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I wake up looking around, trying to figure out where am I. This isn't my room, or a room I've been in before. I am in a hospital room.

Trying to move, I feel a slightly pain in my lower part of the body, but it wasn't insupportable.

"Oh my god, you woke up" I hear my mother's voice. She comes next to my bed and takes my hand in hers." How do you feel baby?"

"I- I feel a little pain but I'm fine. What happened?"

" Billie said she got in a fight with Brandon and you tried to help but got hit."

The memories come back to me in flashbacks, reminding me of every event. I tense up after I remember the loud noise I've heard.

"Is he...is he dead?"

"If you talk about Brandon, then yes. Billie shoot his head. She's now waiting to see you but the doctor said it would be better if there's only one person with you when you wake up."

Maya's mother comes in right after my mom ends her sentence, with a few papers in her hand.

"Hello sweetheart. How do you feel?"

"Good, I guess. When can I get out of here?"

"If you feel like you can walk and move on your own, you are free. But we need to discuss some things first."

I look concerned at her, having no idea what could it be.

"You've got a really serious hit in your abdomen. The good news is that your body has just a bruise and it's pain won't last too long. But the bad news...you lost the baby."

All the tension in my body left as she told me it. I wasn't happy with what happened. But maybe it was meant to be, so I wouldn't have to tell Billie about me, doing the abortion.

"Thank you Sara." My mom says as Sara leaves the room. I stand up, trying to see if I am able to walk. I go through the room with my bare feet, then turn back to my mom.

"Does Billie know? About the pregnancy loss?"

"She does. She was here the entire time but I sent her to the kitchen about an hour ago because she hasn't eaten anything since this morning."

I look at the clock and see 20:30 on it. I can't believe how patient she's been.

"Wasn't she sad? How did she react?"

"She was sad because it had to happen that way.She was really planning on going out for ice cream with you after your abortion."My mom says laughing, but her words don't make sense for me.

"Wait, what do you mean? How could she possibly come with me to do the hospital if se didn't-" I take a pause realising that my mom doesn't know I've been keeping it as a secret"Knew about the date?"

" Well, me and you were supposed to go, but she came to me to ask about the day it will be in. It was kinda sad because it was right on her birthday, but she wanted to be by your side."

What my mom was saying didn't make sense at all. Trying to find an explanation was really hard right now.

"When did she ask you about the day it will be in?"

"I think it was the night before you two went to Finneas and Claudia"

I am shocked. Does that mean Billie knew I wasn't gonna keep the baby before all those things happened?

She was there when Maya was gone, keeping me company, she made me feel safe when I got nightmares, she always kept her word and tried to protect me as much as she could. She even left her birthday party to come with me. Maybe if she wasn't there, Brandon could have attacked me.

"I need to see Billie" I say as I search for my phone. "Okay honey. You have here some clothes. You can go to the bathroom and change." My mom says as she gives me a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

I take my shoes and rush to the bathroom to change, then go to my room. As soon as I got inside, I checked my phone.

Text messages from unknown number

Hey, it's Billie
Please text me if you wake up
I need to clear my mind but if you want to see me,
please text me

Hey Bil
Where are you?

Billie shared her location

I put a hoodie on then open the drawer next to my bed and take the little box I have inside. I've been planning on giving it to someone important, and I know who should it be.

I look at the location and it seems to be somewhere into the mansion's huge garden. I rush outside and follow the map. There's a chance of ninety percent of Billie trying to kill me, but I trust the ten percent that's left.

The garden is like a big labyrinth, with plants and trees taller than anyone. As I get at the end of one of the paths, I look around but all I see are the plants.The darkness of the night wasn't helping me either .

I front of me was one of those hedges, that locked the view on the other side. Exactly where Billie was.

" Hello!?" I scream, hoping someone could hear but I get no response. All of a sudden, the hedge start to move, something coming out of them.

I step back, but I feel a relief when I see Billie's figure. She fixed her clothes, then looked me in the eyes like she always does, but this time, she seemed more sad.

"Hi." I say as if it was the first time I've ever seen her. Her blue eyes were glowing in the moonlight, hypnotising me with every second.

"Hi Strawberry" I blushed at the name and gave her a smile."Come with me." She says as she takes my hand.

She helps me go through the dense hedge then gets the leaves out of my hair, her body locking the view.

When she moves she reveals a place I never thought I'l ever see in this garden.

It was a big space, surrounded by the hedges with lots of flowers and a fountain in the middle. In a place close to the fountain , there was a small camping tent.

I look at Billie surprised by all the things around us. "What is this place?"

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