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A bright light was tickling  my eyes nerves, making me open them, then instantly close the eyes again.

I couldn't hear the rain or the thunders anymore but the song sunny by Boney M. was echoing through the house.

I look around and see pillows on the floor but nobody's there. I try to think of what Billie could possibly be doing and why she's not on the floor anymore but then I realise. The empty space isn't actually on the floor, but in the bed, next to me.

The last night's memories come back to me and I can feel my heart beating faster and faster. Thinking about the way she took me in her arms and helped me.

I get out of bed and go in the kitchen, where the music was coming from, just to see Billie making pancakes.

"Good morning sunshine." She says smiling as she sees me. "Go get ready for breakfast. I went out and bought ingredients. The storm is oveer" she says somehow singing the last sentence.

Seeing her now, it makes me feel weird because of the last night but I think we will both act like it didn't happen.

I go to the bathroom and do my business then go back and sit down at the table. The plates and food were ready, waiting for us to eat.

"Are you planning on seeing Maya today?" She asks me as she sits down next to me. " I don't think so. She told me she has some stuff today. Are you seeing Zoe?"

"I think she's free. But if you want to go home I will come with you." I kinda feel like going home, but I don't wanna stop her from having fun.

"I am fine. You can go see her. I'll find something to do."

"You can hang with us."

"I don't really feel like going out today"

"I can ask her to come over. We don't have to go in the city or something. We can stay in the backyard" she says as she takes another pancake.

I don't feel like trying to have fun today, but meeting her friend can't be that bad. Visiting Finneas wasn't as bad as I thought , so maybe it will be the same with Zoe.

~time skip~

We are now in the backyard, setting up monopoly because it was the only game we found in the house.

"What is that blue thing that's hanging for?" I ask looking at what seemed to be a material hanging on some metal bars.

"I used to do aerial silks. Those are used for that." Billie says passing the money to everyone.

"Really? Will you show me?"


"Pleeeasee. If I win, will you show me how you do it?"I ask trying to get what I want and to annoy her.

"I'll do it if you win, BUT, if I win, you will have to do it."

"How am I supposed to do it?" I ask confused, not being ready for her response

"I'll teach you" she says then throws the dice. "And what if I win?" Zoe asks smiling

"You will do it" Billie says smirking, then Zoe hits her arm.

The game was really fun and Zoe is really friendly. She's just as cool as Drew. Billie knows how to choose her friends.

What wasn't so fun, was the fact that Billie won. I am currently taking off my shoes and socks, because Billie told me that's what I am supposed do before starting the 'lesson'.

"Okay. Get on the mattress. Don't get too comfortable on it cuz it's kinda old and stinky. I just have to change it but never got the time." She says as we both get on the soft surface.

She takes the material and gives it to me. "So, you have to wrap it around your body, so it will hold you in the air. Firs, try to climb it all the way up"

I looked at her as if she was crazy. I've climbed ropes before, but the mood I was in now, was telling me to keep my feet on the ground.

"Billie, I don't feel like-"

"No. No excuse. All the way up Strawberry. Come on" she screams making me laugh

"Stop calling me that"

"I won't if you don't go up" I look at her then at the top of the silk and wrap my legs around it. I star to go up, struggling to hold the material as tight as possible.

At the half of it, I start feeling my hands getting weak, and all of a sudden I lose my grip and fall down. Billie was there at the right time, catching me in her arms, preventing my head from hitting the mattress.

She's now holding me in bridal style and I'm not lying when I say that I feel butterflies in my stomach.

She slowly puts me down and looks at me concerned."Are you okay? I had no idea this could happen. Let's stay in one place for now" she says like she was a concerned mom.

"I'm okay Billie. It's not your fault, don't worry" I say. She gives me my socks and shoes and even helps me put them on.

"I can see why you are dating. You are basically made for each other." Zoe says looking at us as we sit down at the table.

We both look at each other then smile. I don't know if it's just me, but Billie looks like she blushing and it makes me blush too.

" I guess we just never know who's our other half until we really feel like we found it" Billie says looking into my eyes.

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