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It's Saturday night and I'm getting ready to party. This time Maya organizes it because it's her 18th birthday and she also wants to say goodbye to everyone.

Billie and I didn't meet since the day we told my parents but I think she'll be at the party.

I put on a short black dress that's a little tight, just enough to show my curves, some heels and jewellery. I have left to do my hair and makeup then I'm ready to go. I told Maya I'll be there by ten o'clock so I have time enough.

As I do some final touches I hear a knock on my door which surprises me cuz I didn't expect anyone.

I get at the door and look through the door viewer because I've learned my lesson just to see a teal haired girl standing there.

I open the door and let her in.She looks me up and down with wide opened eyes as she follows me in my room. She wears a full black outfit and A LOT of jewellery. She has a red rose in her hand and she holds it out to me.

" This is for you. I thought the other one might have withered so I brought another one."

" Thank you. You didn't really had to. Why are you here?" I ask her as I put the rose next to the other one that l'll probably get rid of tomorrow.

"I thought you might need some company to the way up, at the party, because I know Maya is already there."

"Thank you, but again, you didn't had to. I appreciate your attempts in making me keep the baby, but it won't work."

" I swear that's not what I'm doing. I really want to make it up to you."

"If you say so. And one more thing. Why did you tell everyone that we are dating?"I ask as I check myself one more time before I leave.

"I didn't. When I gave Jaden the key he asked me why am I giving it to you and I told only him we're dating. He must have told to other people so it's basically not my fault."

"Of course Billie. It's never your fault. Now let's go."
I say with anger as I wait for her to get out so I can lock my room.

We get to the elevator and press the button that brings us to the last floor, where the party will take place.

As we get closer the music gets louder and louder. I don't usually go to parties unless someone really convinces me, but this time I can't miss that party.

We enter the huge room full of people and I can see half of them looking at Billie and I. Of course they are, she's basically the most powerful person on earth and they think I'm dating her.

I try to get away from her and search for Maya but I feel a warm hand taking mine and holding it tight.
I look over at Billie but she's acting like it's totally normal.

I get closer to her ear and scream-whisper if that's possible "What are you doing?"

"Shhh. They have to believe us."

I don't say anything else and start dragging her around as I search for Maya.

In the end, I find her talking with some random people. I have already told her happy birthday and all that stuff in private so I don't mind if she's giving her attention to others too.

Miles is next to her holding her waist. It must be hard for them knowing that it would be hard to see each other.

While talking with all of those people and helping Maya to put somewhere her presents I've met Drew, Billie's best friend and she's not as bad as I thought.
She's actually really sweet.

After a while, people start to leave so we decided to sit on a big sofa from one of the corners. The boys sit next to their girls so I think it would be weird if I stay away from Billie.

About ten minutes later, when more than half of the people are gone, a guy with pink hair and a drunk walking comes to us.

"Billieeee, I see you got yourself a chick."

Billie looks at him and I can see her tense up. " Leave Brandon."

" Why?Aren't we friends anymore? I brought you so much bitches to fuck and now that you have a girl you just throw me away."

Is he being serious? I thought that maybe Billie might be the type with a big body count, but it being confirmed makes me feel weird.

Billie suddenly gets up and pushes him, making him step back.

"I told you to fucking leave!"

He looks at her and smiles then suddenly hits her,  making them start a fight. Jaden and Miles jump up, trying to separate them.

"Oh my god, Billie STOP!" I scream as she's trying to escape from Jaden's hands. I look over at Maya and she's just as scared as I am." Maya, we need to go before they start again." She nods letting me know is okay to leave.

I sit up and get closer to an angry Billie, ready to jump any moment at Brandon's neck. As I take her by the hand she stops moving and looks at me with a soft expression like she wasn't fighting two seconds ago.

I drag her to the exit and press the elevator's button. We sit there in silence,then when the doors open, I take Billie by the hand again and drag her like a little child to her own place.

Without hesitation she unlocks the door and lets me inside too. I don't know why,but I need to make sure she will remain here safely.

Billie's POV

We both enter the living room and simply look at each other.

" You scared me. Don't do that again." Raven says as her voice is trembling.

"I'm sorry Raven. I lost control. He was lying and I got angry."

She looks anywhere around the room except at me and talks again.

"How was he lying? How do I know you don't fuck a different bitch every day? You know what, I don't even care."

Well that was an unexpected question. Is she jealous?

" He only introduced me once to a girl then we fucked but it turned out she only tried to use me."

She swallows and talks again

"Whatever. I need to go to sleep and you better do too. I don't want you out there fighting again."

"Yes mommy." I say with a smirk on my face.She looks at me annoyed and goes to the door, leaving me alone.

Everything she does makes me like her more and more to the point I wish I could just tell her. But for the first time in my life, I am scared of rejection.

The way she wasn't scared to take my hand after the fight made me instantly melt into her eyes. She made sure I come back safely and go to sleep. Those kind of things motivate me to try as hard as I can with her. Maybe I have a chance.

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