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The next couple of hours were kinda silent. We cooked some frozen vegetables we found and ate them in the kitchen. I never thought Billie could be that good at cooking.

After we brushed our teeth with some new toothbrushes they had in there in case of something we went in the living room to watch a movie.

The storm was the same and something tells me it would stay like that.

"Do you wanna watch The Office?" she asks me as we both sit on the couch like two feets away from each other.

"I am totally fine with that."

About half an hour later, the TV suddenly stops and everything around us turns into black. The lights turn off and the light from the street that was coming in through the window disappears too.

"What was that?" I ask as I search for my phone.
"I think it's a blackout. Do you have phone battery left? Mine is dying" she asked panicked, moving around.

"I have like thirty percent left. Maybe we should go to sleep. It's like eleven and we don't have anything else to do. Especially without electricity" I say as I stand up, waiting for her to do the same.

I use my phone's light and try to go but then I turn back to her. "How do we sleep? Like what rooms? Do I take Finneas's room or...?

"I have to ask you for something Raven" she says so serios it scares me. "Can we like...sleep in the same room? I can sleep on the floor, it won't be a problem. But if there won't be electric power, then I can't turn on my lights and ...I can't sleep alone"

What she just said to me confused me more than her cooking skills. "What you are saying is that you are afraid of the dark?" I ask laughing.

"It's not funny. I can't sleep and I have nightmares. Sleeping in the dark is almost suffocating for me"

She was stressed and looked at me like a scared puppy. I understood it wasn't a joke anymore. I really had to think of sleeping in the same room as Billie, in an empty house, during a storm.

"I think It will be okay as long as you stay as far as possible" I didn't mean it to sound like that, but that was the truth. I still don't trust her with my entire soul and the night is scary for me too.

"Thank you.We can sleep wherever you want."I think a little then an idea comes in my mind. " I am okay with sleeping in the same room. But didn't you had some candles in yours? They could be helpful."

She was now placing some blankets and pillows on the floor so she could sleep peacefully. I feel a little bad for letting her on the floor, but is her decision.

After everything is ready, we get in our beds letting the silence fill the room again.

"Today was cool" Billie says out of nowhere. I turn myself so I can see her and she does the same." It was until we got stuck in here" I say and see her smiling.

"You wanna say you didn't like it here? You don't like spending time with the funniest, prettiest and smartest person alive? She says as she plays an offended attitude.

"You are such a modest human, do you know that?"
"Just for you."

We look at each other smiling, then she talks again. "I have an idea" "What?"

"Let's play a game with questions. To know each other better"

"Why would I want to know you better O'Connell?"

"Because I am funny, pretty and smart" she says as she winks and smiles revealing her teeth.

"Okay. What is your favourite colour miss perfection?"

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