and a tablet and let's not forget the piano.

After looking at the pictures of tiny Billie and Finneas I decided to move to other part of the house. There was a closed door next to the bathroom's one so I decided to just go inside.

On the other side of the door, was a little room with an another piano and a little bed with colourful pillows on top.What got my attention was all the music production gear. This has to be Finneas's room for sure.

He told me about his love for music and how he gave up on being in the gang for it. He's a really well known artist and he deserves everything. I wonder if Billie likes music too. I mean, she has a piano too.

Getting bored of staring at all the cool stuff, I decided to check the last room, which should be Billie's room since she kinda waited in there until I was done showering.

I know it might be a bad idea, but I just wonder how it looks like.I can still hear the shower's water through the thunders so I think I have time left.

Opening the door, it reveals a red lighted room with a really hot vibe. There were shelves full of shoes and lots of caps and clothes all over the place.

On one of the wardrobes was a half naked girl and some candles gave the room a calming smell which kinda reminded me of Christmas.

What cought my attention was a LV curtain placed above her bed. On the wall's side, the curtain was slightly moved, revealing some black words and drawings on the wall.

I got on the bed on my knees trying to reach the curtain and move it so I can see what's on the wall.

As I move the soft fabric, I feel hands on my shoulders, harshly pulling me on my back, making me fall with my head on the pillows.

Billie was standing on top of me with her legs on both sides of my body and her hands still on my shoulders, keeping me down.

I tried to move but I was still in shock and her ocean eyes looking directly into mine wasn't helping either. Those three seconds felt like years as she was looking at my eyes then at my lips then back to my eyes.

Her eyes were travelling like that util she looked at the wall and covered it then got off of me and spoke harshly. "I told you not to come in here"

She was now next to the bed, but her eyes were still on me. "I am sorry, I had no idea. I was curious and-

"Don't lie to me. You knew this was my room and you entered " for the first time in a while, Billie got mad at me and I didn't like it.

I felt like her being mad at me wasn't the right thing. I wanted her to be happy around me and be the normal funny Billie, that I watch The Office with.

I got up and tried to leave the room but she caught me by my wrist. "Wait" I turned to her waiting for words. She looked like she was sorry for being mad.

"It's okay actually, but I just don't like people going through my stuff. Let's find something to eat cuz it sounds better than arguing."


a/n: thank you all for reading and voting. I wasn't so active recently because of the school but I'm trying my best.
Any opinions on the story so far?

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