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I knock on the big door waiting for someone to open it. I hear " come in" from the inside which makes me slowly move the handle. Bitch you don't lock the door?

As I get in, I look around at the big place she has. The normal people in the gang have a medium sized room with a bed, a tiny table, some chairs and armchairs, a wardrobe and a bathroom attached to their room.

But this thing is huge. It's like a big apartment. I pass the hallway and enter in a big living room.

"Just a second. I'm taking a shower." I hear Billie yelling from what I suppose is the bathroom. How is she not scared to simply let someone in, not even having an idea of who is it?

I look around at her beautiful living room, surprised of the vintage but stylish way it looks. The walls have shelves with music albums and a couple of books.

In the corner I spot an old piano and a guitar on the wall. There's also an ukulele placed on the coffee table.

The bathroom's door makes me jump as Billie is coming out of there with wet hair,a pair of shorts and only a sports bra which is revealing her abs.
Hot.Omg Raven shut up.

Well, what you're able to see from them because on her right side of the abdomen she has a pretty big bandage.

" Oh. Hey, I didn't expect you to be here." She looks at me full of confusion.

"Hi. I...we need to talk."

"Okay. Just gimme a second. I need a shirt."

She comes back with a black shirt with some random drawings on it and I can smell the strong vanilla and something that seems to be palo santo.

"Sit down"

" I am actually good."

" Soo...what's up?" She seems a little nervous if you ask me.

"I know you've been lying to me about you being able to kill my parents. Maya told me everything. If you try any move, they can replace you."

"Fuck. Raven please, I-"

"Listen. I have a deal for you. Maya wants to be free, so you, will come up with the suggestion of letting her go to the council because we trust her. I am sure that at least half of them would agree with it. If you do it, I won't tell anyone about what happened."

"It sounds like a deal, but what if  I can't convince them?"

"You have to. So? What do you say?"

She moves around clearly stressed out because of the decisions. Is not like she has any other choice anyway.

"Okay. Deal."

She holds out her hand for me to shake it but I hesitate, speaking again.

"There's one more thing."

"Go on"

"We need to find a solution because this evening me and my parents found out that I am pregnant and I have never had sex in my life so if that's even possible...it's yours"

Her moving instantly stops and her mouth slightly opens. She looks at my belly then directly in my eyes.

" I know that my parents would want to know whose baby it is and because I can't tell the truth, we need to find a good lie."

"What if we tell them that we fucked and it just happened?"

" So they would think  we are dating? No thanks."

"Come on Raven. We don't have any other solutions. Do you have a better idea?"

To be honest, that's the only way out. We could also lie that it was a one night stand but my parents know I'm not that type so they will start to suspect us.

"Fine. We would anyway have to act a couple days until I get the abortion."

She furrows her brows tensing up a little. "Wait. What do you mean abortion? Do yo want to kill my child?"

"First of all, it's OUR child, and second of all, don't even think of keeping it. It's my body and what you've already done to it is enough."

" But you don't understand. I can't have any children. Raven please think about it."

" Billie, please shut up. You're making me feel seek."

"No, you need to li-

But I don't let her finish because it instantly hits me. I rush to the bathroom, Billie following me.

I position myself  on my knees leaning over the toilet and instantly throw up. I feel a hand holding my hair and another one slowly rubbing my back, making my stomach calm down.

"Do you need some water?" "Yes please"

She struggles to rise from her knees and gets out of the bathroom, leaving the door open.

I didn't felt uncomfortable under her touch this time. It felt warm and calming. Nothing like before.

She comes back with a glass of water and a red candy. I drink the water and she hands me the candy.

"Am I gonna die if I eat it?"

"It's for the taste. I can lick it first if that'll make you feel better." I can see her smiling for the first time since I'm here.

She's more beautiful when she smiles

Raven what's wrong with you?

I take the candy and place it in my mouth as I sit up.

"It tastes like strawberry. It reminds me of that cute little girl from the animated series where every character had a food name."

"Those were nice cartoons.My brother used to watch Strawberry Shortcake all the time." She says laughing and holding her hand on the place where her broken rib is.

"How is your rib?"

"It's better. They had to make a surgery but in about two weeks I'll be as good as new."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"That makes two."

"Shut up smart ass" I yell as I carefully hit her shoulder.

"Ask it"

"Why did you let me beat you? If you didn't wanted to fight, you could have simply thrown yourself on the ground."

"I guess I wanted to let you give me some pain too. I know that mine wasn't nearly as bad as yours but I thought that maybe it would help the fear you have over me. To show you that I can be broken too."

I froze. I give her the empty glass and get out of the bathroom. She looks at me as I leave and before I get out I turn around and say.

"It worked"


"You, letting me beat you. I am not scared of you anymore Billie. Not how I was before."

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